During the last five months of Neptune retrograde, we’ve been swimming around in our own private waters of unconsciousness. We’ve separated our sensitivities and our dreams from the real world, so that we may reconnect with our deepest, most hidden self. In this particular cycle, some of us could have felt an extra low amount of energy, or experienced a sense of fogginess and confusion in this very deep sleep that we’ve been experiencing – especially with Mercury retrograde. We’ve been on an internal search since June – or maybe a need to escape from reality and what we ‘already know’ – in order to explore our romantic fairytale, to taste the forbidden fruit, and fantasize the greatest illusion.

Today, Neptune rises from the depths of the ocean, with a strong vibrational force that manages to change the course of our direction. Rather that treading through the shallow moisture that barely moistened our lips, we are rushed into larger waters that swirl us into a sea of compassion, forgiveness, and love. As we float back into the real world, our imagination and private illusions of recent months are ours to create the specific dream that we long for now. Our higher self, our divinity, our understanding and ability to cope is what will help us to get through life and relationships. But as we make our way to blend in with the world, we must decide on the stream that we will follow; the one that leads us backwards to what we still long for, or the one that trickles into new, hopeful waters. Does the path you hope to find create an ending, or a chance for a new beginning? You’ve been doing a lot of reflection on this, and it may be safe to say that you already know the answer and will follow you heart on his one. This path has the least resistance, as we rely on a protective wetsuit that is threaded with intuition, guilt, and spiritual faith. But know this, these powerful waters have a reputation for embracing its roadblocks, while magically sailing through the roughest of seas.

What we’ve been holding onto, is meant to be released. Open hearts wide. Become vulnerable and expressive in your work, your relationships, and your personal growth. No one holds you back now, except yourself. Lighten your load, with a healthy sacrifice. You have reached a new understanding with the way you need to relate with your little corner of the universe, so create it. Dance in your magic.

Author's Bio: 

Suzi Dronzek, Intuitive Astrologer & Spiritual Advisor, has been practicing with the metaphysical arts for over thirty years. For more information about a professional consultation, she may be reached at 724-832-9283 or http://www.starcana.com