It is always best to choose the exercise that you would prefer to do. As, it's difficult to get the most results from a workout that absolutely bores you.

Pushing the Limits

Exercises which are generally high in intensity are known to be the best fat burning workouts.
To steer clear of getting hurt, one should start out slowly.

This exercise can be done for twenty minutes.
The exercises can range from, slow jogging, walking, exercise machines, or even swimming, it's up to you. Getting involved in some aerobics classes can be quite good as well.

As you gradually get used to your selected exercise, start adding 5 minutes to your workouts.

Training With High Intensity

You start off by moving at a normal speed for the initial 30 seconds, after the 30 seconds are over, switch into a really fast pace, where you push as fast as possible for the same period, then move back down to the normal speed of motion.

Carry on switching between the two for about ten minutes. After that, cool down for a further 5 minutes.
An example of this is by walking quickly for 30 seconds, then transitioning to a hasty jog for 30 seconds.

Strength Training

Working with weights at least three times throughout the week is also seen as being one of the best fat burning workouts.

The use of free weights or machines are the best form of weight training. It's best to use reasonably heavy free weights when targeting each area of the body, with about 8 repetitions done 5 times.

Toning of the body requires lighter weights, and more repititions, say 20 reps rather than only 8. Exercising need to be evenly spread out, with a days interval in between.

Calorie Burning Workouts

The best fat burning workouts when done typically burn the most calories out of all the exercises.
After a good half hour workout a 150 pound person can expect to burn these calories with the following exercises.

Bicycling (400 calories)
Running (300 calories)
Rowing Machine (300 calories)
Swimming (400 calories)
Step Aerobics (400 calories)
Eliptical Machine (300 calories)

They each help your lungs and heart to operate more efficiently, and also get the body's metabolism running quickly to shed off fat.

So it's no secret that the best fat burning workouts often involve both some form of quick paced cardio activity and weights. Start off slowly and eventually begin to increase the intensity.

Keep in mind that you can find the original article on Best Fat Burning Workouts here Check out: Best Fat Burning Work Out

Author's Bio: 

Jeremy Thomas is a fitness enthusiast who likes to ensure that the body and mind remain in perfect harmony, through partaking in a healthy dose of meditation, and regular weekly workouts. You can find the full article on this by going to: Best Fat Burning Work Out