People continually ask me how I’m able to accomplish all of the things that I do. Truthfully, I sometimes wonder that myself. But, ultimately, I know it’s because I’m a planner.

To some extent we all multi-task and have numerous responsibilities that can, at times, seem overwhelming. The key is to learn how to manage the responsibility by planning for it. Believe it or not, day to day activities are less stressful when you implement a plan.

I must confess that I enjoy planning.

It wasn’t always that way though. In fact, it wasn’t until I was about 24 that the necessity of planning really kicked in. I attended a training seminar for the Franklin planning system (now Franklin-Covey) and that training gave me a gigantic light bulb moment (plus, the fact that I was performing commissioned sales work didn’t hurt either).

Sure, I had been successful up to that point but I didn’t really have a set plan in place. I was enjoying my career in radio and responsible for not only “selling air” but also filling it with clever copy. I didn’t have a clue where I would go from there.

Enter planning-mania …

I was so inspired by the Franklin system, I started mapping my life out in ways I had never done before. I created a plan and within one year, I had realized goals I hadn’t dreamed possible before (and, of course little changes happened along way too). As a single woman, at the age of 25 I purchased my first home. My career excelled. I resigned from the radio station and went on to pursue other interests. It was as if having a plan had ignited my passion and drive.

Now, 10 + years later, I’m still planning and the rewards are equally beneficial. I continue to use the Franklin-Covey system but it’s not the only system I use. I’ve learned that you actually need to have exposure to many different techniques and then specifically tailor them to your individual needs.

Planning can be fun when you approach it in fresh, new ways.

Here are some tips that have helped me in both my business and personal life and I’m sure they will help you too.

• Write your dreams on paper and they will manifest more quickly (this really, really works!!!)
• Use some sort of planning system (try many till you find the one the works best for YOU.)
• Stop procrastinating and just start
• Visualize your end results to get where you want to be
• Remember that success is not an accident

One of the most beautiful things about plans is they are ever-changing and as long as you have your big picture view in mind, you’ll easily adapt the plan to whatever comes your way and achieve maximum success. We may not be able to control everything that comes our way but we can adapt and change to ensure we’re living our dreams.

What is YOUR plan?

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Manyon specializes in POWERFULLY communicating business messages to increase results. She is a professional copywriter and marketing strategist. Her work has been featured by the National Association of Women Writers, Absolute Write, Copywriting TNT, Lewiston Tribune and more. Manyon works directly with Lorrie Morgan–Ferrero as theRed Hot Communications GOLD Copywriting Mentorship Managing Director and is also the first professional copywriter in Idaho to earn Glazer –Kennedy’s Creating Copy That Sells certification. She developed a series of training seminars for the Idaho Small Business Development Center to assist businesses with image, planning, publicity and copywriting. Sign up for Manyon’s complimentary ezine and get savvy marketing insights delivered right to you inbox at zero cost to you. Here