All it takes is *one* small step....

Start with the smallest of your desires and work up from


Well, success creates self empowerment, which in turn
creates even more success. This extra success creates even
MORE self empowerment which in turn creates significantly
more success...

And so the cycle goes on....

The same is true for confidence, self belief and self respect.

The point here is that if you can have *one* small success,
this will give you the power to have another success...just a
little bit bigger.

Then before you know it, your SUCCESS has grown
exponentially and all your desires are being delivered...

The amazing power of MOMENTUM...

I have seen this time and time again, and experienced it

So - with that in mind, here's a couple of tips to help you
GATHER THAT MOMENTUM - and get you on your way
to that all-empowering SUCCESS.

This will naturally lead you to larger successes "straight off
the bat"!


1. Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs and Fears!

The most difficult thing about "perceptions" is that they
APPEAR to be undeniable "truth" in your own mind.

For example...

You may have held a belief for years that you're not good at
a particular task or activity... but when you begin to explore
that "truth" later, you realize you never gave it your full
effort or didn't allow time to fully master it.

Once you do, you realize that you're capable of much more
than you ever suspected!

2. Take Action.

Feeling disempowered usually causes you to hold back on
taking action, either because you're frightened... or because
you believe it's futile to try to change anything.

Your first impulse might be to wait until you're feeling
stronger before you take action, but did you know that taking
action can MAKE you feel stronger?

That's right, taking action can EMPOWER you!

Give it a try!

Author's Bio: 

Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning™. He is also the co-founder of New You Life Coaching.

Because his interests stem from philosophy, spirituality, psychology, and leadership, Rich’s coaching style incorporates a rare and ingenious approach to understanding and empowering you in an insanely effective manner.