The announcement of, an online portal recently launched, dedicated to educating the public on acai berry health and nutritional facts.
At AcaiBerryMD, people can quickly find facts and related information (e.g., acai berry, acai juice, acai benefits, etc.) they've been looking ... Views: 829
Americans are becoming increasingly concerned with losing their retirement funds, investments, jobs, and even the roof over their heads. According to the American Psychological Association's 2007 Stress in America survey, money and work are two of the top sources of stress for almost 75 percent ... Views: 644
Rollick Guides (, the online Community for Savvy & Indulgent Activity Enthusiasts, introduces a solution for overcoming laziness induced by winter. As the temperature drops, the days become shorter, and the new television and sports seasons kick in, the urge to watch endless ... Views: 3177
When a child has died, friends and relatives often have no idea how to provide support to the family during the stressful holiday season.
Following are 10 ways The Compassionate Friends, the world's largest self-help support organization for bereaved families, suggests for you to help families ... Views: 912
With headlines screaming out depression, economic cycles, financial crisis, lay-offs, and an array of fearful forecasts, Australian Soul Coach Maria Elita is daring America to strip away the recession fear and to 'get naked' in 2009.
"Of course, I don't mean you should strip off your clothes, I ... Views: 662
Bill Ganz, Founder and CEO of More Media Group, Inc., and its subsidiary FastTrack™ Online Marketing, Inc. (, Southern California based companies has been helping small to large distributor companies for years in developing simple to understand and user ... Views: 844
A beautiful smile certainly speaks for you. One of the first things that people will notice about you is your smile. A recent study even revealed that those with a beautiful smile are perceived as more successful, intelligent, interesting, wealthy, attractive and popular with the opposite sex. ... Views: 2098
The nation's 1,200 abuse shelters are filled with homeless persons and substance abusers, making it hard for true victims of domestic battery to get the help they need, reveals a report released today. The report is issued by RADAR Services, a group of men and women working to improve the ... Views: 1131
The highly anticipated results of a country-wide yearlong study on teenagers and internet dangers were announced yesterday. The study, which was ordered by 49 state attorneys general, has been met with serious media buzz- as many found the findings both telling and alarming. While most U.S ... Views: 1127
With the recent extreme temperatures throughout the U.S. this winter, many are feeling the effects of dry or chapped skin. According to The National Center for Health Statistics, 9 million Americans have complained about dry or chapped skin. During the winter months, dry or chapped skin is ... Views: 687
Hale Dwoskin, Featured Teacher in "The Secret" and author of the New York Times best seller "The Sedona Method," reveals how people can avoid ever letting another negative person bring them down in their job, relationships or any aspect of life.
An excellent New Year's resolution people can ... Views: 19568
Many clients have recently asked Dr. Brandemihl how they can achieve their New Year's resolution of improving their mental health management in 2009. With the stress of a struggling economy and growing demands from their jobs and families it can be quite difficult. "There are several things you ... Views: 562
HOW TO BE YOUR OWN COACH teaches a step-by-step process that is witty, fun and insightful. Written by two self-made entrepreneurs, Steve Bookbinder and Jeff Goldberg, it's presented in a visually-arresting comic book format. The book poses and explains six simple questions to help the reader ... Views: 716
Bob Hawkinson, Diabetes Guide Author and lifelong diabetic of 45 years, resolves to not be a diabetic in 2009. "If only it was that easy for everyone!" says Hawkinson. "With an estimated 57 million pre-diabetics in the U.S., at least some folks can have some choice in the matter!"
A new ... Views: 630
Personal Power Path announces the latest update to their online manage anger program.
"If individuals tend to express their anger outwardly, alcohol will 'turn up the volume,' so that such a person will express anger more frequently and more intensely," says Amos Zeichner, Ph.D., University of ... Views: 1532
Are you afraid of some condition in your life? Here’s a life-transforming secret: that seemingly scary condition, whatever it may be, is not the problem. It is your reaction that is fearful. This is why if you will become conscious of your condition instead of afraid of it, you will change ... Views: 2212
For the worried, the stressed, the overwhelmed, the lonely, the displaced, the desperate, the sick, the heartbroken, the confused, the paralyzed, the angry, the lost, the human, I created and offer this meditation. My hope is that reading it, re-reading it when necessary, and passing it on to ... Views: 871
In a survey of 19,000 college students by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the willingness to work overtime and travel on weekends matched, almost exactly, the responses of 1982 students.
But today's seniors expressed indignation with online applications, video conferences ... Views: 670
Whether you're a bartender or an investment-banker, losing a job hurts. But, there's a dirty little job-loss secret nobody's talking about..for millions, the job that just evaporated is the one you've hated for decades. In fact, a Harris Interactive study of 7,718 American workers completed ... Views: 945
Gloria MacDonald knows a lot about dating and relationships. Before she launched her dating service, Perfect Partners, the matchmaking guru, relationship expert and international speaker experienced the trials and tribulations of dating as a 40+ woman. She is proud to say that her process worked ... Views: 623
Investing in self-improvement will still be a priority for many in 2009 according to recent predictions made by the leadership of the Physicians Coalition for Injectable Safety. The most prevalent prediction: a continued growth in consumers who elect to enhance personal appearance with cosmetic ... Views: 1119
Dr. Helaine Smith, a Boston-based dental expert, recently published her second e-book, Keep Your Body Healthy . . . Brush Your Teeth!. A free e-book, "Keep Your Body Healthy . . . Brush Your Teeth!", explains why brushing and flossing your teeth every day can help prevent other diseases in the ... Views: 695
AlphaGrade ( introduces a comprehensive web-based tool for parents and guardians to assist children in developing healthy habits to stay on top of school work and home chores by linking allowance to results. Motivating and monitoring the progress of young children and ... Views: 627
The mind-body healing center, founded by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and David Simon, M.D., today announced that it has received an enormous outpouring of commitments from its global online community, responding to The Chopra Center's call to post their personal commitments for 2009.
Each January, ... Views: 993
If you or anyone you know is thinking about getting a divorce, stop. A must read for anyone thinking of hiring a divorce lawyer is a newly released free publication written by a husband and wife team who are both experienced attorneys and shareholders in a California divorce law firm. Feinberg & ... Views: 2390
The people at Safer Dates believe it is! During these hard economic times, Safer Dates acknowledges that building relationships is more important now than ever before, which is why they decided to make their memberships free to help keep your love life optimistic.
Doreen DeAguila, CEO of Safer ... Views: 765
Former homeless woman, now Author, National Presenter and Unity Minister, Daya Devi-Doolin, has released her second empowering, self-growth book, The Only Way Out Is In: The Secrets of the 14 Realms to Love, Happiness and Success! She reveals the "secrets" of how she used the Law of Attraction ... Views: 666
There's never, ever been a career assessment that ranks your skills against college seniors nationwide," claims 'LAUNCH!...Get That First Paycheck In 90 Days,' "and then turns your unique strengths into a smart career path."
The career coaching book is now available at to ... Views: 692
The first essay collection released by Dalton Publishing, Stricken: The 5,000 Stages of Grief is edited by award-winning authors Spike Gillespie (Pissed Off: On Women and Anger) and Katherine Tanney (Carousel of Progress). The book is a collection of essays on grief written by a variety of ... Views: 1114
With multi-industry bailouts, an unprecedented federal deficit and National Debt, and soaring unemployment, is Barack Obama up to the challenge of pulling the United States out of its economic crisis? A scientific analysis of his handwriting reveals nine characteristics that predict the state of ... Views: 2146
Green and Jack's a London bespoke shirt maker makes a bold claim that their bespoke shirts can get job hunters success at job interviews failing which Green and Jack's will refund half of the money to them on all full price purchases during the month of February 2009.
Green and Jack's an ... Views: 1407
In his newest book, retired scientist Robert L. Peck discusses connections between the mind and body, hormone control, and personal growth. "Readers learn how ancient science was well aware of the effects of hormones and how many of the hormones could be controlled with the mind."
'Controlling ... Views: 1086
The credit crunch that has crippled many Americans has yielded a partnership that offers hope and opportunity for consumers and small businesses. InCharge® Institute of America, Inc. (ICI) has teamed with ACCION USA to enhance existing personal finance workshops with BrightScore®, an online, ... Views: 1019
Do chocolates, flowers, and a romantic dinner guarantee a successful Valentine's Day? "Not by a long shot," says relationship expert, Dr. Elayne Savage. According to Dr. Savage, couples who are looking for ideas for a successful Valentine's Day, should forget the hype and focus on a truer ... Views: 741
TIGERS Success Series of Bend, Oregon, has published an E-Action Guide entitled Melting Your Stress Within 30 Days. This valuable self-paced guide helps people reverse the effects of stress which often torpedoes their ability to problem solve, think creatively, and gain insights when these ... Views: 659
John Hancock penned the most distinctive signature on the Declaration of Independence. In honor of his January birthday, the founding father's handwriting is analyzed by court qualified handwriting expert Bart Baggett, director of During National Handwriting ... Views: 1099