Ever wonder why some people always appear to be genuinely cheerful and happy and others don’t? Of course we all have our moments but when we meet these perpetually sunny individuals while we are experiencing a bit of a drought for those positive vibes the clash of energy almost serves to further irritate us, doesn’t it? It almost seems as though they are somehow blessed with attributes that are not available to the rest of us mere mortals. Have you ever stopped to really consider why that is?

The truth is blessings, luck and fate has nothing to do with it. The secret to acquiring and maintaining a positive attitude is intent and the good news is anyone can master this if they choose to. It’s a lifestyle choice just as surely as those inspired people on the Biggest Loser Show choose to do something about their weight and during the process of overcoming their problem they change their lifestyle and habits and maintain their success after the program ends. Or perhaps you know someone who has survived a heart attack who chooses to adopt a more active and healthier way of life. Or the workaholic who one day realizes being a part of her family’s life is more important than money decides to take a lesser paying job to spend more time with those she loves. The list is long when you stop to think about it and the message is clear.

Although it takes conscious persistent effort to change your attitude the delicious truth and simple secret difference between success and failure is CHOICE. You have the power to take control over your feelings and how your life evolves every minute of every day if you choose to. You decide if the glass is half full or almost empty.

At first glance the benefits of a positive attitude may seem simplistic and inconsequential, but the impact it can have in your life and the long- term benefits are substantial.

Here are just some of the benefits that can occur as a result of a positive attitude:

1. You will have higher self esteem with a strong belief in yourself and what you are capable of resulting in less fear of new challenges.
2. When you are positive you are more likely to recover from life’s temporary setbacks quicker.
3. Because you are positive you are likely to be more motivated to achieve your goals.
4. Positive people look for positive aspects and opportunities when problems arise.
5. Positive people are good motivators and consequently good leaders.
6. Positive people handle stress better which leads to better health and a longer life.
7. Positive people are more pleasant to be around.
8. Positive people generally have more energy and creativity.

You see, people with a positive attitude really are happier than those who have slipped into a pattern of thinking negatively. Continuing to focus on everything that is wrong and feeling guilty for not being able to fix it will never lead to a positive attitude. Stop beating yourself up and use these three steps to get started on the path to a positive attitude today.

1. Make the conscious and deliberate decision to be positive. If you are going to succeed you need to take this effort seriously.
a. It is always helpful to have a partner to support you but if you choose to do it alone tell someone close to you what you are doing. Ask for their support in ways that will help you. Perhaps they could let you know when you are being negative or be there to help you pivot out of a negative mood when you are having a bad day.
b. As with any goal write out your intention “I choose to be positive” and place it where you can see it often. You might want to put it on an index card, post it on your computer or in the front of the day timer if you carry one.
c. Commit to a specific time frame and decide how you will track your progress and how you will know if you have succeeded.
d. Schedule small or large, (even better) rewards for yourself to keep you motivated.

2. Reduce the stress in your life! A tall order for some, I know, but try to start your program when you are not “overbooked and understaffed” as I like to say! Regardless of what you are trying to achieve it is easier to accomplish if you don’t feel like you are being chased by a pack of wolves throughout your day.

3. Surround yourself with positive people. This sounds so trite but it really is important. Each of us has people in our lives that tend to suck our energy and those who seem to bolster us up. Try to spend as much time in the company of and speaking with those who always seem to make you laugh and feel good!
a. Plan a weekly coffee clutch or even a three way phone call with your most positive friends. Pick a subject like sharing the funniest thing that happened this week or the nicest things that were said to each of you.
b. Organize a book club and choose a really funny or positive book to discuss each week or month.
c. How long has it been since you planned a progressive dinner with your positive friends?
d. How about a hike that ends with a picnic? Exercise is wonderful for the body and mind!

Thinking positively takes a lot less energy than the alternative. They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. Start today and at the end of three weeks you could be in the habit of thinking positively. Something wonderful occurs when one thinks positively; you begin to see possibilities everywhere!

And now I’d like to offer you instant access to a free 21-Day Attitude Adjustment e-course. when you visit http://www.womenintransitiononline.com. You will also receive my bi-monthly e-zine with motivational and positive mindset articles on how to discover and shape the life you love, NOW.

Author's Bio: 

Deborah Hayes founded Women in Transition Online to help women who are ready for a new phase in live. Through her unique coaching program, Get Your Year in Gear, she inspires supports and empowers women to live a life of consequence; a life without regrets that is their own unique version of a life they love. For more articles and information on coaching programs to help you Get Your Year in Gear visit www.womenintransitiononline.com.