“All doubt, despair, and fear become insignificant once the intention
of life becomes love, rather than dependence on love.”
– Sri da Avabhas
LOVE! Millions of songs have been sung about it. Countless poems, movies, books and plays have been written about it. Untold numbers of notes, cards and letters have been sent expressing it. It’s what we all want and, for many of us, it’s the most difficult thing to both find and hold on to. In my opinion, the most important thing to know about love is where it comes from.
As we’ve been trying our best to find love “out there,” we’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places – outside of us. And, all the time, an infinite reservoir of love has been available if we would only look within. As we radiate this love from our Source within, the Law of Attraction matches that love vibration and we easily and naturally attract love back. If we are loving, our world will be loving.
For many of us, the disappointment and frustration of our search for love on the outside has brought us to the awareness that love resides on the inside and to the realization that love is who we really are.
You may be familiar with Anita Moorjani, the lovely woman who speaks and writes about her near death experience. As she sums up her extraordinary journey from cancer to near death to true healing, she says, “My real message is that at our core we are love. It’s who we are.”
While it’s not always easy to align with a feeling of love, we can almost always find someone or something to appreciate. Since love and appreciation are the same vibration, appreciation gives us easy access to love.
“Like waves in an ocean, we are made of love.
We arise out of love, and to love we will always return.”
– Michael Neill
Would you like to expand your capacity to love? Here are three exercises designed to move you more deeply into heart-centered living:
· A DAY OF LOVE. When you wake up tomorrow, wake up to a special day – a Day of Love. Wake up with the awareness that love is Who You Really Are and choose to see through the eyes of love all day long. Throughout the day, whenever you interact with another person – even briefly – flow love to them. Include everyone – your family, your co-workers, the cashier at the grocery store, everyone! See yourself as pure love. See everyone and everything with the eyes of love. You’ll probably feel so good, you’ll want to do it every day and a Day of Love will become a Lifetime of Love.
· HEART CENTERING. (This exercise is adapted from the Institute of HeartMath.) Close your eyes, place your hands over your heart and gently focus your awareness on your heart. Breathe slowly and imagine your breath is flowing in and out from the area of your heart. As you continue breathing from your heart, recall a time when you were absolutely filled with the joyous, expansive feeling of Love. Allow yourself to re-live this exquisite state of love deeply and fully. Bask in this high vibration for as long as it feels good to you.
· IMAGINE LOVE. A Course in Miracles teaches that only love is real and that everything else is a misperception.
Imagine KNOWING that pure, unconditional love is Who You Really Are.
Imagine FEELING the unconditional love of Source flowing to you.
Imagine responding to EVERY situation with love.
Imagine LOVING MORE DEEPLY than you ever have before.
“The Law of Attraction or the Law of Love . . . they are one and the same.”
– Charles Haanel
Love is our natural state. It’s who we really are. As we tap into this inner wellspring of love, we vibrate in alignment with Source – and nothing feels better than that. As we fill ourselves up a little bit more each day with the unconditional love of Source, we know in our hearts that All is Well and that everything is unfolding perfectly. Accessing the love within us and extending that love to others is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem. Love – It’s Who You Really Are!
Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two ebooks - "Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire" as well as "Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction" - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, download a free copy of her ebook "Magical Musings on the Law of Attraction," and subscribe to her ezine, visit Gold Star Coaching.
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