Living with almost constant pain can be a serious drain on a persons resources. Everyone knows what short term pain feels like, we have all hit our elbows on a hard surface, or stubbed our toes while walking barefoot, as bad as it hurts at least the pain finally goes away. For someone suffering ... Views: 2922
Global financial panic, people being laid off from their jobs, banks failing around the world, some would say we are heading into the worst of times. Visionaries such as myself will tell you the exact opposite. You will never again in your lifetime be able to find as many people as you can right ... Views: 2529
You can tell a lot about a businessman by watching his actions under stress, and you can’t get much more stressful than having a 600 mile wide monster pushing a 20 ft tall wall of water with 110 mile per hour winds heading straight for you. I ‘m writing this story from Spring, Texas, 36 hours ... Views: 2650
As I write this article, there is a big, bad boy named Ike churning towards me at 12 miles an hour. As far as hurricanes go, this one is extremely large. The storm itself appears to be wider than the state of Louisiana , meaning that the damage from flooding and wind will be astronomical. As it ... Views: 3103
Are you tired of seeing that road map across your face every time you look in a mirror? The good news is that there are some non-surgical methods that will actually improve the appearance of your skin. Before I get into the different types of products that are available, we need to discuss the ... Views: 2630
The age old quest for perfection isn’t really dead, it has just been buried under a mountain of self doubt. Throughout history all of the truly great individuals, from artists to authors, generals to visionaries, and anyone who ever stood out as being the best at what they did, all had one thing ... Views: 4059
How to Become a Network Marketing Giant
Are you thinking about starting your own business? There are quite a few things that you need to consider, one being what type of venture are you interested in? Initially there are two directions for you to choose from. A service based or product based ... Views: 2632
If you were paying attention, a lot of valuable working for success tips surfaced during the Beijing Olympics. Two athletes immediately come to mind, Michael Phelps and Natalie Du Toit. What they both accomplished this year absolutely boggles the mind, Michael with his history making eight gold ... Views: 2551
Are you tired of looking at beautiful people all day and then going home and looking in a mirror, only to come to the conclusion that you are not one of these so called visually stunning individuals? Never fear, you are one of millions who are thinking the exact same thing. Years ago I saw a ... Views: 2619