The Many Faces of Leadership!

With the advent of Social Media many quiet and unknown leaders have come to the surface to influence our thinking, behavior, and guide us through very challenging times. The phenomenon is not so much on the platform, but in the opportunities social media has created for many known and unknown leaders to show their true character and abilities.

And many of those leaders come with curves, lipstick and high heels. I am happy to see how many women have come forward to take charge of situations, and not only lead by example, but to enroll others in achieving a communal goal, create global visions with definitive outcomes, while they undergo their own personal challenges and growth.

We've seen it with Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, which in less than 8 months, helped raise Yahoo's shares by 3.7% since October 2012. And then there's co-founder and CEO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, who introduced the idea of Facebook ADS on mobile devices, thus increasing revenues by leaps and bounds.

And those are the ones in the news today.

How about the so many that we know in many different parts of the world, that though not in the news, they are making an amazing difference no matter where they are, no matter where they go, no matter who they are. How about the shy-ones who have found their voice and they're speaking loud and clear now more than ever. And then there were those who thought only natural-born leaders could be leaders and then they found out that leaders can be born, they can also be made. And those through perseverance, trust and courage got out of their comfort zone to help those in need going far and beyond their own call of duty. Are those the unsung heroes? I would say they are. I know there are many that you know, including the one smiling back at you in the mirror.

What makes a Leader?

·A sense of high integrity!
Best of values at its core.
A deep sense of curiosity.
Great passion for what they do.
Unafraid to make mistakes. Even if in fear, they'd do it anyway.
Innovative, creative, resourceful.
Focused on Goals with the team in mind.
Influential, laborious, light-hearted.
Highly enthusiastic, this is also highly contagious and good for the team.
They understand the power of having a global vision.
They know "they don't know it all." - This is huge!
They look to others for fresh ideas, and encourage them to think big!
They have a sense to be in the service of others.
They get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Moms are great at doing this.
They know the importance of transparency and authenticity.
They know that results are an Inside Job; therefore they strive for Personal and Professional development at all levels. They know this will always be on-going.
They understand change, progress, excellence and evolution.

Leaders strive for mastery of self. They know what they think, feel, and believe is all part of amazing results (or not.)

Yes, the many faces of leadership come in different shapes and forms. From a wallflower to a rock star, from a mountain hermit to a shinning prodigy. One thing in common: They all answer the call to lead; and they always recognize it when they hear it. Eventually, they all get to know themselves, up-close and personal, which turns them into strong and awesome leaders.

Every leader is a champion and every champion is a hero. Every leader knows that they have been called to serve and it is in serving, that you fulfill your own destiny.

Above all, they deeply understand the importance of being Grateful! #ABG

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If this article speaks to you, print it out and display it where you and your team can see it. Use it for inspiration, as a reminder, or motivation to change things even when it doesn't look like a good time to do so. Spread the love, sharing is caring.

You have been call to lead, and lead you shall.

Always have a Vision for Success!

Ali R. Rodriguez
International business coach,
Passionista Leader and
Intuitive Activist

Author's Bio: 

Ali Rodriguez helps professionals fuse passion with profits, monetize their expertise, and create a lifestyle to match. Ali's multi-lingual and multi-cultural background adds diversity to her coaching style and to her business and marketing programs. She shares her extensive knowledge through the written word alongside best-selling authors Les Brown and Jack Canfield, in the book Mastering the Art of Success discussing strategies for high achievement. Her focus is on growth, personal development and amazing bottom-line success.