Making use of our innate powers to heal will be a major contributing method in the future practice of medicine in the United States of America. It is becoming more and more apparent to health professionals that it is more than the physical environment that affects the health of human beings. We are body mind spirit beings, and certain natural qualities of mind play a most important role in creating sickness, healing, and health.

A well-known universal principle is cause and effect. The following example demonstrates what cause and effect looks like in the hierarchy of body mind spirit. On the physical plane, a virus may cause pneumonia. Even so, on the mental plane, it may be a negative thought and emotional pattern (worry, anxiety, grief) that causes the body on the physical plane to be susceptible to the virus that causes the pneumonia. However, on the spiritual plane, it is a certain application of faith, or a certain way of applying imagery in the mind that attracts the negative thinking/feeling to the mind that causes the body to succumb to viral pneumonia. This scenario shows how spirit, or the application of a spiritual concept, is the first cause. This principle of first cause is significant in developing ways for healing and healthy living based on the spiritual nature of health and healing.

That a thought has great power to create form and expression is readily seen in its ability to incite a crowd to riot, or to stir compassion in the hearts of people as they witness extreme hardship in others. Positive thinking – thoughts comprehended in a spiritual way – creates states of mental harmony, wellbeing, health, and healing. [Excerpted from The Spiritual Nature of Health and Healing: A Radical New Approach to Understanding Body Mind Spirit, by Carol Winkfield, PhD]

Presented next are three ways of applying these ideas now to work for your healing and wellbeing. First consider a brief definition, and then how to apply them in practice.

FAITH: Definition – Faith is a life force that has the capacity to do work: it is called a power, or energy. In the spiritual domain, faith can mold and shape spirit substance: in the human mind, it is belief. So, the spiritual law of faith says that the act of believing causes the mind to signal spirit, which in turn actually gives shape and form to that which is believed.

Practice – Sit quietly for twenty minutes a day and, as best you can, intentionally release all doubt and fear about any condition. Apply your attention and faith to your inner ability to heal and be well. Believe that you can heal and be well.

IMAGINATION: Definition - The imagination gives you the power to perceive; the power to see with the mind’s eye and image your desired state of health. This is a key component in the creative process, and in bringing about health and healing.

Practice – In the same twenty minutes that you are applying faith, begin to see yourself whole and healthy. Add details to your image. See yourself moving freely, eating healthy foods, feeling positive, alive, energetic, and well.

WILL: Definition – Under the authority of Will, is the ability of mind to make choices, decisions, and set intentions. Will is the spiritual energy that generates desire and allows for the affirming or denying of sickness, and the calling forth of healing and health.

Practice – In the same twenty minutes that you are applying Faith and Imagery, affirm that health is your natural state. Affirm and believe that you have an inner physician that knows how to heal, and that your body has wisdom and power to heal.

This practice of twenty minutes of intentional connection with the spirit aspect of being is powerful to bring about real healing of the whole self, body mind spirit.

[Carol Winkfield, PhD, assists individuals and groups in understanding the spiritual nature of health and sickness and use these ideas to improve health and healing. Her website address is]

Author's Bio: 

Carol Winkfield, PhD, assists individuals and groups in understanding the spiritual nature of health and sickness and use these ideas to improve health and healing. She is author of the very informative book, Healing With Spirit: the natural Way; her website address is