We all find ourselves dealing with self-doubt at some point in our entrepreneurial lives. If you let it get the best of you by feeding in to it and actually believing the lies you’re telling yourself, it can destroy even the best of intentions for success.

Self-doubt can creep into your psyche without you even suspecting it’s there until the first niggling thought makes itself clear. Doubts can run wild in your mind, making you question your abilities about anything new or different.

You have to be aware of your thoughts and how you’re reacting at all times to weed them out before they grow and take over your creativity and destroy your goals.

When you check in to reality you’ll realize that the negative thoughts are occurring for various reasons.

Find the reason:

Compare and Despair

It is easy for us as entrepreneurs to get lost in comparing ourselves with others who are in a similar business.

When you compare yourself to other people, you are setting yourself up for a massive dose of self-doubt. First of all, you are being unfair to yourself, because usually what you are doing is comparing your inadequacies to someone else’s perceived successes. This is a recipe for disaster.

You have no idea of how or what it took for them to achieve their success. You have no idea of what has or is occurring for them behind the scenes.

“Compare and Despair” is a cognitive distortion - a form of irrational thinking that can not only lead you down the road of self-doubt, but can also take you on the road of depression.

Self-doubt can also creep in via the way of overwhelm. You could be overwhelmed with all the new and changing information that is constantly being produced on the web. New platforms, new business practices, new technology - we are all being challenged. You can be in a perpetual state of learning, trying to keep up with new and changing information.

More often than not, you have to hit the ground running, knowing that you don’t have all the information or skill required to do what it is you need to do.

Yet you still have to forge ahead, knowing that you can learn enough of what you need to know along the way or that you can engage someone else to do it. Whatever the issue you need to tease it out and address it sooner rather than later.

Learning to recognize and weed out the crippling, negative thoughts so that you can get on with achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself starts with diligently paying attention to your self-talk.

Beginning the learning process of becoming aware of your thoughts is as simple as checking in with yourself a few times a day. You’ll soon be able to discern the “keeper” thoughts from the “discard” pile.

Whatever the negative thought you are having just tell yourself to “STOP”

Whatever it is that you are thinking ask yourself the question:

Is this true?

Wait for the answer.

Drop your breath into your stomach. This immediately gets you out of your head and shifts your thinking. It helps you to get clearer and more focused. It helps you to be more receptive and open to looking at other perspectives and possibilities.

Replace negative, self-doubtful thinking with positive thoughts that are more affirming and empowering.

It is easy to stay immobilized and stuck in self-doubt, questioning our abilities and self-worth, when we are consistently being challenged by new experiences and opportunities in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

The key to staying grounded in not allowing self-doubt to get the best of us is to be aware and to weed out those negative thoughts so that they do not take a hold and derail us from the entrepreneurial path towards success that we have envisioned and planned for ourselves.

Need more information to handle self-doubt?

Check out this new online course: Imposter Syndrome - Your Kickass Guide to Recovery. Click Link Here.


Author's Bio: 

Veronica Hislop is the founder of Em-Powered-Solutions
Women's Transformation Strategist and "Ninja Stress Busting Warrior." To find out more about her services click here.


She is currently the creator of the new online course
Impostor Syndrome Your Kickass Guide to Recovery
To find out more click here.
