Stop what you’re doing right now. Feel how much tension you have in your abdominal muscles. Chances are, you’re “sucking in your gut.” Now stop and notice how you’re breathing. Chances are, you’re taking shallow breaths, and you’re breathing with your chest?

Did you know that this “shallow chest breathing,” also called “inhibitory breathing,” can contribute to high blood pressure? First of all, don’t worry, you’re not alone, pretty much everybody does it. The great news is that through a simple breathing technique called “diaphragm breathing” – you can learn how to cut stress and reduce high blood pressure naturally.

Have you ever noticed how a puppy or baby breathes? They breathe with their stomachs, not their chests. Plus they tend to take a shorter inhale, and a longer exhale. This is the bodies’ natural way to get the lungs full exposure to oxygen and a full release of carbon dioxide.

The easiest way to “relearn” how to breathe is to imagine that you breathe through your belly button.

First, so you can feel the difference, try taking your normal “shallow chest breath.” Do that a few times and see how that feels.

Few of us have ever really paid attention to our breathing. Do you see how restricted your inhale is? Next, do you see that your exhale is “shallow,” really not even close to “all the way out”?

Next, try breathing a few times with your belly - as if you could breathe through your belly button.

Pay attention to your inhale. Your rib cage should stay still. You can feel right away that you’re getting a big difference in effective lung capacity. Now pay attention to your exhale. Keep going past your normal stopping point and exhale until you’ve really squeezed out all the last air.

This is “diaphragm breathing” and it’s a key technique in breaking stress patterns and triggering the relaxation response.

When you were a baby, you knew how to breathe properly. Bad breathing habits are something we learn as adults. One of the best ways to unlearn our bad habits and reprogram to good habits is through doing regular Guided Breathing.

Over ten clinical studies have proven that doing deep breathing just 15 minutes a day, 3 to 4 days a week will permanently lower your blood pressure.

With just a little practice, you’ll see how easy it is to get the fantastic benefits of a deep breath of fresh air!

To learn more about natural ways to lower your blood pressure without drugs, watch our FREE video "127 Secrets that the Drug Industry DON'T Want You to Know" at

Author's Bio: 

Andy Krals is the creator of numerous naturopathic medical programs, including The Breathtaking Nature Method, available at