Cat lovers know that taking care of their furry companions goes beyond just cuddles and cute pictures. From choosing the healthiest food to ensuring the best hygiene products, every decision matters. One such essential choice is selecting the right cat litter. If you’ve been exploring options, ... Views: 31
Anxiety and depression are the 2 most common diseases that our society is facing these days, no matter how strong you are or how hard you try you will need external help sooner or later to get these fixed up. A product by the name of striction bp reviews is the best for this.
Striction Bp and ... Views: 616
As we know mothers have to do so many works on daily basis at home and they do so many tasks but their duty towards their children is the toughest one. You can’t imagine but it’s a 24 hours duty that a mother has to perform throughout the day. She does it even without complaining to anyone. No ... Views: 629
Everyone is familiar with the hoverboards nowadays. They are used for different purposes. From showing some skills to commute, they are manufactured for different purposes. You might be aware that these hoverboards are easily available in the market. In short, you have a huge choice from which ... Views: 684
Have you ever thought about how do electric shaver work? Surly you use them every morning and it does its job perfectly, but have you ever wondered about the mechanics are involved in these electric shavers? What kind of material is used in them?
Although electric shavers are categorized into ... Views: 748
Technology has evolved much as compared to the past and will still keep on progressing with the passage of time. There are thousands of best universities and research centers across the world that are doing deep researches for the invention of new technologies and gadgets. In this article, we ... Views: 641
You might have heard about the flat irons and interchangeable curling wands. If you are thinking about buying a flat iron, then this thought must have come to your mind. Should I go for ceramic flat iron or titanium flat iron? Well to find the answer to your question, just read this article. All ... Views: 747
Medicine is a huge field that includes vitamins, supplements, and minerals as well. Here, we are not going to discuss the characteristics of any medicine and supplement. But, we will try to discuss some most important points about the packaging of medicines. Usually, most of the physical ... Views: 683
Having proper sleep, diet, and doing healthy activities may need to be possible in the real world. Eating healthy is also sometimes neglected so, the body can be deprived of essential nutrients and minerals in the real world.
There are many supplements that are there to provide proper ... Views: 1054
The goodness of Vitamin C has been known to mankind since ancient times. Vitamin C is that micronutrient which has an essential role to play as an immunity booster, and a great source of activity, happiness, and energy. It is one of the most important water-soluble vitamins and is essential for ... Views: 750
Two journalists with five kids between them have a fair discussion about the past couple of days are like.
This unprecedented interval has disrupted all of the systems that keep our lives running.
Most colleges and afternoon care are shut. Grandparents, babysitters and others rely ... Views: 1242
The corona virus brings its own stress. How can we deal with that? Annemiek Leclaire spoke to experts in the field of stress and anxiety and gave a few tips.
Waking up at night, during the day a feeling of uneasy restlessness, trouble concentrating, and a mild form of underground anxiety that ... Views: 804
We live in exciting times. But the challenges are not short. We have to deal with issues such as ageing, climate change, new infectious diseases, loss of biodiversity and overpopulation. Globally, smart minds are looking for solutions to those problems. Their fundamental research must lead to ... Views: 1927
When you say technology, IT, and inventions, the first person you think of is probably a man. While this is justified, it doesn't mean that our long history has not known some of the female inventors who turned the world upside down. As we all celebrate International Women ’s Day on 3rd March ... Views: 1273
Creative people develop new possibilities.
Which parent does not dream of a good future for his child? A good job, a brilliant career ... Successful people are generally creative. Creativity is not just about art. Science and the business world also need creative people.
Creative people have ... Views: 1525
You probably know one: a typical creative. He is always full of wild ideas, can write or draw nice and always knows how to take a different turn in his brain. Some people seem to have an innate talent for creativity. Maybe that's really true. Still, even if you don't consider yourself creative ... Views: 1586
In addition to the increasing size of Artificial Intelligence, there is now also Augmented Reality (supplemented reality). But what is Augmented Reality? AR, short for Augmented Reality, is a technological method that allows you to create a digital image of reality. This is done via a smartphone ... Views: 1657
“In order to stand strong, we must empower the talented youth among us to dedicate their lives to scientific research and development. We must help them in any way possible, in all fields.” Those were the words of David Ben Gurion, Israel's first prime minister. This philosophy has been the ... Views: 1467
All companies have three main objectives: to increase productivity and efficiency, to offer users (customers, partners and employees) better experiences and to remain relevant in the market. To ensure that these objectives are achieved, it is important to evaluate emerging technologies in a ... Views: 1496
The speed at which technology changes our lives is almost impossible to comprehend. It feels a bit like dancing on a volcano that can erupt at any moment.
But especially in a positive way, because in the future we will become (healthier) older, the world is cleaner, we are more prosperous and ... Views: 1206
Technological developments have followed one another at a rapid pace in recent years. We all sometimes feel that we can no longer keep up. Or even worse: that we are overtaken by technology, that we develop self-learning systems that become so smart that they surpass us. Is it time we reclaimed ... Views: 1214
While the title of his latest book 'Technology vs. Humanity 'expects a battle between man and robot, futurist Gerd Leonhard's vision for the future is surprisingly optimistic.
The pessimistic title of his book appears to have been adopted by the publishing house. Leonhard himself had 'vs.' ... Views: 1436
From self-driving cars to robots that teach themselves to walk; Due to technological progress, our machines seem to become increasingly autonomous. Should we guard against robots taking over power in the future?
A slave is owned by his master and has no control over his own life and death. ... Views: 1505
You want to protect an invention idea because of its high in your perspective. It is unique and new in the market, and you are fully confident about it that it will work. You can successfully market it. But until then, you have to work it out further and develop it further. That can take a ... Views: 1384
Will there soon be enough energy, water and food for everyone? More and more people are joining in and the earth is warming up. How can we do that? Perhaps with these 5 fantastic, sustainable inventions.
1. Vertical agriculture
The earth becomes fuller and fuller. All those people have to ... Views: 1132
You cannot sell an idea. It's just in your head and it's worth noting. If you further develop your idea or invention into a marketable product, interested parties can be sought. To make an idea from your idea and a salable product from your invention, you have to invest. This can be done in ... Views: 1496
Smart innovation can lead to more sales, happy customers and efficient working days at every company. Yet not every entrepreneur gets energy from the word innovation. In this article, we respond to five common excuses for not starting a renewal.
I have no idea how I should start with ... Views: 1605
To build a successful company it is important to map its viability. Is the current product or service that you offer still interesting? Is there sufficient demand for that new product or service that you want to develop? Do you have to tap into a new market for this and do you have the required ... Views: 1520
Entrepreneurship is dynamic with constant challenges. That also makes it so much fun. However, there may be times when you have doubts about which choice (s) you can make the best for your company and which steps you should take. For example, about which growth steps you can take. Or maybe you ... Views: 1665
Coming up with an invention is generally not easy. To begin with, there are many things that have already been invented. An inventor, therefore, runs the risk that his inventions have already been invented by another inventor. In addition, an investor can believe in a certain invention, but ... Views: 1634
An inventor is someone who thinks up, designs and works out things that did not exist before. Becoming an inventor is generally not easy, because the right to exist as an inventor is very dependent on possible successful inventions. There are quite a lot of people who try to invent things on a ... Views: 1749
You make clothes, jewelry or curtains. It doesn't matter, even if they are chairs. If your design is unique, you can protect it. Many people think of a patent, but that is a bit different and that is why I am going to explain how you can register a design.
What is a model registration?
A ... Views: 1458
Whether it is a groundbreaking new product or a smart adaptation in your production process, you are probably more likely to make patentable inventions than you think. A well-protected invention can be of great value to your company. Yet many inventors miss this opportunity because they are not ... Views: 1525
One of my employees has made an invention for which we want to apply for a patent. Who has the rights to the copyright, the employee or the employer?
There are no legal provisions that govern who is the holder of the invention in an employment relationship. It is advisable to agree with such a ... Views: 1685
Your brand, a product or a new service is the essential asset of your company. With this, you distinguish your company from your competitors, and you determine your position on the market.
In addition to material property, your business often also has an intangible value, such as a remarkable ... Views: 1904
Use a Non-Disclosure to Protect Your Invention
Many invention services are familiar with inventors. Patent Attorneys, patent agents and ingenuity service companies all adhere to confidentiality procedures. But developing the good habit of always asking if your invention security is good ... Views: 2011
A patent, usually also called copyright, is the exclusive property right to an invention. As an entrepreneur, you can prevent others from making, recreating, using, reselling, renting out or delivering your invention, process or product.
If you get a patent for a certain invention, you can ... Views: 1953
We've all heard of famous inventors such as Galileo (the telescope), Karl Benz (the automobile), Alexander Graham Bell (the phone) and Benjamin Franklin (bifocal glasses), but do you also know who Grace Hopper and Stephanie Kwolek were?
One of these women invented the first programming ... Views: 2257
Fortunately, there are a lot of people in this world who have an urge to think hard and implement brilliant ideas. Because what would the world have looked like if there were no inventors who meant a lot in terms of technology and development? At least different. We are therefore happy to ... Views: 2131
Innovation comes in many forms. Unfortunately, the term is often confused with an invention. However, an invention is not an innovation, but innovation is an invention. Quite confusing. This article will create clarity in the different terms that are not the same but are related to each other: ... Views: 2035
If you have an idea for a completely new product, service or invention, you want to protect it. Until the moment it is ready for the market, someone else can run away with your idea. With these steps, you can protect your product, service or invention.
1. Find out if your idea already ... Views: 1866
Innovation management, a term that you regularly encounter within our office walls or on social media. Especially popular among managers who want to try something innovative. But isn't innovation management a bit of an empty term? A word that we often encounter but with which we can mean many ... Views: 1711
Do you currently think 'I have an invention and what now' or 'I have made an invention what now'? Invent Help is happy to help you with answers. They are continually supporting inventors since 1984. Have you come up with an invention, but you don't know what to do next? Then make an appointment ... Views: 1930
Of course, there are many more than just three inventors who have made our culture and society what it was today. It all started with the wheel, or with language, or perhaps with the first ape-like who started walking on two feet. Where it all started is hard to say. What we can tell something ... Views: 1995
You owe the following ten inventions, which have changed the world on a small or large scale, to a woman. Some of these 'female finds' will no doubt surprise you. Did you know that a woman invented the wiper? And the bulletproof vest? Also, the basis for wireless internet, with which you may be ... Views: 1865
As we age, our body deteriorates as well. When you reach the age of 60, it can be hard staying on top of our health. That’s why seniors are prescribed more medications than younger people. In fact, 54 per cent of adults aged 65 and above take at least four prescription drugs.
However, our ... Views: 1016
Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms that engage millions of users. A business that sees these users as active customers and markets them correctly leads to getting huge coverage.
Twitter can give businesses a cost-effective way of attracting with their consumer base and ... Views: 828
If you are a proud pet owner, then you will understand the need to make sure it is happy and healthy. What most individuals aren’t conscious of, when it comes to their pets, they still have the base predispositions that their descendants had. One of those instincts was to hide any signs of ... Views: 723
There are a lot of reasons to use social media and it seems like the media is just hammering us every day. It becomes an important tool to polishes your skills thus making you more productive in your work. I myself learned a number of communication skills to interact with unknown people and know ... Views: 840
The art of bending another person's situations or behaviour, creating a 'win-win' situation, can be learned. That requires extra effort and human science from you as a professional or manager! But it delivers lasting relationships in which everyone's talent comes into their own and you enjoy ... Views: 801