It's not a secret that the best coaches and marketers use stories to sell themselves and their services.
Some resistance can show it's ugly head when we talk about developing your story. Why would anyone want to hear my story, it's boring, I'm embarrassed to share, etc. Let me share the ... Views: 1185
It’s interesting to me that this is so fascinating because I think I flunked science. I was the girl that blew things up when I wasn’t trying to! It’s not that science didn’t interest me, it did! It’s just my mind doesn’t quite work that way. I do happen to attract a lot of scientific minded ... Views: 894
I write about creating wealth, that it’s in everyone’s right to make really good money. I share with you Wealth tracking sheets and inspirational quotes regarding money. I even say I love money…well, what money stands for that is, meaning the good that it can do for others and for ... Views: 1217
Most people, I really believe, are living their life not feeling fulfilled or as if they’re living on purpose. I think you probably all agree with me. Look around. That’s what you see. Maybe you’ve even felt that yourself in the past. I know I have.
That’s why I got into business for myself. I ... Views: 858
Designing a coaching program that is simple, yet powerful and creates you 6 figures does not have to be hard. These tips will help you create fabulous value and focus on getting your clients results. I'm going to share with you some tips on creating a very high-leveraged, high income producing ... Views: 1030
I started thinking about what areas my clients and I could handle a little better, what areas could use a little grace and ease.
Instantly I went to the one area that most of my students struggle with - handling objections.
Objection in any form creates fear in many, so instead of going ... Views: 932
Each and every day we need to be committed to claiming our worth, which will empower you and in, therefore, help you show up more fully to serve those that you are meant to.
Make a commitment today to choose 1 empowering strategy and put it into practice TODAY!
1. Get Active! Nope I don't ... Views: 965
In this 3 part article, we are going to get straight to the juice! I am going to share with you 21 steps that if applied to your business, you WILL be unstoppable!My challenge and action for you is this: Begin applying 1 idea each week, just ONE! Go through all 21 and start from the beginning ... Views: 1114
In this 3 part article, we are going to get straight to the juice! I am going to share with you 21 steps that if applied to your business, you WILL be unstoppable!
My challenge and action for you is this: Begin applying 1 idea each week, just ONE! Go through all 21 and start from the ... Views: 1231
In this 3 part article, we are going to get straight to the juice! I am going to share with you 21 steps that if applied to your business, you WILL be unstoppable!
My challenge and action for you is this: Begin applying 1 idea each week, just ONE! Go through all 21 and start from the ... Views: 1230
It isn't a secret that most of the people I attract are highly conscious women coaches, consultants, authors and speakers. I've been very blessed to have some real movers and shakers attracted to my style of coaching.
But there is something else about this group of people that really makes ... Views: 860
I've done many articles on creating an income boost via the low hanging fruit in your business. What does low hanging fruit really mean?
Well, it's those techniques that you can take advantage of that will help bring in cash flow and clients consistently into your business.
One question I ... Views: 933
About a month or so ago, I thought to myself, "Oh no, here we go again." After the dread and fear in my belly subsided, I then thought, "Oh COOL, here we go again!"
What was I experiencing? Something many of you avoid like the plague!
My breakdown before the breakthrough. Yes, it's quite a ... Views: 1431
Referrals. Businesses thrives so much easier with them. We ALL want them!
So why are so many in fear of asking for them? Because you are promoting YOU, it doesn't get any more personal than that!
I'm here to share with you that there is no reason not to ask for referrals it's not being ... Views: 900
How you do love is how you do money?
How are marriage & owning a business the same?
I've noticed that some women are very good at pointing out how their significant other could have done things better, point out their faults and punish them for perhaps not meeting your needs or ... Views: 1176
Can't Afford to Follow Your Dreams?
Can You Afford NOT to?
By Debra Larson
I just read an article where they said that a poll was taken and 80% of the people that participated did NOT enjoy or like their jobs.
So my burning question is WHY don't people do what they love and what they ... Views: 2666
Nothing is more important than living for today. Living your life to the fullest, doing what you love, what you were meant to do, full of purpose and meaning. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?
You truly do create your own life and add meaning to anything and everything you do, big or small. ... Views: 1121