My best friend Yoshi (not his real name) is probably the most passive person I have ever known, and many times it drove me up the wall, as I didn’t see very much drama in his life. On occasion during his high school years he would be confronted by a bully. Where I would be thinking of kicking ... Views: 1525
In this world there are deserving people and there are less deserving people. Those who deserve have access to other people and places that you do not. And for the ones who deserve they will not accept you as an equal and will try and keep you out of their deserving club. So you can forget about ... Views: 1012
As humanity in our quest to be more spiritual; we have not performed well. We create institutions and teachers to teach us the ways of spirituality and we get down on our knees to beg for it and we reject it when it comes to us. Is this being spiritual?
In Tibet you may come across a monastery ... Views: 934
It has been a popular opinion for centuries that we are here to learn something – life’s lessons. I don’t believe that is what our purpose is, and in the time of mankind we really haven’t learned anything at all spiritually, so learning can’t be it.
I believe that we are an embodiment of the ... Views: 903