How often do you tell yourself that you can’t do something? Believing we can’t do something is a belief that we can begin to challenge. If we believe, for whatever reasons, that we can’t do something, we will resist (with all of our might), in an effort to hold onto our belief. In the long run, what will we accomplish by believing that the limitation or excuse is true? NOTHING…
Nothing can be accomplished because of holding in mind a thought or belief that suggests “I can’t…”
If we challenge our “I can’t” thoughts, behind them we will find, that there is also a very strong “I won’t” thought running in relation to whatever we are resisting. Let’s say the issue is: Taking out the garbage or increasing our net worth. In truth, it’s not that we can’t take out the garbage or increase or networth. Right? What is actually going on is that we made a decision that is more like, “I don’t want to take out the garbage and don't know how to improve my cashflow.” So therefore the perceived “I can’t…” is really amore like “I don’t want to do it… I'm not sure how to do it... or possibly I won’t do it!” in disguise. Do you see the difference?
Looking at “I can’t…” as being correct equals defeat, disempowerment, or perhaps giving up. It is saying there is nothing we can do to take responsibility for the issue regarding our taking out the garbage or increasing our networth(or whatever issue or concern that we are working on). However, if we change our thinking and accept that we can take out the garbage and can improve our networth or cashflow, even though we may choose to avoid doing a specific task, is a very different picture then believing that we can't.
Each time we challenge our “I can’t or I won’t” thoughts, we are choosing to move beyond being stuck in limited point of view. Lester Levenson and Larry Crane have said many times, “There are no impossibles, if we aren’t holding them in mind.” In believing you can’t take out the garbage or increase your networth or cashflow (or accomplish whatever you would like to accomplish) that’s exactly what you will be creating.
Every “I can’t…” is showing us resistance, fear, or our not wanting to do a particular task. A better way of handling the issue of “I can’t or I won’t” is to begin asking ourselves better questions. If you don’t want to take out the garbage, increase your networth or cashflow (or do whatever challenge you are facing), admit that. Taking responsibility is first step in moving into courageousness, acceptance and peace.
If we are being spiteful as referenced in the example of taking out the garbage or working to improve our level of incoming cashflow, we should take a moment and notice who or what we are resenting. Whatever is causing us resistance is something that is pointing out that we are in disharmony or disagreement. Sometimes there maybe something else going on at a deeper level (i.e. overwhelmed, pain, wanting to change something or trying to figure out what to do). By looking at our resistance or the issue even more closely is looking beyond what is on the surface that looks or sounds like "I can't..."
So how do we turn around the beliefs of “I can’t or I won’t?” Every time we face or challenge issues or concerns believing “I can’t,” is moving towards having a positive resolution. The resistance or fear will unfortunately remain within our subconscious mind, until we decide to move towards it and begin correcting what we are holding in mind. Trust that you can let go of believing you can’t do something… Trust you can have and achieve anything that you would like to have, do or experience. Hold in mind ONLY what you would like to have! See yourself doing it. Having it! And, enjoying it!
Every time you believe you can, you will find a way to accomplish your goal. Each “I CAN!” belieft will take you further. Give yourself permission to easily and successfully move beyond holding onto limiting thoughts such as I can’t. Decide to step out of your comfort zone. Decide, “I CAN!”
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide. The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.
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