About 2-1/2 million children are injured or killed by hazards in the home each year. The good news is that many of these incidents can be prevented by using simple child safety devices on the market today.
Any safety device you buy should be sturdy enough to prevent injury to your child, yet ... Views: 760
Seasons are changing and it is time to think about putting away your summer or winter clothing—depending on where you live---and getting out the clothes that have been stored away.
This is a good time to look at every article of clothing you have in your closet. Take out each one and ... Views: 1471
Have you been taught if a can of food is bulging then it is bad and that is all you know about the safety and quality of food on your shelf? If your milk in your fridge has passed the expiration date do you still drink it until it tastes bad?
Do you know if the food on your shelves is still ... Views: 1449
This winter I went to a neighboring city for the day. When I left home it was partly sunny and I thought a light sweater would be enough to wear for the day. At the last minute I did take my jacket. In two hours time the weather changed to blizzard conditions. It was snowing, blowing, and the ... Views: 1151
Do you remember the days when computers were just getting started and we were looking forward to becoming a paperless society? It just didn't happen, in fact we have just as much if not more paper now than before computers.
There is so much paper that comes into our homes and offices we ... Views: 987
I worked for The Department of Services for People with Disabilities for ten years. I was a caseworker for people who were low functioning. There are many types of disabilities, mental as well as physical limitations. This can be a challenge for the parent or guardian when traveling at any time ... Views: 1048
Recently my daughter applied for a home loan and to her dismay there were four errors on her credit report. Credit card companies and one bank she had never had accounts with were listed with thousands of dollars owing on the accounts. It took several weeks and a lot of time and effort, not to ... Views: 1255
Do you cringe when you hear the word goal or New Year's resolutions? Or are you goal driven and you relish the thought of writing goals and crossing them off? I am one of the latter. I write down what I am going to do during a day, if I do something that is not on my list I sometimes go back ... Views: 578
• Keep all pet supplies handy. In a basket keep all supplies together, brushes, combs, flea collars or powders, soap, leashes, or extra toys. You may find it more handy to keep a brush near where you actually brush your pet, or keep soap under the sink where you bathe your pet. I have used ... Views: 835
When I was a child ADD/ADHD was not a diagnosis that had been identified. I was considered hyper active and was the child who presented a challenge to the teacher because I could talk to my neighbor, and at the same time know what question the teacher was asking and then answer the question. If ... Views: 1265
Messy rooms, disorganized closets and jumbled junk (I like to think of them as resource drawers) add unneeded hassle to our already hectic days and lives. I sat by two colleagues at a meeting today and the one was telling us about the flood she recently had in her office when she was on ... Views: 773
Honestly this is the very hardest!! Tips I have found that work for me: I show him how I want it to look and how I want it kept that way (like junk 'resource' drawers that he also uses all the time). I bought organizers for the drawer and organized it and asked him (a verbal contract) if he ... Views: 1283
One thing I have noticed as a professional organizer of homes and offices is that most people hold onto magazines and catalogs way after they have 'expired'; which creates clutter. It seems today everything has an expiration date, from food, medicines, children's car seats, batteries to parts in ... Views: 1101
When you think of clearing clutter does a closet, drawer or room come to mind? How about getting rid of the clutter in your medicine cabinet? This could be as important as getting rid of clutter in other parts of the home; it could actually be a health issue.
The bathroom is not the best ... Views: 792
I was reading in the book "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff…and it's all small stuff" by Richard Carlson, PH.D. I have read the book before but not everything always sticks so I like to go back and reread as a refresher. I set as my goal to read two to three chapters a night. They are so small each ... Views: 1925
I have a friend with the sign Simplify above her kitchen sink. Another friend was tell a group of women that she has signs all over her home that say Simplify. Her husband asked her, "What does Simplify mean to you??" We all laughed about that and the sign that used to say "Simplify, Simplify" ... Views: 997
Do you cringe when you hear the word goal or New Year's resolutions? Or are you goal driven and you relish the thought of writing goals and crossing them off? I am one of the latter. I write down what I am going to do during a day, if I do something that is not on my list I sometimes go back ... Views: 939
I worked for The Department of Services for People with Disabilities for ten years. I was a caseworker for people who were low functioning. There are many types of disabilities, mental as well as physical limitations. This can be a challenge for the parent or guardian when traveling at any time ... Views: 989