In this lost world where money power has set the rules of people's life, selfishness and ignorance as well as judgment and rejection are sitting on the destructive throne of the lives of many.
My goal is to bring before all, the reality of the need of forgiveness as without it, there is no life possible.
I am the author of a book entitled Hidden anger leads to judgment. This book has changed so many lives even though it is a book that brings before the reader the difference between human nature and the Word of God.
I am looking forward to connecting to many members of this network, bringing before those in need and/or for their clients, the evidences of things not seen, the authenticity of their own being.
Here is a list of some of the main books that have changed lives
" Hidden Anger will lead to judgement"
" Why do we feel that God does not answer our prayers"
Many other books like the ones quoted are available either on Ebooks or as books themselves. Contact us for further information in the evnt you want to buy one of them. It includes Women Unlimited, Behind the veil, Message for the wolrd, etc.
Willingness is a vertue of the Spirit but denial is of the flesh
Unforgiveness is like a man moving forward looking backward in a desert. In this desert, there is only one tree. When he hits the tree, his comments are:" What a stupid tree!!"