It sounds simple: just love and accept yourself and your life works! This is the foundation of the work of Louise Hay. Building a strong inner foundation begins with a change in thought – I am worth loving. The key is moving that thought from a mental level to an emotional level that really ... Views: 1987
The work of Louise Hay has transformed the lives of millions! Here are life-changing techniques from her philosophy to empower YOUR life!
1. Be willing to love and accept yourself – no matter what! You don’t need to lose the weight, have the relationship, or anything else first. Start ... Views: 1559
The beginning of the year always feels so full of promise and excitement, a time when unlimited possibilities open up and all the dreams you’ve ever had seem achievable. You can feel the energy of this new beginning pulsing through your body and you set all kinds of intentions for how you’ll ... Views: 1513
Feeling good about yourself is a foundation for success in every area of your life. Sadly, most of us grow up feeling that we’re not good enough, not smart enough, or not whatever to truly have a wonderful life. Here are some tips for developing great self-esteem.
1. Accept who you are and ... Views: 1545
The power of your mind for creating your experiences is amazing.
In order to use that power effectively, you need to be aware of
your typical thoughts. Do you find yourself talking and thinking
about what you don’t want and everything that is wrong in your life? If you want to make changes, ... Views: 1587
Did you know that there is enough money on this planet for everyone to be financially wealthy? So why is it that Bill Gates has BILLIONS, others have a million, and others have only a small amount? The answer is simple: consciousness. Each of us has played out the beliefs from childhood about ... Views: 1889
It’s a day like any other day, and yet it feels so full of promise and excitement, a day when unlimited possibilities open up and all the dreams you’ve ever had seem achievable. It’s January 1st. You can feel the energy of this new beginning pulsing through your body and you set all kinds of ... Views: 1391
When a bit of sand gets into an oyster, the oyster doesn’t cry and complain about how unfair it is, or tell the sand to get out. It responds by reflex, slowly and patiently surrounding the grain of sand with layer upon layer of a white substance. It doesn’t happen overnight, but ultimately this ... Views: 1690
“I’m so stressed.” “ I can’t seem to relax.” “If only my boss were different I could enjoy work more.” “I never have time for myself.”
Do any of these sound familiar? Even though our lives are so fast paced these days, there are many ways to reduce stress in only a few minutes a day.
1. ... Views: 1686
Are you a coach or holistic health practitioner who needs more clients? A few years ago Time Magazine published an article stating that billions of dollars every year in the US were being spent for holistic health modalities. It’s great news to know that the public is accessing nontraditional ... Views: 1489
Are you a terrific practitioner who needs more clients? A few years ago Time Magazine published an article stating that billions of dollars every year in the US were being spent for holistic health modalities. It’s great news to know that the public is accessing nontraditional methods more and ... Views: 948
When a bit of sand gets into an oyster, the oyster doesn’t cry and complain about how unfair it is, or tell the sand to get out. It responds by reflex, slowly and patiently surrounding the grain of sand with layer upon layer of a white substance. It doesn’t happen overnight, but ultimately this ... Views: 902
In our already busy lives, the holidays are often a time of more stress rather than more joy and fun. Buying presents can stretch the family
budget, demands on time increase, and family gatherings can be a challenge. This year simplify your life with these tips and enjoy the
season more!
1. ... Views: 1041
Argue for your limitations and they’re yours.
-Richard Bach, Illusions
Growing up, we all receive comments on our self-worth and abilities. We also have experiences that leave us with beliefs about ourselves and every area of life- ... Views: 1074
"Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is
demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others
that they know it just as well as you."
--Richard Bach
Within all of us there is connection with Divine Wisdom, and we have access ... Views: 1070
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."
- Burton Hills
What if--- you could accept yourself and be happy with everything in your life EXACTLY AS IT IS RIGHT NOW? Wouldn’t that be a relief? You could stop tying up your energy with worry and ... Views: 1035
What is the story you have about your life? What if that story were just one you had learned to believe, and right now you could choose another story?
Silently, in a long straggling line, the 27 workshop participants climbed over and around rocks, moving ... Views: 964
If you’re not getting the results you want in life, it’s time to shift your focus!
You may already know and understand that whatever you focus on expands. However, knowing that and actually practicing it are two different things! Right now, think about some area of ... Views: 994
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Anais Nin (1903 - 1977)
Is there a longing in your heart to for some activity you want to do or some dream you want to achieve? What have you been waiting for? Be honest ... Views: 920
“Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually.” –Eileen Caddy
Read Eileen Caddy’s’ quote several times and really FEEL yourself shifting from expectations of lack to expectations of abundance ... Views: 998
“The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” - William James, psychologist and author, early 20th century
Imagine the scene in 1492 as Columbus ... Views: 998
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant ... Views: 989
What is Your Purpose?
Here is a test to determine if your mission here on earth is finished. If you’re still here, it’s not.
-Richard Bach, Illusions
At some point in life, we all ask the same questions: Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing? How ... Views: 959
Argue for your limitations and they’re yours.
-Richard Bach, Illusions
Growing up, we all receive comments on our self-worth and abilities. We also have experiences that leave us with beliefs about ourselves and every area of life- ... Views: 906
*****Be happy with who you are and where you are right now.*****
Abraham Lincoln once said, “A person is just about as happy as he/she makes up his/her mind to be.”
Too often, people want to achieve something because they think the achievement will make them happy, or others ... Views: 1672
How the Universe Works…..
Imagine that the Universe is like a Cosmic Kitchen, ready and willing to take your orders and fulfill them. The Cosmic Menu is Infinite, so you can order anything you want. The key is knowing what you want and how to place your order effectively using affirmations ... Views: 1431