"Now is the only time there is. Make your now wow, your minutes miracles, and your days pay. Your life will have been magnificently lived and invested, and when you die you will have made a difference." -- Mark Victor Hansen

So famously said by the well known Mark Victor Hansen from Chicken Soup for the Soul. I couldn't agree with him more. Life is something we do every day! It's our home, it's our job, it's our family; it's who we are! Life can be one of great returns if we live it and share it wisely.

What you get from each day totally depends on what you put into it. Invest in the day wisely and get a yield on your return that is more than you asked for! We get back all that we give, what a great investment! Now where can you go and get that kind of return on earned wisdom, love, caring, and sharing?

Make your now a wow is a very powerful thought. It's a thought process that only you have control over. No one else can take that from you or give it to you. If for some reason you do not feel your now is a wow moment, change it! You are the author of the day in your life. Edit the script, change the cast; make the days of your life a saga all will remember!

Complain and get complaints. Smile and get smiles. Nowhere in the living life do I know of anyone who day after day gives out scornful frowns and gets an "oh I love you so much smile" back. When was the last time you gave someone a frown or scowled at them and got a smile back in return? It's your choice! Choose wisely my friend! It's what you take forward with you on your path that follows you to the end of it.

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About the Author

Vanessa Ebner is a Reiki Master Teacher, writer, and Spiritual
counselor. She provides angelic guidance and inspiration through daily Angel
Readings via the World Wide Web.
To read more of her articles visit the Author's Website:
Preview her book Hear the Angels Whisper at: http://www.1stbooks.co