That irritating “Type A” supervisor at work is exactly the type of person to have high blood pressure, right? Actually, not necessarily. In nearly all cases, high blood pressure has no symptoms whatsoever.

So how can you tell? Have a test:

Option #1) Get one done for free. You can go to your supermarket or pharmacy and use one of their “Free Test” machines. Unfortunately, these machines often haven’t been serviced in years. Ask the pharmacist when the last service was. If you get a confused look with a shrugged shoulder, it’s not a good sign.

Option #2) Visit your doctor. The one catch with this is called “white coat hypertension.” Some people are just naturally edgy at the doctor and this can temporarily drive up your blood pressure. It’s no excuse not to go though - The Mayo Clinic recommends that everybody over 20 years old get a professional blood pressure check at least every two years.

Option #3) Do-it-yourself. One of the best ways to get a really accurate overview of your blood pressure is to get in a home monitor. Some people have “morning hypertension,” for example, which might never be caught except if you do a test right when you roll out of bed. Prices on home-test machines have really come down in recent years. “Omron,” for example, makes some excellent models. It’s a wise investment.

Now, with all of this said, there are indeed some symptoms of high blood pressure. Calling high blood pressure, “The Silent Killer because it has no symptoms,” isn’t entirely true.

Headaches, dizziness and nosebleeds are all potential warning signs. But, they typically only occur in cases of dangerously high blood pressure. Plus, because these symptoms are so common and easily ignored, they usually pass unnoticed as “It’s nothing, I just have a headache,” etc.

Another indicator of high blood pressure is 'sleep apnea.' Sleep apnea is when people stop breathing briefly while they sleep, often associated with heavy snoring. [As an interesting side note, snoring is also an indicator of type II diabetes.]

Blood pressure frequently increases gradually as we age. Especially as we get older, it’s increasingly important to stay vigilant about knowing where our blood pressure is. How long has it been since your last blood pressure check? Not to be overly melodramatic but your life depends on it. Time to get tested today.

To learn more about natural ways to lower your blood pressure without drugs, watch our FREE video "127 Secrets that the Drug Industry DON'T Want You to Know" at

Author's Bio: 

Andy Krals is the creator of numerous naturopathic medical programs, including The Breathtaking Nature Method, available at