When What You Want Is Stalking You
You know that advice people give then you're dying to buy something, "Go home, and if you're still thinking about it in a few days, go back to the store and revisit it." Frequently one you get home you realize you don't really want the item over which you ... Views: 674
On the first day of school, within the first two minutes, I discuss this issue with the children. While most classrooms are based on fear, our classroom is based on trust. The children hear the words and like them, but they are only words. It is deeds that will help the children see that I not ... Views: 633
Stephen Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, shares an experience that he once had while traveling on the New York subway. Imagine you are riding the subway early one morning, and everybody appears to be comfortable -- people are drinking their coffee, reading their newspapers ... Views: 875
As a twelve-year veteran of the suburban “opt-out” culture, I am intrigued by the renewed and misguided discourse on the social dynamics of the insular universe I inhabit. I see the points that are being made. In record numbers, we are getting off the career freeway that was paved by our ... Views: 863
The heart of the new approach to selling is an intense focus on the prosperity of your customers. This is a radical departure from what most salespeople and selling organizations do. The entire psychological orientation is shifted 180 degrees. No longer do you measure your own success first. ... Views: 639
Do you think you know a leader when you see one? Most companies have the wrong notion of what a leader really is and does. Yet all the development efforts in the world can't deepen the leadership pool if they're focused on the wrong people to begin with.
The brilliant strategist, the creative ... Views: 696
What Is Tantra? The word Tantra is becoming increasingly familiar, as a practice embraced by celebrities such as Sting, Woody Harrelson and Scarlett Johanssen, to name a few, and as an exotic, somewhat laughable approach to sex, as depicted in movies and on television - from ''American Pie'' to ... Views: 2006
In 1962, I had an entry-level reporter's job at an Omaha television station. I had bargained to get a salary of one hundred dollars a week, because I didn't feel I could tell Meredith's doctor father I was making less. Meredith, who had a superior college record, couldn't find any work because, ... Views: 810
Practice 9: Be Authentic and Transparent
Today's Customers have good reason to be skeptical. The marketplace is filled with products that don't work; businesses flood media with campaigns to improve their image without the good business practices to back them up; and politicians and governments ... Views: 644
Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
--Howard Thurman
If you feel stuck in any area of your life, if you're not attracting the car, house, job, mate, or anything else you ... Views: 610
#1: Mastermind Power
One of the secret strengths of Maui Millionaires is the power of the mastermind. A mastermind group is a group of two or more people who come together to work on a common goal in the spirit of focused harmony and trust, where all members benefit. The skill of masterminding ... Views: 908
Why do you still feel fat after losing weight? Why is yo-yo dieting so prevalent? Are anorexics really being honest in their heart of hearts when they gaze in a mirror at their scrawny, starving bodies and insist they are grossly fat?
You've heard all the standard-issue answers to these ... Views: 2230
It's not hard to discern how most Americans look at Congress. Whether in public opinion polls or person-in-the-street interviews, citizens regard the national legislators the way they would disliked relatives: They know they have to live with them, but they hope to have as little contact as ... Views: 1118
If you were asked, "Does your hand belong to you?" you would naturally say, "Of course."
But ask neuroscientists the same question and they will turn the question back on you: How do you know it's your own hand? In fact, how do you know that you have a body? What makes you think you own it? How ... Views: 3007
Whether you are trying to get students to attend an event or to check out your job postings, avoid these frequently made mistakes.
1. Wasting time and money on advertising that doesn't reach your target audience
Newspapers and bulletin boards may seem like great places to advertise, but do you ... Views: 876
All right, so I listened to my wife. After all, I've been doing it for nearly forty years, I should have stopped now? Boy, is she going to feel guilty.
So there I was standing at the corner of Fifty-seventh Street and Park Avenue, minding my own business, waiting for the light to change. My ... Views: 889
Sir Winston Churchill
Born November 30, 1874
Died January 24, 1965
Prime Minister of England when it really counted, Sir Winston led the Brits to victory over the evil Nazi Empire in World War II -- no easy task, especially when many thought the British would wave their white hankies, grab a ... Views: 1873
Gautama Buddha
Born 563 B.C.
Died 483 B.C. (Approximate Dates)
Buddha was born a privileged prince named Siddhartha Gautama in Nepal. He lived a luxurious life with his wife, Princess Yasodhara, till the age of twenty-nine, when he realized he’d never stepped foot outside the palace gates ... Views: 799
It may seem that we have a long way to go before most people have access to truly integrative cancer treatment. Academic medical centers have not yet sufficiently integrated CAM services into their conventional care models. According to research by Dr. David Eisenberg and his colleagues at the ... Views: 691
The highest spiritual path is life itself. If you know how to live daily life, it all becomes a liberating experience. But first you have to approach life properly, or it can be very confusing. To begin with, you have to realize that you really only have one choice in this life, and it's not ... Views: 711
You’re going to be rejected in life, heck it happens to me all the time. And if you haven’t experienced much rejection, I’ll bet you’re not taking many risks. Without taking risks you’ll lead a safe, predictable, and somewhat boring life. So let’s learn how to ... Views: 724
In the practical world I grew up in, sexuality and spirituality were not considered poetically. The logic of aiming for a successful life left little room for passion and visions. Practically from the moment I was born, I was urged to join society's routines that would march me through life. The ... Views: 1250
October 1994
There was a sharp rap on the door, followed by a muffled but unmistakable command from a voice outside in the hallway.
"We want the white guy, just the white guy. We know he's in there. He comes out now and there's no trouble for anyone later."
I was the "white guy." I ... Views: 709
If your in-laws want more at the wedding, then they should pay more. A side job at Marshalls would do wonders for the floral budget. See if your father-in-law is interested in applying.
Your in-laws have so many "needs": top-shelf alcohol, a live Peter Gabriel cover band, authentic Scottish ... Views: 1045
It would be wrong to imply that destructive norms have taken over the business community. This is emphatically not the case. Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to quantify just how far ethically pernicious norms have spread. The truth lies somewhere between "a few bad apples" and "a culture ... Views: 1927
When I give seminars, this is the moment that I introduce the most memorable visual aids I have ever used. Picture yourself holding an empty drinking glass in one hand and a pitcher containing water in the other. The glass represents your house. For simplicity's sake, let's say it is worth ... Views: 1186
When people talk about where they find beauty, what is beautiful to them, they reveal whom they love and how they love, and what they love to do.
Listening as people recollect and offer their own beauty stories, I am in awe of the ways that beauty moves in our lives. Everyone who has a family, ... Views: 792
As humans, we again and again find ourselves dumping resources into lost causes: be they pointless wars, failed public policies, hopeless dating prospects, annoying friends, or dandelion-free lawns. I say take a stand (or actually, a seat in this case), and just quit.
Despite proclamations to ... Views: 2825
Here’s the toughest question that most companies can’t answer: “Who are you?” This means trouble. It’s trouble because if they have no sense of who they are, what’s really important, and what the point of it all is, they are going to find it difficult to compete with a competitor who has got ... Views: 882
He came out of the night, appearing suddenly in my headlights, a big, golden dog, panting, his front paws tapping the ground in an anxious little dance. Behind him, tall cottonwoods in their April bloom. Behind the grove, the San Juan River, moving quickly, dark and swollen with spring melt.
It ... Views: 1092
By Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson, authors of Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me)
False memories allow us to forgive ourselves and justify our mistakes, but sometimes at a high price: an inability to take responsibility for our lives. An appreciation of the distortions of memory, a realization ... Views: 1181