Last week, the Women’s Club in my community celebrated men and women over the age of 90 by hosting a dinner and entertainment event in their honor. I read about this event in the local paper and was struck by one interview with a woman who was born in 1912 (she’s 96!). Her photo depicted a woman who was attractive, energetic, and happy. When asked what the secret is to living a life of good health, longevity, and happiness, she replied with one simple word: Attitude.

Attitude. It’s a simple word that can take on many meanings. We have all heard the phrase, “she’s got a good attitude about life.” We have also heard the phrases, “she’s got a bad attitude”, or “she needs an attitude adjustment.” The word is thrown out loosely. It’s true that a positive attitude can make a big difference in the outcome of our lives. I happen to think that it takes something more than this to live a life full of energy, passion, and purpose.

You need to have a positive attitude that is open to possibility thinking. This is essential. Years ago, when I owned my marketing company and had a whirlwind life of travel and work, (8 to faint as I used to say), I had a plaque on my desk with 4 words on it: “It Can Be Done.” My “attitude” during that time of my life was, that if you can be open to new ideas and create your biggest vision of what you are trying to accomplish, there will be a way to make it happen. It’s still my “attitude” today. In order to realize your Big Idea, dreams, and goals, it’s essential that you open yourself up to this way of thinking.

How about you? What kind of an “attitude” do you have? Stop and consider this for a moment. Do you find yourself looking at the possibilities in every situation or do you accept defeat and move through your day (and life) blaming others for your situation? My grandfather used to say, “no matter where you go, there you are.” Well said Pops. In every moment, you get to choose how you will respond to your life situation. You are in the driver’s seat. Are you letting others determine or set your “attitude?” I am here to tell you that as women, we truly are in control of our own thoughts and ideas. One great example comes to mind: Rosa Parks. Now she had an “attitude.” She had a mindset that she was second to no one, and acted accordingly. As a result of her “attitude”, she was able to achieve historic change in this country. One never knows where their journey will ultimately take them; however a positive “attitude” that is open to possibility will definitely improve the outcome.

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.


Author's Bio: 

© 2009 Joy Chudacoff

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