Success hangs on a tall tree, reach it.
Success is at the end of the deep sea, go for it.
Success is at the bottom of the well, retrieve it.
Success is in the heart of each of us, discover yours.
Success is different for all of us.
Success is reachable, ... Views: 2000
· Stop jumping to conclusions. There are two common ways this habit increases people’s difficulties. First, we assume that we know what is going to happen, so we stop paying attention and act on our assumption instead. Human beings are lousy fortunetellers. Most of what we assume is wrong. ... Views: 1248
Instructions for Life
1. Take into account that great love & great achievements involve great risk
2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson
3. Follow the three R’s – Respect for Self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions
4. Remember that not getting what you want is ... Views: 1685
This writing deals with a burden that most humans carry in life. This burden begins when we begin to become aware of ourselves. You see most of the training of society is set up with rules that try to make us all the same. Yet we are genuine and unique so it is impossible for us to all have the ... Views: 1113
This year, I intend to write only about the thinking needed to begin the journey to creating Wealth. So all my articles will be about attracting wealth into your life. My motto for this year is "Life is Better Than Great in 2008!!!. In order to live up to that mission statement, we must be ... Views: 1946