It’s interesting to me that this is so fascinating because I think I flunked science. I was the girl that blew things up when I wasn’t trying to! It’s not that science didn’t interest me, it did! It’s just my mind doesn’t quite work that way. I do happen to attract a lot of scientific minded people into my life though.
What’s even more intriguing to me are how the laws of the Universe perhaps are connected to a proven science.
Wallace D Wattles studied some of the world’s most successful people and this book is the result of his study. There was a common thread that he found amongst 500 of is study group. This common thread resulted in the conclusion that anyone can be, do or have all that they desire in life. That they didn’t have special DNA make up that was needed to achieve success.
What he proved in this book was that being simply wealthy, happy and healthy didn’t come from pure luck. What he discusses is that everything in our life is based on Universal Laws. And in order for these laws to work in your everyday life, you need to abide by these laws.
Well, here is the thing. I’m just not very good about, well how do I say this . . . following the norm, the standard rules. So instantly I was thinking to myself is this book really for me to learn from?
There is a solid understanding of the science behind the principles, with details of the supporting evidence from psychology, neuroscience and quantum mechanics that this stuff works.
Now, that is WAY over my head, but adapting and applying the principles in this book was not. What I really took all of this to mean was: If you follow the “rules” of the Universe that you will Be, Do and Have as you desire and these so called “rules” weren’t that different than from what I was already teaching and getting incredible results from.
Time after time you will hear stories and evidence backing the truths behind these principles in this book of ordinary people, doing incredible things and creating huge successes in their lives. And, this was very exciting to me because day in and day out, I coach ordinary, every day people to do extraordinary things!
Here are just some of the principles and/or ideas that are shared in this book that I teach every day for other’s to apply to their own business:
“You must know what you want, and be definite. You can never get rich, or start the creative power into action, by sending out unformed longings and vague desires.”
Applied to Simply Wealthy’s business teachings:
Get crystal clear on what your business stands for. What is “IT” that you teach other’s to do, so they can do “WHAT”?
What transformation do you offer through your guidance?
What problem do you solve that you feel your best person to guide others to the resolution?
“In order to attain a thing it is necessary that the mind should fall in love with it”
Applied to SimplyWealthy’s business teachings:
You hear me time and time again refer to a passion-filled business. Do what you love and what you are most passionate about and being simply wealthy in life and I your business is destined to follow.
“THE Universe is governed by Law – one great Law.” “Thought is a force – a manifestation of energy – having a magnet-like power of attraction”
“It’s all in the Mental Attitude”
“A strong thought or a thought long continued, will make us the center of attraction for the corresponding thought waves of others.Like attracts like in the Thought World”
Applied to Simply Wealthy’s business teachings:
I just want to clarify this a bit: thought with feeling, creates magnetic like power.
You attract into your life that which you think about most often. This is why many times you will attract clients with certain challenges that perhaps you’ve just gone through or are currently going through yourself.
The place where you become empowered is when you get the learnings from where you have been, move on and are able to really help those that currently are where you used to be. People can and will connect with others that have been there, done that!
These are just a few of the lessons taken from the principles taught in this book. I encourage you to read this book at a minimum of 30 minutes each day, apply action steps to the principles and use the book provided here to help you get clear on how to think, how to act and truly how to attract the Wealth you deserve and desire!
Debra Larson is a Transformation & Wealth Coach, founder of Simply Wealthy by Debra. Debra, an award winning coach, Amazon best selling author, empowers women around the world on how to turn their own true gifts, passions and purpose into a profitable, meaningful business thru simple, doable – yet result driven concepts and systems. She prides herself in helping her clients achieve transformational results by weaving timeless truths and Universal Laws with mastery marketing counsel, teaching on everything from mindset to marketing that assists you in growing yourself while empowering you to fulfill your life’s purpose. You can find out more about Debra and get free tools, tips and steps to becoming simply wealthy in your business & in life at:
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