Creating 7 Steps to Happiness!
Was “happiness” a word you got used to hearing since you were a child? Of all the people around you, do you remember who said it most?
Many years have passed and you are no longer that seven year old child. As a grown-up, what does “happiness” mean to ... Views: 2062
Look around you, now look inward. Are you doing what you are meant to do? Are you happy in and with your surroundings? Is there something you think you would be better off doing?
Do you find yourself having frequent inner dialogues full of complaints or full of “I’d rather be ... Views: 1484
How to Stop Indecision in its track!
Have you ever been stuck in the limbo of "decision paralysis?" It happens more often than you realize. I want to help you get past the decision-making turmoil so that you can actually make ONE decision to help you jump-ship into a Luxury liner. ... Views: 1159
Way before I became of age, seven years old, that is, I always knew that I wanted to help people. In fact, I wanted to be a Doctor, a Healer, or someone that will make other people’s lives better with and by my presence, whatever it took, in the NOW and in the ever-after.
My mother thought ... Views: 1378
The Many Faces of Leadership!
With the advent of Social Media many quiet and unknown leaders have come to the surface to influence our thinking, behavior, and guide us through very challenging times. The phenomenon is not so much on the platform, but in the opportunities social media has ... Views: 1132
Often our lives are a direct result of that which we believe. It includes it all, the good, the bad and the really ugly.
Have you stopped to think why some things are not working out as you expected them to be?
Does it seem to you like money comes, and money goes, and sometimes, mostly ... Views: 1554
Do you always know when you have a winning hand? And if so, do you know when to hold them? Or do you some times, untimely fold? Don’t you just hate it when that happens?
And then, even at times, when you have a winning hand, you suddenly realize it’s time to walk away! Perhaps doing it in ... Views: 1031
Are You Being Betrayed? Fight back with the Power of Integrity!
Have you ever felt like you’re walking around with a knife in your back?
Have you seen it happen to others?
Was the pain so intense that you were paralyzed or disarmed to do anything about it, and therefore, you ... Views: 1048
There seems to be a constant struggle between Impulse and Ambivalence, Intellect over Emotions and Reason over Intuition. With so many choices, how do you make the right decisions? How do you know you are winning at meeting your goals, your desires, your timelines, and your successful ... Views: 1009
Have you ever seen or participated in doing the Tango? If you have, you will know that it is one of the most beautiful dances ever. It is sensuous, graceful, harmonious, intricate, physical, calculated and well choreographed. It is also a highly creative way of self-expression….with another ... Views: 1024
It is not always easy to say exactly what you are thinking. You want to, you really want to; and then...there is this big BUT that holds you back. And then, there are those times, when you say exactly what you want to say, and it turns out to be the wrong thing with dire consequences. So what ... Views: 929