Creating value together for Shareholders and stakeholders is becoming a mandatory must-do thing nowadays, by shareholders we just do not mean CEOs or the Board of Directors of an organization, it has to do also with the employees and customers. These two stake and shareholders value creation ... Views: 3913
These modern times we are actually facing, brings new technological trends, artifacts, software, new inventions and tools in order to achieve material success. However just like Oxford University stated in one of their last report, this modern era is also called "the age of the psychosomatic ... Views: 3112
There is always a time in our lives where we suffer from headaches. Headaches seem to be a common disease nowadays. According to Wrong Diagnosis, one of the world's leading online medical health information providers, they made a research about headaches around the world and just in United ... Views: 3575
Yoga has become a very famous word nowadays, it is amazing how people look for Yoga to make it part of their daily lives. No matter where are you from, if you want to use yoga for stress or not, where do you actually live, what your personal life conditions are, or your religion, creed or ... Views: 2336
I come from an emerging economy, from a beautiful country, full of key potentials and many many things to share to this wonderful world! However me, you and every conscious and /or discerning citizen might ask why aren't we in the first places of the world wide competitiveness as we all can see ... Views: 1696
In Nowadays society, the real resource and the dominant factor of production and wealth, is not longer the Capital, nor Labor, nor Land-Natural resources. It is Knowledge. According to Peter Drucker, knowledge is an absolutely crucial factor for each countrys development. This knowledge ... Views: 1664
Central European countries have been working in this since some years ago, this has been a very important topic and from this region a certain number of reforms that have influenced the world has emerged and have been laying the groundwork for structural change in education.
Last European ... Views: 1737