Often clients come to me because they truly want to get the recognition they deserve in the form of publicity both online and in the media. They’re looking for a starting point to get the word out so they have a general understanding of press releases and strategies. This is an important step in ... Views: 1180
This may sound like a crazy question. At the same time I’ve met more than my fair share of people who don’t know the answer to this question. Honestly, it’s not given the respect it deserves most of the time. Do you know why you are in business (or why you want to start a business if you’re just ... Views: 1220
You’re probably familiar with the acronym WIIFM (what’s in it for me). As a business owner it’s one of the most important acronyms for you to be familiar with. Because, although you undoubtedly created your business out of passion, your business is about more than your passion, it’s about what ... Views: 1057
It’s one thing to know who you are speaking to and it’s another to actually get through to them.
Here’s what I mean. Often, we become so impassioned by our work or what we have to offer, we forget to really focus on our ideal clients. This can spell disaster in your marketing, advertising ... Views: 1201
Copy is vital to your marketing success BUT if you’re missing this ONE component it can cause your copy to fall flat. Before you begin your copywriting project, you must know who your ideal client is. Gone are the days of being all things to everyone. If you are not really clear about who you’re ... Views: 1007
“Silent mentors” are those people who have impacted your life in a positive way — often by writing a book, speaking truth, offering a freebie — like an audio or special report and generally being of service to make a difference in the world. I call them “Silent mentors” not because they are ... Views: 3481
I recently posted an update on social media sites delightfully proclaiming…
“Progress report: My Content Strategy for 2011 is completely mapped out. Now time to chunk it down into projects & get ready for the New Year”
A response from one of my Facebook friends, Idara Bassey, (and I do ... Views: 1078
Do you think that business success is truly a choice?
I believe that it is.
Anyone who has ever started a business knows there is work involved. It takes a clear vision, strategic planning, marketing and more to be successful.
The two traits of successful businesses that I see most ... Views: 1161
Something has been weighing on my mind for a while now. As I look back on the evolution of my business I’m amused by the naivety that I exhibited when starting my Internet business. And, I want to share my mistakes with you so you can learn, grow and blossom with much less B.S. (yep, I said ... Views: 1052
The core of your online presence is your website. Ensuring that your site is really working for you, meaning it engages, informs, develops relationships, flows well and promotes action, is vital to your online marketing success.
Is your website a passive, pretty placeholder or worse yet ugly ... Views: 1550
I’m sure you’ve heard me discuss the importance of masterminds and investing in your business. This is the single most important aspect of professional growth.
Exposure to new ideas, fresh ways of thinking and resources are vital to expansion of your mind and soul.
Who do you mastermind ... Views: 2919
I’ve received quite a few inquiries from Manyon’s Musings subscribers, colleagues and potential clients lately. And all of the inquiries surround marketing momentum and the best ways to find and retain clients.
Ordinarily I’d require an investment in Exploratory Consultation to answer the ... Views: 1328
Internet marketing and Google are almost synonymous.
Well, maybe not quite. But, if you are not utilizing Google and Google alerts in your internet marketing mix you’re missing out.
Google alerts aren’t actually an internet marketing tool but actually an internet marketing monitoring ... Views: 1262
As you know, I’m a relatively positive and optimistic person. I usually don’t let people get me fired up. After all, I’d rather channel good energy into doing the best possible job I can at whatever it is I happen to be doing.
So, let me start by sharing a story. Please note, this story isn’t ... Views: 1495
Perhaps you’ve heard the saying it’s not what you know but who you know?
I have a different twist on that. It’s not only what you know, it’s who you know and who you share your knowledge with.
Connections are important. In my humble opinion, connections are what make the world go ... Views: 1087
According to Gene Quinn, president & founder of IPWatchdog, Inc., the definition of a trade secret follows;
A trade secret is any valuable business information that is not generally known and is subject to reasonable efforts to preserve confidentiality. Generally speaking, a trade secret will ... Views: 1004
It’s all about a good story. AND what makes a good story stick is TRUTH. Authenticity, true voice, and focused messaging come as a result of powerful storytelling. Storytelling is not a new technique but it’s being used in new ways. Consumers are now savvier than ever, and they want to know who ... Views: 887
Although storytelling and transparency are huge components of copywriting trends, it’s not enough to simply tell your story. You must have buy-in. Consumers must believe your story, resonate with you, and believe that others believe in you too before they decide to do business with you. That’s ... Views: 1029
Social proof and engagement are the name of the game when it comes to building relationships online. The “know, like and trust factor” are vital when clients are determining whether or not they will do business with you.
In general people are getting tired of hyped up sales tactics. They ... Views: 842
Using Your Marketing Real Estate Wisely.
Small spaces can pack a real punch. One of the smallest areas you have to work with is your business card.
So, let's take a look at how to make the most of this little chunk of your marketing real estate.
Wise use of both sides of the business ... Views: 1272
Article Marketing is here to stay. In fact, it's one of the quickest ways to gain notoriety on the web, get picked up in various publications, increase eZine (electronic newsletter) subscriptions and boost the "I've heard about you somewhere" factor.
When looking for no cost and low cost ways ... Views: 1314
It's interesting to me how many people truly don't know who their clients are let alone how to reach them. I don't mean the clients you've already done bushiness with - chances are you've developed a relationship with them and know what makes them tick. What I mean is your ideal clients and ... Views: 1196
What are you asking?
One of the best pieces of advice I can offer when creating copy is to always include an offer, otherwise known as a call to action.
What do you want your customers to do? Don't assume they'll come to your website or storefront just because you've told them you're there. ... Views: 1278
When writing marketing, advertising and promotional copy, there are specific formulas to increase response and effectiveness. Since your copy truly is the secret to sales success it's important to familiarize yourself with the formula even if you aren't writing long copy. Here's why: There is a ... Views: 1274
Increase Your Search Engine Rankings Organically ~
The landscape of internet marketing is changing. It takes more than a brochure website (a site that merely tells what you do) to capture new customers.
People expect more and they deserve more.
It’s up to you to clearly educate ... Views: 1479
It’s no secret that I strongly believe copy (the written part of any marketing material) is the secret to sales success. There are specific formulas that apply to all marketing efforts and they can roll over into publicity, too. At the same time there is a fine line between promotional ... Views: 1241
Not everyone reads long copy and that's why there are double readership paths. I'm guessing you already know this...but just in case, copy (the written part of any marketing material) is the secret to sales success.
Have you ever noticed the formatting on long direct mail or web sales ... Views: 2988
Copy (the written part of any marketing material) is the secret to sales success. So, is long copy or short copy more effective? The answer is both are effective when well written. Publishers Clearinghouse wouldn't send out long sales letters if they didn't work and coincidentally, newspapers ... Views: 1225
twitter Revolution ~ How Social Media and Mobile Marketing is Changing the Way we Do Business and Market Online by Deborah Micek @CoachDeb & Warren Whitlock @WarrenWhitlock
If you don't have tweeps, aren't familiar with the twitterverse or haven't started tweeting, it's time to get on board ... Views: 1497
It's time to get to the heart of copywriting. We've learned your copy (the written part of any marketing material) is the secret to sales success. In previous articles, I've demonstrated the importance of headlines, provided four ways to craft headlines and pointed out the need to clearly show ... Views: 1056
By now you should know headlines are the most important part of copy. At least when it comes to drawing your readers in and keeping them interested.
Here are four quick ways to craft compelling headlines; offer a solution, tell readers how to do it, ask a question or give a quantifiable ... Views: 1992
So, you've already determined your copy (the written part of any marketing material) is the secret to sales success. Now, let's take it a step further.
Do you know what people read first - practically EVERYTIME they read your copy?
It's your headline. Studies have shown that your headline is ... Views: 1057
Do you truly understand what your customers want from you? Are you delivering?
Understanding that copy is the secret to sales success is a great starting point. Knowing how to engage your readers with attention grabbing headlines is important and at the same time, it's not enough to really ... Views: 987
Over the past four years I've noticed that the word "tribe" has become increasingly popular. As I've met new, wonderful and unusual friends there has been a common thread regardless of differences in opinion, background, nationality, political persuasion and quirky personality traits, we all ... Views: 1191
Mindset has almost become a buzz word. What's interesting about this is the effect mindset has on our everyday lives is not a new concept.
I'm one of the many who tried to read Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich many years ago, at a time in my life when I wasn't receptive to the information. ... Views: 1118
Like many people I know, New Year’s came and went for me without the creation of a New Year’s resolution list. Instead, I’ve decided to resolve to be a better person all around and to live by my guiding principles.
It’s not as if I haven’t been doing this all along. But I figure it’s a lot ... Views: 1256
Frequently I am asked, “What do you do for a living?” My reply varies, yet usually starts with, “I work at an advertising agency.”
There are few individuals who understand what that means, usually because they’re in the business, too.
I’ve found that there seems to be a certain mystique about ... Views: 1110
Word choice can change the perception and value of your business communications. Each piece of correspondence, promotional, marketing and advertising material your company produces is an investment in your success. Are you investing wisely?
Think about the words “old” and “experienced”. They ... Views: 1016
As a small business owner you know the importance of marketing and investing in your businesses. This means attending workshops, trainings, conferences and maybe even entering business competitions or contests that can increase publicity. The intent is to further your business by networking with ... Views: 1073
To create the most compelling marketing and promotional pieces possible, you must first think from your customer’s perspective.
Once you know what you want your promotional copy to do, who you want to talk to and how you need to say what you want to say to get results, it’s time to explore ... Views: 1088
A marketing plan is vital to the success of your business. Without a plan, even the best intentions may never be realized. You must plan the work and then work the plan, or your goals will not be accomplished. They key is to not only have a plan but to implement that plan. Implementation is ... Views: 1164
When was the last time you had a truly phenomenal customer service experience?
When was the last time someone you know shared a story about wonderful customer service?
Were you able to recall a truly positive experience without having to think too far back? If so, that’s great! I encourage ... Views: 1705
No matter what business you are in, you also have a second job…you are a marketer. That means you are responsible for letting others know about how you can help them. One of the best ways to get those opportunities to convert prospects into customers is by networking. Here are some simple ... Views: 1117
Take heed to headlines
Your strongest benefit is your headline. Find the most compelling benefit and let it help you speak to your customers. What will your product or service do for your customers?
Would you like to earn more money?
The question above undoubtedly got your attention. That’s ... Views: 1028
Once you’ve determined that you’re ready to create a promotional or marketing piece and you’ve considered who you want to speak to and how you want to present your information, you’ve examined features and benefits, plus brainstormed headlines, you’ll want to take the process a step a further. ... Views: 1107
This morning a full page ad consisting of only 9 words, one graphic, a logo and A LOT of white space, caught my eye.
Apparently Mr. Whipple is no longer with us. On page 12D of USA Today (yes, I’m traveling and it’s the morning paper I found outside my door) a cleverly placed add, packs a ... Views: 1123
From time to time, I send little bursts of inspiration your way. These include short video clips from Simple Truths.
I asked you to think about three questions last month and Roger Parker did just that. In fact, I was so impressed with his answers, I’m including them here.
But first, here’s a ... Views: 1657
People continually ask me how I’m able to accomplish all of the things that I do. Truthfully, I sometimes wonder that myself. But, ultimately, I know it’s because I’m a planner.
To some extent we all multi-task and have numerous responsibilities that can, at times, seem overwhelming. The key is ... Views: 1040
The loss of loved ones is not a topic many people like to discuss. In general, society is uncomfortable with this loss. However, death has a very real impact on those who knew and loved the departed.
Death impacts us all in specific and unique ways and each person deals with loss individually. ... Views: 1140
Techniques to Help you Plan
Throughout my career in the marketing, advertising, customer service and social service arenas, one thing sticks out foremost in my mind: the lack of advertising and marketing planning for businesses and non- profits alike.
I cannot count the times that I have seen ... Views: 1063