Perhaps a person who can perform the most difficult asana? But then what about the circus, acrobats, gymnasts, who have often flexibility, is not worse than those of the Yogi? Or take for example the average person, regular exercise and reached a high level of plasticity. Does it have a right to be called a yogi? No. Exercises, postures and asana in the performance of this yoga are just the outer shell deep inner spiritual work, a means to achieve specific mental and physical condition.
Then maybe a person who can lie without clothes on nails or broken glass? But then again, all the magicians and jugglers who are capable of such risky experiments may also be called yogis, while they are not.
You can tell that to confirm whether a person is a yogi or not should help, diploma or any other document, preferably an endorsed the well-known "guru". But given the current state of printing concoct any such document, and buy it there is no trouble. So having a diploma does not fit for yoga certification.
A person who does not eat meat, also a yogi, in your opinion? Not so fast. Among the varieties of religions yoga flow is to prohibit eating meat. But there are other currents that believe that everything around us is sacred because it was produced by the light of God. And the meat, even carrion, is not this an exception. Moreover, some modern representatives, having studied the writings of the ancient founders of yoga, they found that the adoption of the food alone vegetables is harmful to human body, do yoga. Therefore, the widespread assertion that the yogi must be a vegetarian is at least misleading.
Currently, in Western countries, and in India itself sprung a huge number of scams that claim to be true yogis. And what then do a simple inexperienced in the intricacies of yoga to people? How to recognize this yoga among all of the above me?
Listen here - only the practitioner according to ancient tradition, without any innovation can to identify themselves as adherents of this doctrine, based on uniformity and the immutability of the human psyche and his body. A huge number of modern schools, sects and trends of yoga like nothing else demonstrate to us all the ancient yogic wisdom: "Seek unity in diversity". But so it is really. This whole range, sometimes even mutually exclusive, the exercise of yoga, a deeper examination evinces us with their undeniable unity.
Progressive part of modern medicine and physiology, as do a lot of far from the medical people are very keen study psychophysical methods of yoga. And not just from a practical point of view to improve their health, strength, endurance and flexibility, but also to the spiritual. Obstacle to the creation of a universal integrated technology is the lack of a sufficient number of qualified professionals and a unified concept for the devotees of Eastern and Western schools of yoga.
Penetrating the depths of space and down to the bottom of the ocean, creating an ultra-modern computers actively introducing nanotechnology, mankind has forgotten the central tenet: "Know you!" It was completely helpless and at times silly looking, when it comes to respect him. So trying to fix this deadlock by using the classical and traditional yoga can be called a true yogi.

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Richard has been writing articles for nearly 1 year. Come visit his latest website
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