All your life you thought something was wrong with you. You were uncomfortable around noise. No one understood your
need to be alone. You seem to know things without being told. The good news is that you are not dysfunctional. You are a
highly sensitive person (HSP). You are not the only ... Views: 1620
After being glued to the Television set for a week, watching replays of the destruction of the World Trade Center. Seeing people tell hart wrenching stories of how they lost loved ones. I was feeling down and depressed. So I went out for a walk, and everywhere I looked in my neighborhood I saw ... Views: 1724
What is Chinese Medicine?
What are the Characteristics of TCM?
TCM, unlike western medicine, is holistic. The body is inseparable from the rest of nature. It automatically regulates its internal function to adopt to the regular changes that recur in the environment. Every part of the body, ... Views: 1007
Is strenuous exercise necessary for health?
No. Good physical condition is required for competing athletes and does not insure good health. A trained athlete can have cancer and die from a heart attack. Arnold Schwarzenegger needs to have a heart valve ... Views: 4210
What is the Collective and Historical Consequences of Humanities Voluntary Pollution of it's Central Nervous System?
What are the Collective and Historical Consequences of The Cheating on Neurotransmitters in Man's Central Nervous ... Views: 1048
I was a fifth grader the first time I flew on a commercial flight. I remember being amazed that I could get all the soft drinks I wanted for free. I remember the wonder of looking out at the clouds and the topography far below. I remember watching us land. The entire thing was a great adventure ... Views: 642
Leads are not just leads, they are your CUSTOMERS! If you treat your leads well, they will be your customers for life.
Part of treating your customers well is to continually build a relationship with them. As your relationship builds, so will the trust and loyalty your leads have for you. One ... Views: 751
Leads are not just leads, they are your CUSTOMERS! If you treat your leads well, they will be your customers for life.
Part of treating your customers well is to continually build a relationship with them. As your relationship builds, so will the trust and loyalty your leads have for you. One ... Views: 822
Listening to the soul is the fourth and final component of what I call, Working it Out, Within. Listening to the soul is mainly about spirituality. I believe that we each have a spiritual side. It is that component that drives us to find meaning for our lives and to live as fully as we possibly ... Views: 786
There are four components of Working it Out, Within. They are quieting the mind, healing the heart, strengthening the body, and listening to the soul. This article is about the third component, strengthening the body. This includes eating well, getting adequate rest, and the focus of this ... Views: 760
The philosophy behind Working it Out, Within, is made up of four components. The first is quieting the mind, the second is healing the heart, the third is strengthening the body, and the fourth is listening to the soul. This article focuses on the second component, healing the heart.
I used to ... Views: 1001
Quieting the mind is about creating mental wellness. Many of us live in very fast paced worlds where our minds are constantly spinning to try and keep up. We have appointments to keep, bills to pay, children to feed, money to make, ladders to climb, it seems like it never stops. In this age of ... Views: 756
The philosophy behind Working it Out, Within, comes from the idea that in order for us all to create and live our best lives externally, we must have a certain level of understanding of who we are internally. What I mean by this is what our values, beliefs, needs, boundaries, abilities, and ... Views: 2651
Being disappointed is all about perspective. It took me a long time to realize this. I was under the impression that if someone did something I didn¡¯t like, or a situation evolved that I wasn¡¯t happy with, then I had the ¡°right¡± to be disappointed. Of course the disappointment always led to ... Views: 1088
The celebration of the New Year brings hope and new life to old dreams. Things that didn¡¯t seem attainable or possible suddenly seem as though they are right within our grasp as the next year arrives. Are our dreams any more attainable then they were a day, a week, a month earlier, most likely ... Views: 757
Creating a healthier and happier life is a process. Many of us live in a very fast paced society, which focuses on getting instant gratification. However, if we are going to live the life we are meant to live, we must be as healthy as we can in order to have the strength, energy, and stamina to ... Views: 815
Most people this time of year usually start off the year with the intention to lose some weight and to live an overall healthier life. In my opinion, when you are serious about accomplishing this goal, this is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, your loved ones, and your career and ... Views: 1414
As a personal coach and a personal trainer, I see a similar theme that runs through most of my clients’ lives. That theme is a feeling of being unbalanced, a feeling of being overly stressed most of the time, a feeling of being pulled in too many directions and not having much control. It is a ... Views: 793
It’s funny how most of us assign a value to almost everything. We ask, “How was your day?”, “How did you sleep?”, “How is your job?”, “Did you have fun last night?”, “How is your relationship?”, “How are you doing?” All of these questions are designed to make the person being asked assign a ... Views: 942
What is wellness? I see wellness as a way of life. It is about creating health in order to prevent sickness. It is about practicing activities and skills on a regular basis that create physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Practicing a life of wellness is about just that, practicing ... Views: 8055
One of the many lessons I have learned in my life, and continue to learn, is that my thoughts create my emotions, and my emotions create my behaviors, and then it circles back around. Once this cycle begins it seems almost impossible to stop. If my thoughts are positive in nature, the results ... Views: 15337
At the beginning of each new year, we often think about the process of goal setting. We want to set lofty enough goals to be significantly challenged. But we don't want to set goals so high that we'll be perpetually frustrated. The best way to do this is to access the complementary concepts ... Views: 829
Are you a person who looks forward to being alone and thrives on solitude, or one who feels anxious and uncomfortable at the mere thought of spending time alone?
Each of the four behavioral traits – Dominance, Extroversion, Patience and Structure – have their own needs for interacting with ... Views: 1916
Breathing is something we do more than 14,000 times every single day. Yet the breath is something we rarely devote any attention to, and breath is one of the most powerful ways to develop awareness of our physical dimension. Breathing provides a link between our physical dimension and ... Views: 2553
Depending on your primary behavioral traits, you may have an easier or more difficult time handling your finances, but the good news is that anyone can learn the skills necessary to manage money wisely.
Dominance and Finances
A person who is high in Dominance likes being in charge, making ... Views: 753
Goals are the basic units of life’s design. They are markers or targets we set to measure our progress along life’s path. In the process of attaining the goals we strive for, we keep our commitments to ourselves, and we experience greater satisfaction in our lives.
Unfortunately, few people ... Views: 1742
Are you constantly tripping over books, clothes, and toys in your childs room? When you ask them to clean their room, does everything get shoved under the bed? If the answer is yes then it is time to attack the clutter and get their room in order.
A well thought out plan of attack will ... Views: 1002
Spring is finally here. This means we can go to the nurseries and buy all of the beautiful flowers we want. Right? Well you might want to take the time to plan your garden this year, before making costly some mistakes. I have listed here for you a few things you might want to consider before ... Views: 823
We are all familiar with the old saying a Place for everything and everything in it's place.
Everything you own must have a home. When you think about it you are probably about 95% there. Let's face it, when you come home with the groceries you don't just leave them sitting by the door (the ... Views: 1220
I had been unsuccessfully trying to loose from 15 to 20 pounds since my daughter's birth in 1973. Every so often I would get down to my desired weight. But before I could get to the clothing store to buy that pair of jeans I wanted, in the smaller size, those 15 extra pounds would creep back on. ... Views: 1891
My unofficial definition of the term codependent is an individual who is affected by the actions of others. How do I know if I’m participating in codependent behavior? I start by examining my discomfort. Where does it come from? Is my discomfort caused by the action of another? When I can put my ... Views: 3411
As I prepared my educational sessions each week I noticed a trend I could not deny. No matter what subject I selected, whether it was honesty, denial, defenses or boundaries the core issue always returned to a lack of self-worth. If the clients felt a sense of self-worth, there would be no ... Views: 8331
Are you happy with your career? I wasn’t happy with mine. But I stayed in it for many years because I had a powerful disabling belief that I could not find a comparable position. I didn’t realize that I could change my career and my life at any time by following five simple steps. The first and ... Views: 1371
Imagine a future in which your personal computer becomes a doorway into a world of enhanced intelligence and creativity, emotional stability and previously unrealized personal success. In this world, the computer has become more than just a word processor or a web browser; it has become both an ... Views: 3365
Balance is more then a juggling act. It means being in control and feeling comfortable with your choices.
Many people try to juggle their family, friends, leisure, work, relationships & health. Trying to juggle however is a stress in itself. Balance is a much better choice.
In search for ... Views: 751
Have you been divorced in the past, just recently or just about to go ahead with it? Was it your own decision and choice or his/hers against your own wish? Whichever the case, it is possible to divorce your spouse. It may be hurtful, stressful, difficult or even quite relieving but it is ... Views: 3396
Have you been divorced in the past, just recently or just about to go ahead with it? Was it your own decision and choice or his/hers against your own wish? Whichever the case, it is possible to divorce your spouse. It may be hurtful, stressful, difficult or even quite relieving but it is ... Views: 761
Have you been divorced in the past, just recently or just about to go ahead with it? Was it your own decision and choice or his/hers against your own wish? Whichever the case, it is possible to divorce your spouse. It may be hurtful, stressful, difficult or even quite relieving but it is ... Views: 982
Have you been divorced in the past, just recently or just about to go ahead with it? Was it your own decision and choice or his/hers against your own wish? Whichever the case, it is possible to divorce your spouse. It may be hurtful, stressful, difficult or even quite relieving but it is ... Views: 752
Fact: Take the spare change out of your pocket every night and put it in a child's piggy bank. At the end of a year you will have at least a hundred dollars to spend as you wish.
Now take this same principle and discover the huge payoff in the "spare change" time you've been wasting all these ... Views: 839
An interview with Dr. Marc Grossman, co-author of Natural Eye Care-An Encyclopedia recently published by Keats, practitioner of Behavioral/Holistic Optometry for over 20 years, Licensed Acupuncturist and director of Integral Health Associates located in New Paltz, New York and Rye Learning ... Views: 1842
Do you have a contented life? For the most part, are you happy?
What makes you think you are happy or not happy?
When are you content?
Where are you when you feel most content? Is there a special time or place when you are most content? How often does this happen?
Why would you say you ... Views: 5561
In an issue of his Creativity Newsletter, Eric Maisel , PhD, wrote: "Only a small percentage of creative people work as often or as deeply as, by all rights, they might be expected to work. What stops them? Anxiety or some face of anxiety like doubt, worry, or fear. Anxiety is the great silencer ... Views: 871
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. ~David Frost
You are the little packet that holds the seeds to succeed! Finding those seeds in your self is the key to your success. Your seeds of desire, ambition, self-esteem, and ... Views: 1094
"Now is the only time there is. Make your now wow, your minutes miracles, and your days pay. Your life will have been magnificently lived and invested, and when you die you will have made a difference." -- Mark Victor Hansen
So famously said by the well known Mark Victor Hansen from Chicken ... Views: 986
Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.
~Juvenal, Satires
When I envision life as one continuous, free flowing stream nothing I encounter comes as a shock. Becoming one with my life, as with nature, I can clearly see the significance of the moss that gathers, the boulders that ... Views: 719
When you find yourself wondering around aimlessly throughout the day that is a good sign that somewhere along the way you have lost the zest for the moment. Is this ok? Well, sure it is but does it feel good? No, I would have to admit it doesn't at all! Is it possible to hang on to your get up ... Views: 895
The past represents lessons learned. It holds memories that when reflected on give guidance to the present. The past is not meant to hold on to, live in, wish on, grieved over, or to be brought into the present. It is simply a part of life that is key to future growth. When applying what is ... Views: 814
We are spiritual and incorporate a body in the process of being born; we do not incorporate a body and become spiritual. At an early age of our spiritual life we encounter religious beliefs that gives ethical encouragement but does not offer an upward path thereafter. As we progress on this ... Views: 1226
Do you experience a heightened sensitivity to certain noises, light, foods, groups of people, other people’s edges or emotions, or does everyday life feel like just too much stimulus? Do you have frequent feelings of overwhelm and panic? If you experience any one (or more) of the preceding ... Views: 8002