Success means different things to different people. We all operate within a paradigm, or view of the world, and this will determine how we see success and how we act in all of life’s situations.

For many, their success involves struggle, hard work, competitiveness, and looking after number one. This can help you cultivate qualities such as commitment, a strong work ethic, focus, courage and the willingness to take risks. But sadly it often does not include your deeper sensitivity and can end up diminishing your sense of humanity, and disconnecting you from others.

Is it possible to enjoy success from a place in the heart that connects us rather than keeping us stuck in separation and competitiveness? The answer is yes and one of the main ways is to create a clear intent that is open and inclusive. We all operate by intention but for most it is unconscious and has never been examined or consciously chosen. Your intention is closely connected to your values, and they in turn influence the nature of your intention. So what is intention?

Intention is a quality of the heart and is much deeper to the truth of your being than the goals that may fill your mind. It is an expression of your very nature. It is the voice of the Soul, and embodies what you want to give to life. It is a living expression of the fullness of your true self.

What is the quality of your self that you want to give to life and to the world?

What type of impact do you wish to have on the world?

Such questions challenge you to look deeply into your heart and find what is truly within you. When you have clarity there then you release your living intention, which the energy that carries everything towards fulfilment, whether that is the grand sweep of evolution, starting a business, or entering a new relationship.

One of the most powerful things you can do when aiming for success is to get clear and conscious about your intention. Spend some time finding your deepest answers to these four questions.

1. What is the highest success you want in your life?

2. What quality or experience do you wish to bring to
life through this success?

3. In what ways will this success add value to you and
to your world?

4. What do you wish to give to life?

As with values you need to be clear about the ways you bring your intention into your life. It’s easy to give yourself a warm fuzzy when reading something like this, but how do you consciously live with clear intent day in and day out?

It is not for the lazy but if you are determined to live your own extraordinary life then you start by committing to a life of conscious intent. By doing so you are saying, “My life counts for something. I am the full expression of the magnificence of life. It is important that I do the very best I can with integrity.”

It is important to be clear about this because intention, like everything else, has a shadow side. Throughout history there have been many who have expressed a negative intent that has brought pain and suffering to millions. We have inherited the Darwinian view of evolution as survival of the fittest, and maybe many of these negative expressions of intent have been influenced by this perspective.

A world view based on survival of the fittest will tempt you to see others as objects to be manipulated or controlled. However, this is just one perspective. Maybe a more helpful perspective is that evolution supports that which expands and adds value to life.

With clear intent it is easier to create a compelling vision that fulfils you personally and adds value to life. It can help you overcome the temptation to settle for quick easy solutions that may sacrifice the good of the whole. All great leaders have been filled with clear intent and guided by a compelling vision.

That is the energy that Life supports and it is that energy that will bring you success in the world and in the fulfilment of your humanity.

Author's Bio: 

Clement McGrath brings 32 years of coaching and mentoring experience and a wealth of knowledge to his work. Clement has worked in a variety of roles that have all involved supporting people to reach their full potential and live the life of their dreams.

He conducts his own private practice, has facilitated youth work in a non-profit organisation, has been a contracted provider to a major government department, and director of Life Coach Associates since 2001.

After facilitating Life Coach Associates coach training program for 10 years, he recently stepped aside from that position to focus on creating a variety of programmes that are more accessible to a wider audience.

These include, “Relationship Rescue,” “How to Harness Your Yes Power,” “How to Increase Your Energy and Achieve More,” “Find Your voice: How to Communicate Confidently and Effectively,” and “Awakening to Infinity: A Course in Self Realisation.”

He is available for private consultations and public speaking, and can create customised programmes to address the specific needs of groups and organisations.

Clement is a qualified Breath Therapist, and has studied extensively in the areas of ‘Effective Communication,’ ‘Human Creativity,’ ‘Principles of Peak Performance and Success,’ and ‘Mythology and its Modern Applications.’

He has co-authored the book, “The Way to Freedom,” and is currently completing a major book on relationships that he intends to have published in 2015.

Clement lives in Christchurch, New Zealand, with his partner Heather Fletcher.

Contacts for Clement are:
0064 3 355 2297
0064 272 033 694