“If the way you feel depends on anything outside of you, you’re in trouble. But if you depend only upon your connection with your own Inner Being, then everything in your experience falls into alignment.”
– Abraham-Hicks
I have a great idea for a new book. The working title is Inside Out: The Direct Path to True Freedom and Full Empowerment. It’s about realizing that everything you desire is available when you seek fulfillment from the inside rather than from the outside. It’s about understanding that what you’re experiencing on the outside is a reflection of what you’re experiencing on the inside. It’s about shifting your perspective 180 degrees – from outside yourself to inside yourself.
I’m very excited about this book and I’m especially excited about letting it be easy. It feels like this book wants to be written and it feels like this book wants to be written through me – not by me. I do not want to work hard to write this book. I want to allow this book. I want to lovingly birth this book.
It feels good to know that this book has already been “written.” According to the Law of Attraction, when you have a desire, it is in that moment created in the non-physical. When you ask, it is done! Some may say, “Big deal! I can’t see it, touch it, taste it, drive it, spend it, . . .” Well, yes you can. In fact, the more you connect with your desire on the non-physical level (inside), the easier it becomes to experience the physical manifestation you desire (outside).
That’s the Inside Out order of things. Create it on the inside. Align with it on the inside. Experience it on the outside.
Your environment is a mirror reflecting back to you what you’re thinking and feeling – from the Inside Out. If you think and feel Love, your environment will show you Love. Same with fear. Same with joy. Same with anything else you can name. Your thoughts and feelings inside CREATE what you experience on the outside.
Living from the Inside Out is about focusing more internally than externally. It’s about taking the emotional journey first and then taking the inspired physical journey second. The physical journey (the action-oriented approach) SEEMS easier to many of us because we’ve practiced it so much more. But, really, as Mike Dooley says, what could be easier than getting what you think about? We’re learning that BE-ing is much more powerful than DO-ing.
Living from the Inside Out brings true freedom. It’s the freedom to change the way you feel with your thoughts. It’s the certainty that, when you change the way you feel with your thoughts, your outer circumstances will change to match your inner state. When you live from the Inside Out, you no longer feel compelled to run away from bad feelings, self-medicate, blame other people or try to manipulate external circumstances.
Living from the Inside Out brings full empowerment. Have you ever tried to change other people or external circumstances in an attempt to feel better? It doesn’t work, does it? It doesn’t work because it’s exactly backwards. It doesn’t work because your happiness or unhappiness is determined by what’s happening inside YOU. Inner happiness creates outer happiness, not the other way around. Seek on the inside what you want on the outside and, voila, it appears on the outside.
My request to you. In the spirit of letting it be easy, I’m inspired to reach out to you, dear friend, for feedback, ideas, stories, experiences, etc. What occurs to you when you think about Living from the Inside Out? How has your life changed as a result of shifting your perspective from Outside In to Inside Out? What circumstances have inspired you to learn to Live from the Inside Out? If I use your suggestions in my book, you’ll receive a free copy of the book as well as a complimentary one-hour phone coaching session!
As you shift your perspective from Outside In to Inside Out, you realize what Albert Schweitzer meant when he said, “success is not the key to happiness – happiness is the key to success.” As you shift your perspective from Outside In to Inside Out, “I’ll believe it when I see it” becomes “I’ll see it when I believe it.” As you shift your perspective from Outside In to Inside Out, you access the true freedom and full empowerment that is your birthright. When you take care of the inside, the outside takes care of itself.
Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two ebooks - "Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire" as well as "Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction" - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, download a free copy of her ebook "Magical Musings on the Law of Attraction," and subscribe to her ezine, visit Gold Star Coaching.
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