Aries: Creating a long term business or career growth plan & a spending budget helps you see success as a series of steps.

Taurus: You like to do the work by yourself, or for others, but mastering something also means applying delegating skills.

Gemini: Eliminate doubt or vacillation, stay focused on the desired result. Core essentials or necessary investments only.

Cancer: Meet with a friend or consultant to discuss plans surrounding a group event – a wedding or business presentation?

Leo: A business plan or contract is refined & improved, a sale is made, or property is leveraged. Refinance a loan or mortgage?

Virgo: Opportunity or information that benefits you could come from higher education, research or is related to a new location.

Libra: You get clear psychic messages that help you make decisions & you also can direct your intentions toward good results.

Scorpio: A friend or mate could be your inspiration, supporter & sounding board. Singles may find a partner at an event or online.

Sagittarius: Your reputation at work or in your business is growing. Focus on customer support, branding, loyalty & trust.

Capricorn: Present or integrate creativity.
Video may be a way for you to be everywhere at once. Explore avenues of expression.

Aquarius: A greater income or business success seems to be closer or attainable. Take necessary steps to “learn the ropes”

Pisces: You will be required to organize or define things in order to present them constructively. You CAN “pull yourself together”!

The constructive growth of yesterday’s Taurus moon continues today and gets an added boost of clarity from a trine to Mars, the planet of action, in the practical and prioritizing sign of Virgo. If you keep your focus on what is necessary, you will make a quick climb up the ladder of success. This wonderful trine can help you “get down to brass tacks” and make the best use of the time, tools, or connections available to you now. All the current aspects support pursuing creative plans and dreams. Work and productivity gets a boost, but pleasure and creativity are also supported now. If you do not love the work you do, now is an excellent time to change that! Ask yourself how you can follow your purpose and passion while gaining pleasure and profit from what you do. If you think you would benefit from some guidance in that department, I offer an excellent Life Purpose Report through my sister site,, at an affordable price for the information and personal service you will receive. It is a Universal truth that prosperity follows joy, therefore, what are you doing that makes you truly happy? Turn the table around so that happiness is what you do, rather than thinking it is something to be achieved. “Taking Care of Business”, by Bachman Turner Overdrive is a great song for today’s planetary energy.

Author's Bio: 

Dunnea Rae is a professional, experienced astrologer specializing in natal chart interpretation and relationship guidance. She offers her consultations and services through her own site at