Into each life some rain must fall is a line from Longfellow’s poem entitled “Rainy Day.” It’s true, isn’t it? There are going to be problems in life that may seem insurmountable. Challenges that almost knock us right out of the game. There will be times in our lives that are dark and dreary and it seems we’ll never see the sun again.
The truth is that hidden within every problem, every adversity, every challenge is a gift. I know that may sound strange to you, especially if at this very moment you are in the midst of one of those dark, rainy times in your life.
The gift I’m talking about is a priceless and valuable lesson that can be learned from the challenges that come your way. Each one of us has the choice to either seek out this lesson and embrace it, or to bury our head in the sand and ignore it.
The danger in the latter choice is that it means life will somehow come around to where you will have yet another chance to learn the same lesson. This is why some people seem to experience the same pitfalls over and over again.
Personally, I like to look at these life lessons as a sort of wake-up call. It’s telling me to stop and take stock; stop and learn; stop and discover the gift that is hidden within. When I do that, it allows that which at first seems to be bad to turn into something that is good.
I would like to share a great reminder that I have posted on my wall of my office. I read it often so that I can be reminded that I am in a school called life. And in this wonderful school even the bad is good:
1. We live in a school called Life
2. There are no mistakes, only valuable lessons
3. A lesson will be repeated until it is learned
4. Each time a lesson is repeated it becomes more painful
5. The greatest lesson we can learn is choose Love over Fear
You don’t have to get stuck learning the same lessons over and over and over wasting the valuable years of your life. Look for the lessons. Stop and ask yourself what you should, and could, learn from the lesson. Once you do, you are free to step up to the next level. But remember – there will be lessons waiting to be learned at that level as well.
When you look at life this way even the bad is good. It’s a key ingredient in living the RichLife!
Founder of RichLife Adviors, Beau focuses his energy on leading clients and other businesses toward defining and living their definition of a “rich life.” As the Vice President and Senior Financial Advisor of Fiduciary Capital in Gainesville, GA, he has helped over 2,000 clients identify their goals in life and achieve financial independence. His expertise on financial planning and RichLife Success principles are featured in multiple publications, the RichLife Show on local radio stations, and monthly training events and seminars. He has worked alongside and trained with some of the most respected business coaches in the nation, including, Jack Canfield, author and CEO of the Chicken Soup for the Soul franchise. His debut book is set to be released September, 2010. Check out Beau along with other RichLife Advisors and upcoming events at
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