With everything that's going on in the world right now, I hesitated to write this article. However, I felt called to share my reflections with you. There has been so much despair and devastation in the world lately that when something happens to us personally, we can try to shrug it off because ... Views: 994
A few days ago, our family made a trip to the local bank here in our community so that our children could open their first savings account. The piggy banks were overflowing with money due to various visits from the tooth fairy, as well as rewards for all of their good deeds around the house. ... Views: 1073
My 10 year-old son is studying health and nutrition at school and he’s very excited about it. He came home yesterday and asked me to sit down with him so he could explain everything he’s learning. He shared the 4 basic food groups that our family should be eating (vegetables, fruit, meat and ... Views: 1098
A few days ago, I was visiting my daughter’s second grade class and the teacher started a discussion about Martin Luther King and the importance of having dreams. The children’s ideas about dreams were interesting, “Being able to make your own decisions,” “Peace in the world, no war,” “Stop ... Views: 1166
Today, I wanted to give you something special, yet practical that you could use right away to create momentum and positive energy in your life as you step into 2011.
In my work with women, one of the essential exercises we do together is peel back the layers of their lives both personally and ... Views: 940
Recently, I made a trip to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) here in Los Angeles to renew my driver’s license. I made a smart choice by scheduling an appointment for my renewal rather than “winging it” as a “walk in.” As I approached the DMV in my car, I saw scores of people forming a ... Views: 1063
Have you ever wondered what the real secret to success is? Do you ever read articles about women entrepreneurs who’ve accomplished their dreams and think, “Now how did she do that?” I know I have. I’m always in search of better, more effective ways to achieve my goals both personally and ... Views: 1089
With summer behind us and kids back in school, women entrepreneurs are flocking to conferences and events to connect with other entrepreneurs and discover new ways to grow their business. Whether you’re in a startup phase or you’ve been in business a few years, getting out from behind your desk ... Views: 1091
A few weeks ago, while vacationing with my family in Park City, I injured my low back ice-skating with my daughter Jenna. It was quite painful and required me to lay low for a couple of days. I watched a few movies, did some reading and caught up on emails. Some of the email promotions really ... Views: 1082
A few weeks ago, I took some time to evaluate where most of my clients come from and the two areas where I consistently receive highly qualified clients are referrals from happy clients and public speaking. It’s essential that you spend your valuable time doing the things that consistently ... Views: 1049
By now, everyone knows that LeBron James, one of the world’s greatest basketball players, has left the Cleveland Cavaliers after 7 years. He’s finally made a decision to make the Miami Heat his new home where he will continue to exercise his passion, energy and talent for the game. LeBron took ... Views: 1203
A few days ago, I happened to get caught in the typical bumper to bumper LA traffic near the location of my last “job” before I began my journey as a woman entrepreneur. I had some time to reflect on where I was back then and where I am today. As the images of my life passed through my mind ... Views: 1144
A few nights ago, we watched “Mr. Magorium’s Magical Emporium” with Dustin Hoffman and Natalie Portman. It’s a fun and light family movie with a wonderful message. I won’t give away the plot or ending, however at one point in the movie, Dustin Hoffman (Mr. Magorium) smiled and said to Natalie ... Views: 2843
My 7 year old daughter Jenna loves to play baseball. In fact, she loves it so much she’s willing to play in a league where over 90% of the players are boys. We are nearing the end of the season and playoffs begin in a few days. She’s struggled to keep up with the team, playing mostly in the ... Views: 1573
Are you a woman who wants to have it all? Do you have a desire to experience your life and business on your own terms? I've certainly felt that way in the past, however I've come to realize that I have to choose what's most important to me right now in my life. I know that over time, my ... Views: 1918
Recently my children’s little league baseball team was defeated---badly. At one point, I looked at another mom and said, “Please let the bloodshed end!” After the game, the coach brought the team into the dugout to review what worked and what didn’t work. He began with a review of the other ... Views: 1141
A few days ago, my 7 year old daughter came home with what I thought was a challenging school project---designing and creating her own game from scratch. Jenna was stumped at first. She came up with a few ideas but then quickly gave up as she found some “glitches” in her plan. This got me ... Views: 1186
Have you ever had a Big Idea that you were over the moon about only to have your hopes dashed because you shared it with someone who you trusted and they told you (typically in a very flat tone) “that will never work.” I’ve had this unfortunate experience happen to me on more than one occasion ... Views: 1140
This past weekend, I was sitting in the bleachers at our local park watching my children play little league baseball when I heard the weekly mantra from their coach as each child took their position at bat:
“Wait for the one that’s right for you!”
“Don’t swing at every pitch!”
“Good ... Views: 1428
Have you ever heard the phrase opposites attract? This can be true of my husband Greg and I when we go out for dinner together. I like fine dining with beautiful menus, fine wine and those heavy linen napkins. Greg prefers more casual dining where someone takes your order or you place your ... Views: 1633
I recently attended a conference for women business owners and ran into a woman I had not seen for some time. She looked a little unhappy when I approached her. I asked her if everything was going well and she shared with me that she had just lost a big client. In fact, this big client was ... Views: 1381
Over the last few days, I’ve spent some time with women entrepreneurs who are all having the same challenge—the race against time or “time management.” Whether you are an attorney, a fitness professional or a business coach, time is the like the elusive lover—you can never get enough! Here are a ... Views: 1125
A few weeks ago, our family took a trip to the California Science Center for their “family lab day.” It was a fun and educational experience. There was one experiment that had to do with the difference between solids and fluids, and it got me thinking about Smart Women entrepreneurs and their ... Views: 1049
A few weeks ago, our family took a trip to the California Science Center for their “family lab day.” It was a fun and educational experience. There was one experiment that had to do with the difference between solids and fluids, and it got me thinking about Smart Women entrepreneurs and their ... Views: 1049
Last week, my husband Greg and I went mobile phone shopping. I had one of those flip phones that allows you to make phone calls and that’s about it. I couldn’t email anyone or look up anything on the web. I really needed a better way to stay connected!
I’ve been with the same mobile phone ... Views: 1053
One of the birthday “traditions” in our family is when a member gets to a certain age, they share one “pearl of wisdom” for each decade they have lived.
Today is my 50th birthday! The five decades behind me were all wonderful and as I reflect on each one of them, I can clearly see how each ... Views: 1761
A few weeks ago, I had surgery to remove one of my healthy kidneys in order to donate that kidney to my husband Greg, whose kidney was failing, so that he would enjoy a more vital, healthy life. On December 1, we both were admitted to UCLA Medical Center. Everything went well regarding the ... Views: 1437
Recently my son Jack, who’s in 3rd grade, had to do a book report and I spent some time guiding him through the process. His teacher had asked the report to consist of 6 elements: Title, Setting, Main Characters, Plot, Problem, and Solution. This got me thinking about how Smart Women could use ... Views: 1128
Yesterday, we had tree-trimmers here at our house to clean up the trees that were overgrown and also to make room for new growth in the future. We live in a house that is very light and bright, however I was surprised this morning when I discovered how much more light and clarity of vision we ... Views: 956
This morning, as I sit here at my desk looking out the window at a beautiful, sunny fall day, I’m a bit at a loss on how to begin this article. This article isn’t any different from the others I share with you each week. As usual, it’s about my own life and the reflections that I believe are ... Views: 1089
I'm in Park City, Utah on a family vacation having a wonderful time. Guess what? I initially didn't want to get away for a family vacation. I mean it's not that I didn't want to go to Park City. I love Park City. It is a peaceful, cozy town nestled between some magnificent mountains. It's not ... Views: 1316
One question that I hear frequently from the women I support is “How do I find and attract more new clients?” After all, new clients are necessary for your business to survive and thrive. The good news is, “new” clients are closer than you think. What do I mean? Have you ever heard the old ... Views: 1152
Yesterday, as I was on my way to pick up my kids from school, it occurred to me that I was feeling exhausted—I mean really tired. As I made a mental scan of my day, I realized that I had been in a “reactive” mode most of the day rather than a “proactive” mode. We do need to react to situations ... Views: 2146
Do you have “personal” power? I’m not referring to the power that comes from material wealth or the ability to control people and situations. I’m referring to the kind of power that comes from within—the power that is authentic only to you. Women with “personal” power are secure in their own ... Views: 1117
Recently, our family took a trip to the "Big Apple" where we met up with my parents for a special vacation. It was lots of fun and we created a memorable experience. When traveling to a new city, it's exciting to think about all of the sights and adventures that you will experience. Knowing what ... Views: 1069
Last night, our family went to The Grove here in Los Angeles. The Grove is a large retail shopping center that really goes above and beyond decorating for the holidays. They have a beautifully decorated tree larger than the one at Rockefeller Center in New York. They "create" falling snow every ... Views: 1003
A few days each week I exercise with a few Smart Women in a park near my home that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. It's a beautiful setting that lends itself to taking your mind off the muscle pain and exhaustion from the workout! We are surrounded by magnificent sycamore and oak trees that stand ... Views: 1183
A few weeks ago, my sister Rene and I had the opportunity to visit our Mom in Florida. It was a "girl's getaway" filled with shopping, going to the beach, tasty food, wine and great conversation. Every morning we had a ritual of getting up, grabbing our coffee and heading out to the beach for a ... Views: 1051
A few days ago, I was sitting with my good friend and Smart Woman, Suzanne, in her backyard and I was complementing her on how well the yard was laid out from the play area, pool area, and lounge area. Everything flows so well in accessing the home and the backyard. Suzanne shared with me that ... Views: 1013
A few days ago, in one of my Women's Success Circles, a great question came up: "What's the one action step that I should take to grow my business faster?" Wow! That's a great question. The challenge is--there's not just one simple answer. I wish there was a "magic bullet" that would take your ... Views: 881
My son Jack recently joined Cub Scouts here in our community. His "den" leader is an older man, sort of a grandfather type who is very wise and shares some interesting information with the boys (did you know that if you're in need of the police, you should dial 311 and not 411?). When a boy ... Views: 1033
A few days ago, my husband Greg and I had dinner with my good friend and smart woman, Diane Elander and her family. (http://www.dianeelander.com) Diane is a "food stylist." She is an artist who creates that appetizing, desirous emotion that you feel when you see her creations in cookbooks, ... Views: 1098
Do you know what WIIFM stands for? Sure you do! You ask yourself this question every time you think about making an investment or purchase---“What’s In It For Me?” Am I right? We purchase everything based on the “benefits” that we will receive when we use the service or product.
I have the good ... Views: 911
I am fortunate to spend time with a lot of Smart Women. A topic that comes up on a regular basis is this idea of a job vs. a "calling." What's the difference? How do you know what a "calling" is? Jobs are something that we do in our lives to keep ourselves and our families together. A "calling" ... Views: 827
Last week, the Women’s Club in my community celebrated men and women over the age of 90 by hosting a dinner and entertainment event in their honor. I read about this event in the local paper and was struck by one interview with a woman who was born in 1912 (she’s 96!). Her photo depicted a woman ... Views: 767
While driving along Sunset Blvd. a few days ago, I thought about a conversation I had earlier that morning with a friend about how difficult it is for some people to make a decision. This process can be a challenge and create a lot of anxiety. I'm not sure if people are aware that "sitting on ... Views: 695
Recently, I took my son Jack shopping for a new baseball glove. The old glove was too small for his hand and his coach felt that a new glove might be just the thing that he needed. We both enjoyed looking through all of the gloves. He tried on quite a few (The smell of all that leather was so ... Views: 773
Recently, both my children participated in a science fair at their elementary school. My son, Jack, did an experiment that involved an electromagnet. My daughter, Jenna, was curious about how batteries work so she chose to make a "homemade battery." Needless to say, my husband and I were ... Views: 780
A few days ago, I did something that I've never done before. I went hiking in the desert mountains with my good friend and Smart Woman, Debra. I've hiked many times in the mountains but I'd never been out in the desert mountains. This was quite a different experience for me. I highly recommend ... Views: 736
Recently our family took a trip to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. It was a great trip that was both fun and educational for the entire family. Did you know that the Falcon and the Cheetah are the two fastest animals in the air and on the ground? I also found it interesting just how effective ... Views: 716
Recently, my 8 year old son Jack, came running into the house with the Sunday paper exclaiming, “Look, they gave us cereal!” And sure enough, there was not one but three mini boxes of cereal included with the newspaper---all sugar cereals they had never tried. My children were jumping up and ... Views: 647