Last week I wrote about the two easiest telepathic messages that you could notice and practice sending and receiving with all animals: “Hello and Thank You.” Now I would like to share the communication that is the most common request for me to share: from both the animal and my human clients, in person or in spirit.

Many years ago I was doing mini-readings at a grooming spa, and all day long I was asked to tell the people and the pets this message: “Please tell my human (or my animals) how much I love them.” After 12 readings, I started to feel a bit repetitive saying: “your (bird, cat, dog) wants you to know how much they love you.”

In fact, one puppy and his new person were joyfully sharing sloppy kisses, and this same message came through again, but I didn’t say it aloud. It felt so obvious there was so much love, I was feeling redundant, and waited for a more unique message to share. The puppy turned abruptly, and glared for quite a long uncomfortable moment. Even the woman caught this transaction and asked what was going on.

I blurted out that I was “busted” for not communicating what the puppy wanted me to say. I explained that practically every animal had asked me to share this message with their people all day long, and that with her I thought it was beyond obvious so I didn’t say it out loud. . There was no message more important than that one, and the puppy waited for me to translate. It was an amazing teaching for me, and so from that moment on I have always shared it out loud, no matter how obvious a message it seems to be.

My human clients too always want to know if there animal knows how much they love them. To this day I have not heard one remark that they didn’t know, even in spirit. However, it doesn’t always come in words or thoughts. Often it comes in a huge wave of feeling that floods my heart. It is unmistakable. It is not just a strong affection. Love is the highest form of energy, with the highest frequency and vibration.

The energy of unconditional love flows freely to and from animals, and it is why many people feel safer and more attracted to animals than people. We have not been hurt by them intentionally. Many of us have perhaps our only experiences of this unconditionally offered love with an animal, and it is why we grieve so deeply when they are gone. We are afraid we will never experience a love this profound and free again.

Some feel it is a much overused word, detracting from its really meaning, yet I believe it is still quite the untapped vibration. The animals freely and naturally share this space of unconditional love, flowing freely from their heart and whole being. It is not an effort or thought. It is who they are, when they are feeling safe, and they have not forgotten or tried to mask this awareness. It is also who we are, as all of life resonates with this most basic unified field of energetic consciousness. Our beloved animals are a wonderful and powerful reminder of this most basic truth.

"If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans." –James Herriot

Author's Bio: 

Kumari is a Reiki Master, Animal Communicator, intuitive healer, counselor, attorney, author, and equestrian. She specializes in energetic problem-solving for pets and their people. Scientific studies have found Reiki energy medicine to be associated with decreased levels of stress hormones, improved immune indicators, balanced blood pressure, subjective improvements in anxiety and pain, decreased heart rate, improved mood and functioning in depressed patients, and enhanced well-being and vitality. These effects have been shown whether Reiki is given in person or at a distance, whether human clients or animal.