Would you agree that WoManKind is beleaguered ?
Wouldn’t you give anything if you could come up with a solution to the multi-mysteries that besiege our race ? Well, we’re not here to offer magic buttons. Just to let you know that we have built a place where you, who are “On The Path”, can search for answers – share suggestions and solutions – mutual support and empathy – even pathos – together.
SoulGrowth.org is the “On-Line Portal for All Matters of Spirit”. E Aquarian is the visionary and Founder of Soul Growth Inc., Soul Growth.org and Soul Growth Tele-Meditations. They are providing a Home Base for those who:
1) Have not been able to find a support group,
2) Would like to find more or better companionship,
3) Think it important to broaden their group of friends,
4) Are not even sure they want a support group, but maybe they’re just curious,
5) Need information or “Goods”, Services or Events to aid them in their Spiritual Journey, or
6) Would like to help others who are “On The Path”.
Soul Growth dot org is visually stunning (no exaggeration) and very practical. It is warm, and inviting, makes you feel right at home and offers a wide range of information and services. You could browse all the resources for hours and pick up remarkable and very helpful wisdom and facts (and some very arcane details).
People of all walks of life . . . of all faiths are welcomed. E was quoted: “Surely there is no more need for any separation – at this level of consciousness”.
This site is ingenious and effective because it encourages everybody to work together to help everybody else ! Thought leaders are encouraged to step forward . . . and help the visitors and Members on the site by sharing their wisdom and experience – while tastefully promoting themselves on their own, “Personal Page”, bringing more traffic to their websites, broadening their sphere of influence and their opportunities and offering their products, events and services through the AwareHouse, etc.
The “Guiding Principle” of the site is “You can do absolutely ANYTHING that you want to do, on the site . . . as long as you are KIND” !
The site creators have spent over a combined 125 years studying the process of Soul Growth. They admit that it is not an easy row to hoe – but they have broken it down into a step-by-step endeavor. They will not say that they think it will be easy to reach the definitive objective . . . the ultimate goal, of Enlightenment. But they do say that they fully believe it is possible – for anyone who is willing and able to put in the commitment, dedication and passion.
E is delivering his signature, free “Muse” Letter, weekly – right to the InBox – which, he promises, will be relatively brief, but offer very compelling information and inspiration – from many sources. Anyone who registers (free) for the Muse Letter will receive a 10% discount on all of the “Goods” and Services offered in the AwareHouse and other benefits.
The Soul Growth Team encourages all business people to check out the effective free and paid promotional opportunities.
Soul Growth Tele-Meditations was created so that co-authors and Tele-Seminarians Isis and E Aquarian (and other “Thought Leaders”) can share powerful, tested and proven ancient and contemporary “Keys” – which they literally guarantee will change your life. From the Free, 1 hour, “No More Secrets” – to the inexpensive 7 hour (over 3 weeks) “Four Corners of the Pyramid” – all the way to the end of “The Mystic Road” (the 22 week “Final Honing”) – I encourage you to explore the unique world behind the bright amber key near the top, right of their Home Page – entitled “GroundBreaking Tele-Meditations”. These Seminars suggest very practical meditations and exercises and one of their most powerful elements is that they always encourage people to submit questions – for each module – and then they come up with clear, helpful responses, live.
The Tele-Seminars range from Free to reasonable and each one is recorded so that you have free access to the recording for a month. This is a great service because, if you miss one, are late or just want to go back and review something – it’s easy and free. The pre-call Study Guide and the Insight Summary help you stay on track and make the most of the time. You will receive beautiful downloads as bonuses. It has been dubbed “Compelling Wisdom from the Comfort of Wherever you are”.
“SoulMates” is the next, among Soul Growth’s ambitious plans for expanding the services of Soul Growth dot org. This is a completely new sphere they are developing, which will provide you the opportunity to find a companion who is already “On the Path” instead of resorting to the usual, the frustrating (and sometimes demeaning) ways of trying to find companionship. He is stoked that many people are inquiring about it . . . and interested to notice that – so far – they have ALL been women !
The “Master plan” for the site is to enable you to easily find your current place on "Your Path", and then easily find the tools to aid you on your Journey. E’s vision is for Soul Growth dot org to become the “Gathering Place” for all who are on “The Path” – and the response, so far, is very encouraging because so many people are taking part and showing that they agree ! Check it out. Be assured, you that you won’t regret it.
E Aquarian
Founder, Soul Growth Inc
GroundBreaking TeleMeditations
The On-Line Portal for all "Matters of Spirit"
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