-Every marriage must first be grounded, steeped and honored within a sacred timeless intimate spiritual union and understanding of each soul’s purpose before the two can try to do or be anything else for anyone else ... Views: 1235
No one can ever take away your divine inner essence but you can give it away by allowing energetic vampires freedom to lurk around in your life- Sharice Harris
They can be physically, emotionally or verbally abusive or they can taunt, smirk, sneer and laugh at you for opening up and speaking ... Views: 1500
I sense you in each star and in every sunrise. I feel you in the grass and the cool breeze that flows through the trees. I feel your strength and power in your mountains and your ease which flows through each river and down every stream. I see you looking back at me in every living animal and ... Views: 2032
-There is only one way to live life and that is to live life completely and absolutely in Love-
One autumn day while everyone was busy being busy, I decided to hide in a corner and read a short story I will never forget: ‘The Girl Who Loved Too Much’.
The fictional tale was about a young ... Views: 1190
-Unity consciousness is at it's highest peak during the Christmas season because it is an extraordinary time of self-love, acceptance and forgiveness of ourselves and others. -
For most of us Christmas is one of the most challenging times of the year, because it's a time, whether we are ... Views: 933
Who’s Running Who?
“Whenever I climb I am followed by a Dog called ‘Ego’ -Friedrich Nietzche
Learning how-to love and accept ourselves at any given time is a never ending course in self-mastery. With the ever looming super-ego spouting out more than 3000 adverts filled with subconscious ... Views: 1117
Are You Tired of Being Taken for Granted?
“Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth.”-Mark Twain
It happens every single day and whether we like it or not, we cannot control it. Other people’s ... Views: 3328
The Lack of Grace
“Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others." -Thomas Jefferson
Has anyone noticed that negatively directed criticism seems to be the number one divider worldwide? How many hearts actually keep their dreams a secret ... Views: 2743