
Today we come before you to invite you. As servants of the Lord we are coming to you to let you know that you have a right. You are no longer slaves but you are sons and daughters. We come to you to let you know that your right is to believe; your right is to hope, your right is to have faith, your right is to look up and receive, you right is to stand on what you hope therefore, let it be, believe today.

You have asked for bread and you received stones instead, you asked for water but you could not find any, you have asked to be rescued but you were still in a desert, you have asked to be clothed but you were still walking without it, you have asked to be recognized but you were ignored, you have asked to be welcomed but you were rejected by men. Africa, since your children are divided, the time has come to unify them, the time has come to let your heart go, the time has come for your ears to hear, the time has come for your eyes to be opened. Africa, it is time for your children to use their right to believe, so let it be.

People of Africa, your prayers have been heard, your sacrifices have been seen, your pain has been understood. People of Africa, use your right to believe and bread will be given to you, start to believe and water will flow, start to believe today and you will be clothed, surrender to what you need by believing in Him and your unity will come to pass, rejoice in your belief and you division will be transformed into unity. Receive these words in your heart today as by believing you will trust, through your faith your hope will grow. People of Africa, by believing and unifying, you will receive the rewards of your trust toward the One who has invited you, the One who never rejected you, The One who has sent us to you, Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

We come today to let you know or to remind you that your sins have been forgiven, that the price for your salvation has been paid and that, by believing, you have been begotten again. Therefore, since you, who have made the decision to use your rights to believe, we say to you that in the past you were African people, you were living as labeled people but now, through the sacrifice and the resurrection of Christ Jesus, you became children of God living in Africa to testify of His love and compassion upon you.

Women, stand on who you are, He gave you an identity, He gave you a dignity, and it is time for you to stand on it. You are not only the mothers of today but you are the mothers of tomorrow. You are not objects of satisfaction, you are not a real estate property but, since you have used your rights to believe and trust, you are women unlimited.

Men, a woman is not a thing to use to satisfy your fantasies. She had not been formed out of the man through his feet otherwise, the woman would be under the man, she was not formed through his head otherwise man would be over her, she was not formed from the back of the man otherwise she would always be behind him but she was formed out of his side, as equal, as a complementary of yourself and as a companion. Men, if you disgrace a woman, you disgrace the One who sent her to you. Husbands, love your wives and respect them as he who loves his wife loves himself and gives praises to the Lord .

A woman has not been created separately from the man otherwise, men and women would never be able to be together. Women would have their own planet and men would have a different one. But God, seeing the man alone, brought the woman before him. God did not force the man to accept her but the man welcomed her as his own.

As fathers, you have responsibilities; do not provoke your children to wrath but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord as a child, if he is not care for with the attention he deserves could fall in the bottom of the sea not to be seen again.

As mothers you also have responsibilities. Be of one accord with the one the Lord has sent you to, assisting him in any way you can, respecting him as you respect yourself. Be a partaker regarding the education of your children as children are the future of the next generation. They are the image of your parental unity, they receive their balance through a mutual respect and love from their parents, receiving from them joy and understanding.

Children obey your parents and share with them your concerns. Do not try to discover on your own the taste of a fruit that is not scheduled for you to consume. You are the next generation, you are the next upcoming parents, you are the upcoming joy of your own children. Build your future with accuracy, follow your vision for achievement and take a time to look at what you have accomplished. Keep in your heart that it is not what you have done that counts but, through your experiences, what you are able to accomplish. You have life in you, you have courage in you, you have what it takes to bring to others the Word of the Lord through studies and full understanding. Force yourself to stay pure of mind as well as pure in your bodies as in the event you fall, you might find yourselves with shame. Help others in their dignity, help them in and for their lives, be available to others with purity of heart, sincerity of thoughts, open minded but not deceived. Share to all the Word of God by following His commandments and direction as your rewards will be more abundant for your lives. If you have challenges, go see your parents who have been there for you, go see a man of God who will receive you, who will listen to you, who will never judge you as he has been chosen to be the living image of Christ Jesus through the Spirit.

Children of God living in Africa, we come to you to invite you to love one another, to respect each other, to have compassion on each other; not to judge, not to ignore, not to abandon, not to criticize, not to take advantage, not to be hypocrites, not to be judges but to love unconditionally. Keep in your heart that heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word of the Lord will by no means pass away. Believe and trust. If you say that you want to follow the Lord, He will send you what you need to do it. He will bring before you signs and wonders, he will heal you from your inequities, if you believe Him When the time comes where you make the choice to trust Him by following Him, do not look at what you leave behind you but look at what He has brought before you. Children of God living in Africa, none of you is superior to another one of you as he brought you out of the world to be in the world, equal in His sight. Consequently, knowing that you have been called and that you want to be led out of the desert to a place of peace, if you are making the choice to humble yourselves, if you are standing on your conviction that Christ is the life, the way and the truth, get down from your throne and start believing today, start trusting today, use your eyes to see, use your ears to hear, use your heart to love.

Love has been given to you in the beginning as all of us have been crated in the image of God, remember that God is One in all. Use your right to believe with and through the love He has given you in the beginning. From the choice you have made, act upon it and become doers, become servants, become who you suppose to be according to what He wants you to be. Do not imagine that you can become another person; do not fall into a dream or a vision of deception by imitating someone else but stand on your belief, stand on your life anew, stand on yourself, as through your choice to believe today, your life will change forever. Your life will be set back on the track the Lord wants you to be; By believing toady, you have received your breath of life, again.

To you, ministers of the Gospel, we are inviting you not to lay again of the foundation of repentance from any dead works or dead faith toward God. Ministers of the Gospel, keep in your heart that it is impossible to be enlightened again if any of you fall away, putting the Son of God into a visible and not hidden opened shame. Keep Him before you, keep Him within you. Keep your work of labor of love intact as God is just and rewarding; God does not sleep, God does not forget His good and faithful servants. Ministers of the Gospel, we are asking you to stand on the Lord, to show the same diligence to the full assurance until the end, Keep in your heart that we are all debtors to Him and that our mission is to serve Him blindly as He is the One who saved us from the fire eternal. Ministers of the Gospel, we are inviting you to reach out and to unify the church today. We are asking you to love those who are not in agreement with you. We are asking you to have compassion on those who do not share our beliefs due to the fact that they are still ignorant. The Lord had mercy on you; He will have mercy on them if we do our work but not if we judge them and reject them. We need to teach by bringing before them the substance of the things they hoped for, the evidence of things they cannot see yet. Through our unity, using the gifts He has imparted in us, let’s not think that someone is better than us as the Apostles already went through it, but let be of great respect and love toward one another, using the gifts appropriately, unified but nor divided.

Children of God living in Africa, the day has come for all to be available toward each other. For all of us to stand, for all of us to love, for all of us to forgive one another as the peace of the Lord is at hand, as the Light of the Lord, through Christ Jesus, has enlighten your destiny. Remember the Word and believe today, remember that if you live according to the flesh you will die but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. But if the ‘spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

To you, children of God living in Africa, come together in one as He is One; come together for One God, for one love, for one purpose that is to take refuge under the peaceful care of His wing.

For the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ comes upon you and leads you to the knowledge of Him,. To Him be the glory as today, you have come before Him, accepting with great joy to use your right to believe upon His invitation to stand, as He has begotten you again as His own children. Amen.

Author's Bio: 

Bernard has been a country developer for years. He started his mission responding to an invitation to help in the prison of Tijuana, Mexico in which he was able to set up the only school of ministry nationwide. From a state of internal division, a miraculous unity was formed between inmates. 350 of them graduated from the school and some of them were released even before their time. Then Bernard was invited to Pakistan in 1999 following a shy email from a Hidden Christian. He was able to develop Christianity from karachi to the north of Islamabad, inviting people to use their rights to believe. The multiplication was so great that even today, ministers of this country are still using his phrase to invite people to believe. In Congo, Bernard established the first rescue research center in Bukavu. The mission of the center was to find abandoned children and infant born with Aids. Today, the center has been sponsored by many organizations, spreading the laborers. Through his strong leadership, Bernard had helped other countries such as Nemgladesh, Nepal, Higeria, Cameron and more , inviting people to use their rights to beleive, to be unified but most of all to forgive.
Today, Bernard is teaching forgiveness to assemblies through conferences that have changed lives. Even he is a Doctor in Theology and a Scholar who believes, he does not like publicity of any kind as he says himself:" Place yourself at the back of the flock as it is the best place to observe what needs to be done". It is from this place that he was able to bring a free health care unit for the poor in the Harbor of Los Angeles.