BrainWaves and Your Conscious Awareness
Have you ever wondered how some people are always so cool, calm and collected, even in the trickiest of situations? On the flip-side, some people are always so excitable even when there's nothing to really get excited about. The reason for this is that ... Views: 7340
Hypnosis has been around for at least as long as we humans have kept records. Hypnosis is a natural human ability. Every time we focus our attention we enter a kind of hypnotic trance. Our normal awareness involves us being aware of many things at the same time and our mind jumping around. So ... Views: 1230
A subliminal message by definition is, a signal or message designed to pass below the normal limits of ones perception. For example it might be inaudible to the conscious mind (but audible to the subconscious mind) or might be an image transmitted very briefly and unperceived on a ... Views: 3381
Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 proved that everything in the universe is energy. The physical existence of our reality and the abstract reality of our mind are made from an energy pattern. The concept of a universal energy is not a new one. Chinese people call this energy chi and the ... Views: 7062
The Conscious Mind...
Our conscious mind is the one that we are perhaps more aware of. It is the one that we use to make choices, decisions and conclusions, or to put forward logical arguments and sound deductions. In order to truly succeed in life, we would be well ... Views: 2250