The road to disease can be altered, and incubation cycles disrupted, simply by consuming living foods (uncooked, non-pasteurized, minimally processed, live-enzyme containing fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds) and green foods. In fact, green foods alone have the capability of reversing the ... Views: 1485
DEFINITION: Bioenergy is the life force of the body. It creates the subtle energy fields that surround the body. It is also called the human energy field, and the energy systems of the body.
Bioenergy is the term adopted by the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) department of ... Views: 1079
Obesity is much in the news today. Many adults and children alike are contending with this issue. Most have found that it is not so easy changing ingrained habits. Here are some tips and insight to help you on your way to promoting healthy weight-loss and wellness from within.
Useful ... Views: 901
Awareness, intention and attention are tools of the mind with the potential for powerful positive change in our wellbeing. How does that work? Our awareness needs to include, not only our physical environment, but also the subtle energies that surround us and are a part of our lives. Our ... Views: 961
While we respect the individual choices people make to consume a meat and/or a vegetarian diet, we also know that the food can be laden with harsh chemicals and that it may have undergone processing. Most of the beef, pork, and chicken found in grocery stores come from animals that have been ... Views: 750
Making use of our innate powers to heal will be a major contributing method in the future practice of medicine in the United States of America. It is becoming more and more apparent to health professionals that it is more than the physical environment that affects the health of human beings. We ... Views: 891
We are body mind spirit, and need to be aware of the whole person as we live our healthy lifestyles. Natural health practices put us in touch with some very potent ways of increasing our health and healing. Practices for our body include eating more nutrient-dense foods like fresh fruits and ... Views: 712