In a sense, we are all transmitting, or broadcasting energy all of the time via our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, as everything is energy and has frequency. Yet I wanted to go deeper here and share with you what I know to be possible, which I am referring to as the “sacred art of transmission” ... Views: 1865
I was chatting with my soul-brother from the crystal bowl shop the other day about how our sense of service is shifting from a focus on selfless service (aka “fixing everyone else”) to focusing on our own growth and happiness (aka fixing your own house first”). He mentioned the emerging concept ... Views: 1303
In my previous article on “Spiritual Separation Anxiety” I spoke of the universal desire of humanity to find a solution to the pain of feeling separate from source. Once recognized, we journey to transcend the individual ego to create a sense of connectedness, leading to the consequent striving ... Views: 1156
As an animal intuitive/energy healer I have helped many dogs overcome separation anxiety–that panicky feeling some dogs get when they are left alone. It is emotionally and behaviorally based, and often resolves quickly with energy healing and animal communication techniques.
Australian ... Views: 1268
In recent years my energy healing focus has shifted rather dramatically. For decades, like many healers and meditators, I have predominantly been using cosmic energy or life force which enters through the mind and the crown chakra and then enters the body via the chakra system.
Earth ... Views: 1541
There exists in the universe a pattern or template or “blueprint” for all of Creation. Acclaimed spiritual visionary Patricia Cota-Robles and I agree that the “Company of Heaven is now asking Light workers around the world to be the open door for the influx of Light that will activate the ... Views: 1590
This spring I experienced a monumental shift in awareness, and felt immersed in joy much of the time. It was as if a layer of worry and stress just peeled away from my Being, even my skin felt a bit overly tender and new, and worry had nowhere to land.
Every time that a stressful thought ... Views: 1945
“Clarity is contagious! When you gain more clarity in one area of your life, the energy spills over and empowers every other area!” ~~Kumari
More and more lately I have been realizing that our ability to receive crystal clarity consistently from our divinely guided intuition may be ... Views: 1599
Money and spirituality don’t mix. Or so many “spiritual” folks would have you think. I lived a monk’s existence for many years, and was in deep denial about my limiting beliefs about money and the impact of this pattern of energetic and financial depletion I often found myself in. I ... Views: 1769
A few years ago someone asked my mentor Jim Self, what will life be like in the 5th dimensional Shift into higher consciousness? He described one possible scenario like this: “You will put your finger out for a butterfly, ask him to land on it, and you will have a lovely ... Views: 1542
Have you noticed there seems to be a widening gap between positive and negative experiences recently? If I am in cooperation and collaboration mode, everything runs so smoothly, even magically.
The converse is also glaringly evident; when I am pushing my agenda, without sharing my goals and ... Views: 1066
his past week I offered another Free Distant Healing to thousands of people and their pets around the globe. Each time we send energy to such a large group it seems there are more dramatic results and of course, some questions.
So I thought I would group the experiences and questions into ... Views: 1326
This is the final segment in this series which has examined the issue of feeling highly sensitive to other people and their emotions, or to chaotic noisy or low energy environments that can leave you feeling zapped. I wanted to introduce you to some of the advanced technologies that I use and ... Views: 1621
The next two articles are the final segments in this series which has examined the issue of feeling highly sensitive to other people and their emotions, or to chaotic noisy or low energy environments that can leave you feeling zapped.
We discussed energy techniques in Part III of this series to ... Views: 1376
In this series of articles we have examined the topic of super-sensitivity, or Highly Sensitive Person as it is now called, that can leave you feeling unusually drained, overwhelmed, as if you are a lightning rod for everyone else’s emotions. We covered several great energy tools to clear your ... Views: 1957
In the last article you received several ways to more successfully manage your energy so you don’t take on other people’s “stuff” e.g. negative thoughts and emotions that can make you feel drained and confused.
Another crucial element in managing your sensitivity to other people’s energies, ... Views: 1222
In the last segment, we discussed how you may be a highly sensitive person (HSP) and how you may be picking up and feeling emotions and thoughts that may not even be yours! In this segment we are going to address some energy alchemy tools to help you better manage your energy so you don’t get ... Views: 1913
In Part I of this series, I wrote about how extreme sensitivity (or Highly Sensitive Person) is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it enables you to notice subtle sensations that allow you to more deeply understand how others may be feeling. On the other hand, you can feel bombarded ... Views: 1647
Have you been labeled by coworkers or family members that you are “too sensitive” or “overly emotional”? Do you often feel overwhelmed when working with certain people or being in groups, and need time alone to revive? Are you fine one minute then go somewhere and feel drained and depressed the ... Views: 1538
When I began my Reiki energy healing (now energy medicine!) practice over two decades ago, I did not intentionally focus on healing animals. But come they did, as their savvy humans knew that the same Universal Life Force that was healing them, would be effective to help their beloved ... Views: 1186
t a Holistic Health expo in Ft. Lauderdale a few years ago I was serving on an Intuitive Panel with some very well-known psychics. A woman in the audience asked our panel, “Do people ever come back (reincarnate) as animals?” There was a long pause as panel members politely waited for each other ... Views: 1542
St. Theresa of Lisieux wrote in “Story of a Soul”: “What matters in life, is not great deeds, but great love.” Her spiritual path was doing the ordinary with extraordinary love. “I know of one means only by which to attain to perfection: LOVE. Let us love, since our heart is made for nothing ... Views: 1365
At our breakfast during a coaching Retreat in Tucson, we were asked to meet someone new and ask them what is your breakthrough you are wanting from the retreat? By the end of the day, I met several women who were wanting the breakthrough of Clarity.
When we are in confusion and doubt about ... Views: 1253
It is 2013, the Newest Year yet in recorded history as we enter the beginning of the next Mayan cycle. For some time I have been feeling, well, different. It is a bit hard to pinpoint. And so am I! I have been bumping into walls a lot. Seriously. I don’t seem to know where my body begins and ... Views: 1100
Background: The Journey to The One
“The One” are Enlightened Earthkeepers have chosen to inhabit the Mineral Kingdom and become the Gatekeepers for the Portal at the Center of the Earth. The first time I “met” them, it was like sitting in circle around a small glowing rock, and becoming like ... Views: 1110
Everything in the Universe is vibrational in nature, including you. In other words, the essence of what you are is pure energy, oscillating at a certain vibrational frequency. Maybe you’ve never given much thought to your vibrational frequency before; however, once you understand how it governs ... Views: 5220
An important aspect of transformation is understanding what is possible. Several years ago in a personal session I discovered a whole new template for healing.
Every single one of us has an original ‘Divine Blueprint’ – or Soul-Print –the path and energetic template that our soul has planned ... Views: 2023
Do you ever wonder what travelling Light-Workers do in their down time? Well I decided to share some of my lesser known passions which I used to feel would be, well, just too “out there”. But perhaps you will know exactly what I am referring to and have experienced something similar.
Have ... Views: 1450
Many people have profoundly deep spiritual experiences yet don’t share them for fear of being considered different, or even “crazy”. A participant in my Divine Human Program just told me that after one of our classes, she had several days of great existential experiences, including feeling ... Views: 1863
Most people think of energy healing being applied to a person for physical or emotional relief. In Reiki Level II you learn to do distant healing to a person, do mental/emotional healings and even send healing to any situation. As everything is energy and has a unique frequency, when ... Views: 1539
Sometimes it is the simple things that get overlooked that are the key to success. In developing their new intuitive “muscles” many of my students forget this easy yet crucial step. Often the key is to share what you receive as you receive it, even if you have no idea what it means or where it ... Views: 2599
Another possible obstacle to opening our intuition is the fear of receiving negative or frightening messages or images.
I once met a young woman who shut her intuition down because at times she was scared by what she considered to be “evil spirits”. Children sometimes are frightened because ... Views: 1695
One of my teachers said the “greatest sin was the need to be right.” Initially many years ago when my intuition opened up I would really stress about my “responsibility” to give accurate information. It felt like a huge burden and often I would not share what I was receiving at that point for ... Views: 1578
Last night I was teaching my Mastery students and sending long distance Reiki healing to one of them while on the phone. I began sharing some detailed information I received from their body. Then I attempted to explain “how” I received the information so they could benefit and I realized there ... Views: 2294
My virtual assistant wanted to bring her family from Canada to Florida so she could attend my last Quantum Creating retreat. She just bought a new house and did not have the cash flow needed. When I asked her how much she required, she said $2,500. I felt that was not enough to do it ... Views: 1661
From time to time the profound shifts and healing results people get with our work hold for a time, then seem to fade. At this point, some students tend to feel that “it didn’t work” or even that the amazing results they go “weren’t real”. Healers may even get discouraged when your clients ... Views: 2188
Whether you are longing for more vibrant health, a truly fulfilling career, deeply satisfying relationships, financial flow and a tremendous sense of alignment with freedom, accomplishment and ease — I have one answer: The Rays of Creation.
The Rays of Creation are much more than just beams ... Views: 1950
A great guru Bhagawan Nityananda once said “the Heart is the hub of all sacred places, go there and roam.” Just as the spiritual cave of the heart is so much more than a physical space in the chest, Love is so much more than a pleasant emotion. There is a monumental shift in the vibratory field ... Views: 1784
Many years ago I was in a meditation ashram relishing my favorite spiritual practice: chanting devotional Sanskrit hymns. The mantras, syllables and even the ragas, or melodies, were designed to purify the body, mind and spirit. My first spiritual teacher then asked everyone what they ... Views: 2870
Our retreat in Carmel on 11.11.11 was so significant that it has taken awhile to absorb and report on the activities of light that we participated in with Maureen Moss of World Puja, and two gifted teachers Jacqueline Joy and Mary Valez. Moreover, it has been thrilling to hear from other ... Views: 1906
Years ago after I gave a presentation at a local yoga studio a young woman approached me and asked what I did. I replied, “I do Reiki.” “I do too” she said excitedly. We spoke a bit about our mutual love for the healing art, then she asked again, “What do you do?”
I thought she didn’t hear ... Views: 2049
I will be forever changed by a little rat terrier named Lola, who shared with me such a brief but potent teaching. Anyone who has ever lost an animal dear to them, ever felt guilty about it, ever spent desperate days on end searching for a missing animal, ever rescued a terrified neglected ... Views: 1051
Three months after my beloved Teacher in doggie form, Suki, left her body, I found myself still feeling an enormous ache in my heart whenever I thought of her. I knew enough to realize that how we feel is a choice, usually based on a belief. As a healer and dedicated spiritual practitioner for ... Views: 2544
As I communicate often with the spirit of those who have left their bodies, I long to share with those who are grieving and feel left behind the awesome feelings, sensations and awareness I experience from those who take flight from the body. It is not what many people may anticipate; guilt, ... Views: 1709
TRANSITIONS: A Time of Increased Intuition and Spiritual Gift
PART III : How Life Force Leaves the Body
While I prefer to teach about how energy healing has been successful at restoring bodily functions (aka life), I thought it might be helpful to share my observations of what happens during ... Views: 2023
The Great White Heron definitely caught my attention. After the ambulance rushed my mom to the emergency room at 3am, the next morning she was admitted. I decided to return home to shower and bring back some clothes for mom. Just as I was leaving the parking lot, the gleaming white giant flew ... Views: 1355
As we are smack in the middle of the much-prophesied “Shift of Ages” there is incredible transition as the old ways collapse and new energies and abilities emerge. Many people are choosing to leave their physical bodies at this challenging time.
While it can be extremely difficult to ... Views: 1621
After Suki, my teacher in doggie clothes, transitioned, my sister offered me a puppy, Nyoman. Everyone said she was a perfect match for me, and we did share an amazing connection. But I did not feel a complete “yes”. One day I was cuddling with Nyoman wrapped around the top of my head, and I ... Views: 1048
In grade school my teachers taught that animals had no soul and therefore were inferior beings. It didn’t make sense to me then, and certainly does not ring true now. In fact, my experience is quite the opposite.
I have found animals to be amazing teachers in general, for demonstrating ... Views: 1592
Last week I wrote about the two easiest telepathic messages that you could notice and practice sending and receiving with all animals: “Hello and Thank You.” Now I would like to share the communication that is the most common request for me to share: from both the animal and my human clients, in ... Views: 1080