Financial freedom. It’s a phrase that is common to most everyone. You’ve certainly heard it many times. Perhaps you’ve even used it yourself. But what does it mean? And most specifically, what does financial freedom mean to you? How you view this concept could very well affect how you live ... Views: 1481
Think of this. Feature a person who believes that building a career and making a fortune will make him happy. (Or her – could be either.) Now feature that person driving himself relentlessly to achieve that financial success. Work is six or seven days a week which includes some 14 and 15 hour ... Views: 1565
As a financial planner, by necessity, I engage in many conversations with my clients, and prospective clients, about money. The concept of money has an interesting effect on people. The power they attribute to it would make one think that the picture of a dead president on a piece of paper ... Views: 1334
You’ve no doubt heard the many various quotes about the ladder of success. The point being, what if you climbed the ladder of success only to find it leaning against the wrong wall? While the whole thing has become something of a cliché, still and yet it’s true that many people are chasing ... Views: 1398
Into each life some rain must fall is a line from Longfellow’s poem entitled “Rainy Day.” It’s true, isn’t it? There are going to be problems in life that may seem insurmountable. Challenges that almost knock us right out of the game. There will be times in our lives that are dark and dreary ... Views: 1277
As a financial advisor I often see people selecting their team of professionals in a lackadaisical manner. For instance, their accountant may be a family friend. Their real estate agent might be the neighbor down the street who just happened to get his license a few years ago. And on it goes. ... Views: 1307
A few years ago, when I was doing real estate investing, I could not find an attorney and an accountant who would give me the same advice. The accountant talked from a tax standpoint while the attorney talked from a liability standpoint. When I consulted with these two people, I was still left ... Views: 1226
You can tell a lot about a person by the way she handles adversity. You’ve seen it, I’m sure. Some crash and burn, while others stumble and totter and waver for a bit, but then come back up stronger than ever before.
What makes the difference?
It could be a number of things, but let me ... Views: 2062
Here’s the plan: get a job (or career); work for a set number of years; put together a retirement plan to accumulate enough money (whatever that magical amount is); stop working at retirement age and coast the rest of the way to the end.
What’s wrong with this picture?
I’m sure you’ll ... Views: 1352
I read an interesting article while back about an 80-year-old man who ran a 26-mile marathon side-by-side with his granddaughter. (San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon, June 1, 2008; Fred Peirce and granddaughter, Catherine Heider) I can tell you that kind of thing impresses me. I love to see ... Views: 1276
Is there a magical number in your future? A magical number that tells you that a certain amount of money tucked away in your portfolio will give you all the security needed to see you through your golden years (i.e. retirement years)? Who came up with this number and what went into that ... Views: 1743
Ever hear the saying that high risk equals high returns? Did you hear that from a financial planner? Oftentimes certain financial planners will attempt to ascertain a person’s risk tolerance. If they conclude that a certain personality has a high risk tolerance, which means they are ... Views: 1585
When you think of the word energy in your own personal life, what images come instantly to mind? Is it that drained feeling you experience while driving home from work? Or the frustration at wanting to be involved in activities but are too tired to take on?
That of course is the most common ... Views: 1143
As a financial advisor I conduct seminars that I call, “Financial Keys to Success.” During that seminar I ask the attendees this very pointed question:
If you had great health, and enjoyed all the normal physical capabilities, and yet you knew you had exactly six months to live – what would ... Views: 898
Much of the reason why so many people today live lives that are meager, unfulfilled, and empty has to do with this concept of stewardship.
Stewardship is a term that isn’t heard much these days. While the use of the word seems a little outdated, the concept can be considered timeless. ... Views: 1100