With headlines screaming out depression, economic cycles, financial crisis, lay-offs, and an array of fearful forecasts, Australian Soul Coach Maria Elita is daring America to strip away the recession fear and to 'get naked' in 2009.

"Of course, I don't mean you should strip off your clothes, I mean you should strip off your fears of the unknown, the fear of what might happen, and get naked with the truth about the possibilities around you," Elita says.

That's what Elita is here to tell America as she launches her new book, The Naked Entrepreneur - A Millionaire's Journey from Fear to True Wealth, published by WBusiness Books, an imprint of New Win Publishing, based in El Monte, Calif. www.wbusinessbooks.com. The Naked Entrepreneur is a sensational book that reveals valuable life lessons that are vitally important tools to navigating the current economic cycles.

"There are a lot of American families suffering," she says. "Everyday people are being laid off. Much of the population is having problems paying bills. Stress levels are hitting an all time high. Families are feeling the strain of tightening their belts. And many people are afraid of the future instead of being excited of the endless possibilities!"

Elita, recognized by many as Australia's leading Spiritual Coach, is here to inspire American families to embrace a New Year of hope, spirit and change! She believes 2009 is the perfect time to strip away the fear of economic cycles and get naked. In her new book The Naked Entrepreneur, Elita reveals her Soul Coaching lessons and Universal Laws that also helped transform the life of Global Entrepreneur Troy Hazard, co-author.

Elita expresses her views, along with co-author Hazard, in a video now available on YouTube. The link is www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ksy3PW4prFw

"As a soul coach I hear the word 'suffering' used by so many people who are going through tremendous change, but what if 'suffering' is simply an opportunity to strip away the control and fear of what's temporarily going on in our lives," she adds. "What if it is a path to embrace a life beyond our dreams … and maybe a way to discover the meaning of True Wealth?"

She believes we can all get naked by taking the following steps:

- Claim your life - Do not blame
- Surrender to your Life - Let go of control
- Remember synchronicity is your destiny

Elita says she knows what many women are going through right now, with their concerns about economic cycles, and not being able to pay the bills.

"I had what most people call the dream life," she says. "The million-dollar house, a great looking corporate husband, luxury cars, kids in private schools, a powerful job, an island holiday home, a nanny, personal trainers, money and more. I never had a problem attracting things into my life, it was no secret to me, but that wasn't what gave me True Wealth. By losing it all, and in the way I did, I learned to truly get emotionally naked and surrender my fears to the universe and remember something more profound. This is what I believe we are all here to do … to learn the ultimate 'Law of Surrender'."

Author's Bio: 

In a world saturated with Anthony Robbins mimic-style Life Coaches, Maria Elita is far more welcoming and far greater than a breath of fresh air...she is a Whirlwind Revolution! As well as being a celebrated author (Observations, The Miracle, The Miracle Year and now The Naked Entrepreneur) and a passion-driven speaker, she defines her coaching style as being more potent than that of a business coach and far more enlivening than a life coach - people often refer to her as the ultimate super coach as she serves up a power punch of Truth like no other life coach can!