When the weather is cold I love turning up the furnace. I am glad I wasn't a pioneer because I love my electric blanket and warm showers. In the summer it is nice to step into our home and feel the cool air when it is hot outside. But having heat and air conditioning means there is a bill to ... Views: 1128
My belief as a professional organizer is that it takes a lot less energy and saves a lot more time when things have a designated place to "live" and it is tons better when those things live in a container in their home.
I know everyone has containers in their home that won't cost them a single ... Views: 1388
When did life get so hectic? Are you always rushing around hunting for things, are you accruing fines at the library, do you have clutter because there just aren't places for what you own? If so, you are not alone!
I was talking to a friend and she shared with me that her life has been overrun ... Views: 778
Organizing can be effortless--honest. To me it can even be easy, but I will not use that word because every time someone tells me something is easy it ends up being hard for me. I have some more simple tips to help make organizing everything and everyplace in your home effortless.
When phones ... Views: 786
Have you ever said, I am so disorganized, if only I could organize, I hate to organize, it is so hard, or I wish organizing was easy? If you have said any of the above, read on for great Do's and Don'ts that are so easy even you won't know you are organizing.
The key to effortless organizing ... Views: 1199
We love looking back at photos of our family Christmas memories—how about you? Some years my five daughters would "pose" for pictures taken from the back showing their long hair. The bonus of these pictures was we didn't have to wait for makeup to be applied. (If you have girls you know ... Views: 1006
With preparation and organization traveling with children can be a pleasant experience. Here are some organizing ideas and organizing tips to make your holiday traveling easier and less stressful.
Pack everything the child will need or want in a carry on bag that can be used in the airport ... Views: 724
Messy rooms, disorganized closets and jumbled junk drawers (I think of them as resource drawers) add unneeded hassle to our already hectic days and lives.
Organizing our possessions, treasures, and 'stuff' does give us peace of mind and a feeling that we can accomplish other things in our ... Views: 732
You know how Santa makes a list and checks it twice? That is exactly what we need to do. Make a master list of what you want and need to do before and during the holidays. Here are some organizing tips to get you started making out your list:
1. Decide on a budget and stick to it. I know that ... Views: 608
Last week at my rug hooking group we were chatting about Organizing ideas for Christmas and about our favorite memories and organizing ideas surrounding Christmas cards.
One woman said she likes to write a little family history even though she knows no one likes getting them. I take exception ... Views: 780
If you are traveling by car here are a few organizing tips to get your car ready before leaving and other trip ideas to make traveling pleasant and safe:I was driving to Colorado for a week to do some organizing. The car tires looked low so I went to a shop to have the tire pressure checked. I ... Views: 800
It is important to all parents and caregivers who have young children to be able to take a break away from the children and go out together. I can remember the first time we got a baby sitter for our little baby girl. We went somewhere close in case we needed to rush home. We weren't needed, but ... Views: 1112
Someone said to me the other day, "I don't know where to start to get organized". This is a legitimate concern. She had taken the first step; she recognized that she needs to get organized.
I have worked as a professional organizer for several years and I have found it is best to start with ... Views: 726
I love organizing tips. Even before I became a professional organizer I was always reading organizing tips to see how I could do something faster, and more efficient. Here are three favorite organizing tips from my friends that can also help you to be organized.
Edna does three things on ... Views: 741
Do you feel you practically live in your car? Americans spend an average of 2 ½ hours per day in their cars. They are often command centers when we run errands, act as a shuttle driver to take children to school, chauffeuring to sport activities, music practice, or running back to school to take ... Views: 1075
Organizing clutter in our homes is important as it creates space and gives us peace and happiness. It can also help to prevent fires. As we go about organizing clutter from room to room I suggest we also take a look at what we can do to keep our homes free from fires. October 5-11 is Fire ... Views: 1169
We all want our homes to look like House Beautiful when we and our families would be much happier with a home that is just the best our own home can be. I know as a professional organizer, organizing for women it is possible to have a clutter free home where we can walk in the door and take a ... Views: 742
I am sick and sad. I cleaned out a storage place in my home and I found an old suitcase and large plastic bag with baby clothes included two christening dresses that I had saved. I am sick because of the condition they were in. It's a good thing I decided to organize this area or there would ... Views: 2880
As I work with families as a professional organizer whose loved ones have moved out of their homes either to a retirement center, nursing home, care center or are deceased I increasingly see what a burden their loved ones possessions are to the families in charge of taking care of these ... Views: 2136
As I was walking this morning there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I started thinking how each color could represent some part of organization in our homes. (I can't help it, as a professional organizer my mind works that way). The story I was told as a child about the pot of gold at the ... Views: 1095
One of the biggest complaints I hear as a professional organizer when working with busy women is, "I just can't get on top of the laundry, there are always piles and piles. When my kids need clean gym clothes or the purple blouse for purple day at school those are the clothes that are always ... Views: 1064
I just organized a two car garage and my client found so many duplicate, good, and unwanted items that she is having a garage sale. The reasons for a sale are many and varied. No matter why you are having a garage sale here are some tips for a successful sale:
1·Gather Your Inventory
Once ... Views: 1235
I was at a friend's home waiting for her to come out of the house so we could go shopping. The man next door was using a leaf blower to clean off his drive way. He was blowing dirt, not leaves. As I sat and watched him I thought why I hadn't I ever thought of that. A leaf blower was just that to ... Views: 816
I just read another article that said multi-tasking is not possible and I just have to take exception to that. It bothers me enough that I want to say it just isn't true in some instances. First let's talk about the difference between men and women and can they or can they not ... Views: 1263
Teenagers are busy, busy people. Often they get a bad rap from adults calling them lazy. But in my experience, which includes rearing five daughters and professionally working with troubled teens they are ambitious, fun and interesting. Teenagers are my favorite age.
However, a lot of fights ... Views: 1206
Traveling to foreign countries can be a lot of fun and a great cultural experience. With research and planning the trip can be double the fun and less hassle. You will come home with great experiences to put in your memory bank and to share with friends and family.
Things to know before you ... Views: 876
I don't believe in using this phrase: "Do as I say, not as I do". Well, I have to eat my hat—or is it eating crow? Sometimes I can't believe myself. My confession is this……
Twice, not just once, I am chagrined to say, but twice this week I have committed to doing two things at the same time. ... Views: 775
Your great plan for the summer was to go through all your child's school work/art work they brought home this past school year but yikes there is so much of it where is the best place to start? First of all let's have a little talk:
·Do not keep all of your children's art/school work. Just ... Views: 3055
Is your biggest problem in your office knowing what to keep and what to get rid of? As I organize offices for women I find this is a big problem in the majority of homes. First it is necessary to have a filing cabinet that accommodates hanging folders. It is not necessary to have manila folders ... Views: 1325
As a kid did you love to play a game where you would all pile on top of each other and the bottom person would be yelling, "Get off, I can't breathe"?
Do you ever feel like the paper in your home is making it so you can't breathe? Paper piles in homes and offices can become a heavy weight if not ... Views: 1096
My friend's daughter is a ballet dancer. She had surgery on her tendon on her right ankle and then when it was almost healed she fell down the stairs and hurt her other ankle. This put her out of commission for several weeks and she wasn't able to try out for "So You Think You Can Dance' which ... Views: 840
What do these three people have in common? 1) These grandparents' grandchildren live in a different state than they live in and the children only visit twice a year. 2) The grandparents live in a condo with limited space, 3) another grandparent is 'obsessed with having a picture perfect home'. ... Views: 881
My aunt who was a wonderful loving, kind woman who had dementia the last seven years of her life. It was sad to see how it affected her life. The first I became aware of it was when a neighbor called me (I lived an hour away) and told me my aunt had answered her front door wearing only her ... Views: 657
No, I am not a gardener. Whew, it just feels good to say that. Here in the Northern Hemisphere it is time to plant gardens and mow the lawns. We wait until after Mother's Day which was on May 11th this year to plant tomatoes and other warm loving veggies. Any earlier than this and they can get ... Views: 749
I quilt, I am a quilter, I love quilting, and I love to quilt. Quilting has enriched my life in ways I never dreamed of. I have learned interesting facts about history because of quilts. I have made a ton of friends; and I have traveled because of quilting opportunities.
To make quilting fun ... Views: 1423
When I was a little girl we lived in a town of 1200 people in Oregon. An uncle came to visit and was horrified at the price of gas in our little town. I remember it was 41 cents a gallon and he said it was 21 cents where he lived. That didn't mean anything to me then but the high cost of gas ... Views: 669
I just have to say I go all agog when I get to go to The Container Store. (We don't have one here in Utah). I know it's sad but true. I use containers all the time in every room. I can go so far as to say I love containers. They are great to store things in, contain things in, make things get ... Views: 811
Identify theft is a serious crime. It occurs when personal information is stolen and used without our knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes.
According to the Federal Trade Commission here are the Common Ways ID Theft happens:
1.Dumpster Diving. They rummage through trash looking for ... Views: 816
An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked ... Views: 690
I remember driving from Oregon to Utah every summer in a small old car. My mom would pack up the back seat with boxes and suitcases and place on the top a mattress. It must have been a crib size as it was a small 1940's Ford. That is where I rode during the LONG trip. We would play I spy games, ... Views: 801
When I was about 10 years old I was in a recreation program. I loved going there everyday because it was fun and it got me out of picking raspberries. We would get up at 4:30 in the morning and start picking as soon as it was light. We kids got to leave the field at 9:00 to walk the ¾ of a ... Views: 688
1.When I get a raise I put the amount that actually shows up in my pay check (after taxes etc) in savings rather than in checking.
2.If I am writing a check I round up to the next ten and either put that in savings or let it build in my checking account. (IE: If the item was $45.79 I would ... Views: 882
Containers are the answer to a clutter free world. Well, that may be over simplifying it, but containers go a long way when you have an organizing dilemma. Do not go out and just start buying containers thinking then you will be organized. Containers can become clutter too. Here are eleven ... Views: 761
"We often keep items longer than we should for sentimental reasons", says Fugen Neziroglu, Ph.D. in Woman's Day magazine 6/05/07. Her surefire solutions in helping us to let go:
Find the best tribute: Instead of holding onto every single memento—greeting cards, playbills and ticket stubs—chose ... Views: 645
My daughter who works for the Peace Corps was visiting three of the countries in Africa which she is country desk for. (I have no idea what that is other than it is a lot of responsibility and work which she loves). She wrote: "being in Burkina is awesome! I feel so far away! I feel like I've ... Views: 654
One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. Each year thousands of young children are killed or injured in car crashes. Proper use of car safety seats helps keep children safe. But with so many different car safety seats on the market ... Views: 687
I was with my rug hooking group the other day working on our rug projects and because my friends know I am a professional organizer they started asking me how to organize various problem spots in their homes. One dilemma for several of them in new homes was what to do with linens when the ... Views: 1455
Two years ago a good friend of mine gave me a book for my birthday. I love reading books and I put it aside into my reading queue thinking what a nice gift she had given to me. When I did pick it up to read I saw it was personally signed for her and to her by her friends. I was not sure what I ... Views: 1137
Garages seem to become the dumping ground for everything we want out of our homes but can't part with so we stick it in the garage. Clutter can pile up until there is no longer room to even park the car.
Here are some simple no cost solutions to clutter clearing the garage and keeping it that ... Views: 712
One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. Each year thousands of young children are killed or injured in car crashes. Proper use of car safety seats helps keep children safe. But with so many different car safety seats on the market ... Views: 666