About a month or so ago, I thought to myself, "Oh no, here we go again." After the dread and fear in my belly subsided, I then thought, "Oh COOL, here we go again!"

What was I experiencing? Something many of you avoid like the plague!

My breakdown before the breakthrough. Yes, it's quite a curious place to be in that not everyone enjoys. Trust me, I understand, but I now come from a place of curiosity anytime I'm feeling a bit of fear.

After working with many clients (and getting to know me pretty well too), I can pretty much figure out when things will start to go a bit Willy-Wonka. All the signs are there. To me, it just means that something fresh and new awaits on the other side. Doesn't mean I'll enjoy the process, but allowing it to happen seems to me, the best way.

What does this look like?

This can come in many forms from creating chaos, seemingly over-worked, self-sabotage to feeling massive resistance and procrastination. Even a bit of uncertainty and for some lack of self confidence and depression. I've even seen where it manifest illness within the body. Heck a little over a year ago, every time I went to take a huge leap in my business, I swear my back would go out. I've never had a back problem in my life until I started pushing outside of my comfort zone within my business.

This ebb and flow of growth and the plateau in between is totally normal in life and your business. Where it begins to get a little hairy, is if you try to force your way through it, or make decisions from a fear based placed.
So how do you move between the dreaded space of the ebb and flow? This in between space that can be pretty difficult and full of uncertainty?

1.) Stay focused on the reason why you got into the business in the first place. The reason why, really should make you cry. This by far is one thing that will help you overcome any obstacle and make your challenge a little less difficult.
2.) Get curious, ask what is this all about.
3.) Don't quit or give up on your dreams just because things got a little difficult, and you feel a little overwhelmed. Take a break with a purpose in mind, i.e. to reconnect, gain clarity, etc. but don't quit. Sometimes taking care of you, taking a break, allows the flow of juices in your brain to reconnect and course correct.
4.) De-clutter your life! Clean out the old to allow for the new. This could be your thoughts, ways of doing things, to your closet to the organization of your files.
5.) Get out into nature! YES, through all of this confusion I want you to take a break. Ask yourself the burning question you desire an answer to and then go for a nice long walk. I bet you have the answer and guidance you need by the time you get done.
6.) After re-connecting with your bigger vision, your real reason for getting into business, then take inspired action.
7.) Get the support you need.
Author Parker Palmer says to embrace these times. “By allowing something to die when its time is due, we create the conditions under which new life can emerge."

This "allowing something to die" is the same thought as cleaning out the old and allowing for the new to come in. YES, de-clutter your life!

Any time your confidence is challenged, you have doubt or just can't clearly see the way your faith can be tested within your business. Take a bit of time for you, get clear again on your focus and take inspired action and most of all embrace the new awareness and learnings that come from this time.
One of the bigger lessons here get the support you need. 98% of the world are not entrepreneurs, they say they get it, but they don't. Connect with like minded entrepreneurs that can support you in the way that you need most. I'm not talking someone who will accept your excuses, (and trust me I can come up with some doozies!)

I'm talking fierce love from someone that holds you accountable that will help move you through any confusion, someone that will help you course-correct when needed. The steps to being successful do not have to be hard, but no one said the journey would be easy.

Embrace a bit of chaos and confusion in your life, you'll be pleasantly surprised what happens when you get through to the other side. Remember, the only way to get to "there" is through.

Author's Bio: 

Debra Larson is a Transformation & Wealth Coach, founder of Simply Wealthy by Debra. Debra, an award winning coach, empowers highly conscious women entrepreneurs around the world on how to turn their own true gifts, passions and purpose into a profitable, meaningful business thru simple, doable, yet result driven concepts and systems. She prides herself in helping her clients achieve transformational results by weaving timeless truths and Universal Laws with mastery marketing counsel, teaching on everything from mindset to marketing that assists you in growing yourself while empowering you to fulfill your life's purpose. You can find out more about Debra and get free tools, tips and steps to becoming simply wealthy in your business & in life at: www.DebraLarson.com