During change, most of us feel weak and incapable. We haven't been told that we can get through things, so we automatically assume that we can't. But I'm here to remind you that you're much stronger than you've ever imagined. You've already been through many more changes than you realize, and ... Views: 628
Soaring gas prices and the US credit crunch have many business owners scurrying to reduce costs and "do more with less." But this natural and reflexive approach to economic uncertainty is often the worst path a business leader can take. In fact, while researching my recently released book The ... Views: 680
The Mann Act, long relegated to the status of bawdy Frank Sinatra punch lines and literary asides—Lolita’s Humbert Humbert deplores the law as “lending itself to a dreadful pun”—was serious news recently for the first time in a century. In March, when Eliot Spitzer resigned as governor of New ... Views: 774
Another reality in the post-9/11 growth of intelligence analysis capability is outsourcing. We have outsourced the management of billlion-dollar technical collection programs, and we have contracted intelligence analysts.
The National Reconnaissance Office is a lot more than an office; may ... Views: 999
Eating on the run. Cellphoning while driving. Email avalanches. Distracted living. We prize knowledge work, yet have little time to think. We can contact millions of people worldwide, but have trouble sitting down to chat or eat with those we love. In this wondrous, high-tech, hyper-mobile age, ... Views: 2417
I love to paint, to feel the creamy goo under my brush. I spread it out like butter across canvas. I turn the music up loud and almost dance with my brush. I paint about simple things that make me happy, or simple things I find beautiful. Georgia O’Keefe is my hero for that reason-- for ... Views: 640
Who knew that one needed to be so thoroughly tech-savvy to be an author?
I’m not just talking about knowing how to create chapter headers in Word (I don’t but I fake it well enough) or being able to change your printer cartridge. Nowadays, you have to know how to ... Views: 821
The coal that has powered China's economic growth . . . is also choking its people.
-- Elizabeth C. Economy
At the root of many of China's air-quality problems is its heavy dependence on relatively high-sulfur, low-quality coal for everything from electricity generation and industrial ... Views: 771
By the author of Forgive Us Our Debts
What two vital features of American national life are inordinately costly compared to any other country, no longer deliver world-beating results, are increasingly inequitable, are highly dysfunctional, and elicit growing anger from much of the ... Views: 676
Investors evaluate companies by gauging management effectiveness, quality, character, and values. Surprisingly, executives, who have an inordinate influence on their stock price, often transmit the wrong signals and act improperly with their investors, the media, customers, and employees. They ... Views: 881
Americans start to feel the ripple effects of war and violence.
The United States is at war, and the home front is hurting. One and a half million Americans have served in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over 4,000 are dead. Nearly thirty thousand have been physically wounded. ... Views: 565
A few weeks ago, I returned to the classroom of Dennis Dalton, the most important college professor of my life. From the back of an amphitheater seating several hundred students, I realized how much things had evolved at Columbia and Barnard. The lecture hall was now equipped with a wireless ... Views: 1701
I have no problem ‘fessing my age, sixty-one, as long as you don’t use those numbers to limit or define me. And, if you have a problem with that, we can meet in the parking lot to settle the matter (just kidding!). My sixty-one may just be your thirty-six: healthy, fit, vibrant, ... Views: 573
One of the most common mistakes made in the retirement investing world, particularly among 401(k) participants, is over-concentration in an employer's stock. In an analysis of more than 100,000 401(k) participants from companies offering stock in their 401(k) plan, more than 54 percent of ... Views: 780
We are in a bear market, but Wall Street will never admit it. It is so emphatic in a bull market, but loath to address bad times. I know the market is only off 10-15% from its October 2007 peak, but just wait. I spent 32 years as a securities analyst on Wall Street, and unlike the current ... Views: 1017
Ignorance is the enemy of liberty. That truth has never been so forcefully made as it has been with the rescue of the hundreds of children from the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints compound in Eldorado, Texas.
As the clergy abuse crisis within the Roman Catholic Church has proved, Americans are ... Views: 871
We are a service economy. Close to 80% of our GDP is service based. In a marketplace wrought with problems and concerns over the economic downturn, one must wonder how we will pull ourselves out of this fiscal malaise, when our primary source of business results from how we service what others ... Views: 893
Family Reunion
Making a full-scale motion picture like Prince Caspian is a journey unto itself -- not only a physical one that took hundreds of filmmakers thousands of miles across two hemispheres, but also a spiritual and emotional voyage for the film's family members.
With mothers and ... Views: 1031
As a parent, you are at the center of your child’s life, but first you are at the center of your life, and what your child needs more than anything is for you to be okay. Being OK will also improve your negotiations with your Ex over all issues.
There are a lot of things you can’t change, ... Views: 670
l. Get a facilitator. This is the traffic cop of the session, and should be an outsider. An insider brings baggage that can inhibit the free flow of ideas. HR consulting organizations are one possible resource; if you are working with a design firm like IDEO or Continuum, they may be able to ... Views: 1173
Mindfulness is being aware of yourself, others, and your surroundings in the moment. Well-known mindfulness teacher, Jon Kabat-Zinn, defines it this way Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally. I also like to think of ... Views: 917
Americans are deeply unhappy with the country's health care programs and costs. And rightly so. As one author observed, "A recent survey showed that only 17 percent of respondents in the United States were content with their health-care system . . . Why the discontent? The superficial reasons ... Views: 677
Got dirt? "In South Carolina, a truckload of dirt is the same price as a video game!" reports Norman McGee, a father in that state who bought a small pickup-load of dirt for his daughter and friends.
McGee is turning consciousness into action. So is Liz Baird, who keeps a "wonder bowl" ... Views: 1150
This book is about the revolutionary discovery that the human brain can change itself, as told through the stories of the scientists, doctors, and patients who have together brought about these astonishing transformations. Without operations or medications, they have made use of the brain's ... Views: 1154
I spent the day of August 21, 1992, driving to a mountainous desert town whose name, in the scorching heat and fine dust, was a seductive mockery: Palm Springs, California. I had embarked upon the most Californian of endeavors, an editorial retreat for the Los Angeles–based magazine where I ... Views: 520
The dentists got it right -- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Dentists don’t sit back and wait until a patient needs a root canal before they take action. Instead, they continually monitor, preventatively treat, and educate their patients on ways to take care of their teeth. ... Views: 493
If people are Nice, Trusted, Proud, and Included, then the Recognition will certainly follow. And that doesn’t mean strictly dollars and cents.
Our strong feeling is that money is not the main reason people choose where they work for life -- for a career. After all, money can’t compensate for ... Views: 685
Once a child moves beyond breastfeeding, it's up to us parents to take on the awesome responsibility of navigating our way through a pretty lousy American diet and nourishing our kids in ways that help -- not hinder -- their growing bodies and brains.
This is more challenging than it ought to ... Views: 653
Losing weight, changing dietary and exercise habits, and reducing stress may not seem like common prescriptions for treating those aches and pains that may ail your back -- but these things often go hand in hand with successful treatment for back pain. This is why successful treatment for back ... Views: 475
To have a better divorce, you need to take some time to read, think about and act on the advice in my book, Make Any Divorce Better, and the specific steps you can take. No matter what your situation, if you follow my advice, things will soon get better.
As a family law attorney for over 35 ... Views: 720
As a family-law attorney for over 35 years, I can tell you that the secret to a successful divorce is to minimize your involvement with the legal system and to avoid using lawyers who work in it. Where one spouse is a controller abuser -- 5 to 10 percent of all cases -- this advice does not ... Views: 753
We're up to our eyeballs in The Information Age. This certainly shouldn't be news to anyone given the fact that we can't seem to get away from the 24/7 world that technology has afforded us. There is news, views, and supposition coming at us from every angle, including on-line versions of ... Views: 752
Many traditions treat desire of all kinds, but sexual desire in particular, as negative, as something that must be suppressed. Desire is certainly complex. It can overwhelm us and interfere with our better judgment. In this society, we are conditioned to be ruled by our desires: desires that are ... Views: 1218
What are the secrets to happiness and meaning? Why do some people find a deep sense of purpose while they are here and die with few regrets while others end their lives bitter and disappointed?
About two years ago I set out to answer that question by asking several thousand people to identify ... Views: 834
I built and rebuilt several businesses from 1974 to 1984. I was determined to become an entrepreneur. Just like a baby who stands and falls a number of times before learning to walk, I stood and fell a number of times before walking as an entrepreneur. I did this because I wanted to learn to be ... Views: 1202
Back when I was a financial journalist, no one asked me if I had ever traded derivatives or shorted a stock. But in my new incarnation as a chronicler of global infidelity, my own experience with the subject seems to be my chief credential. Reviewers of my book, Lust in Translation, have ... Views: 1014
The morning after François Mitterrand's funeral, a photo showed the late president's mistress and illegitimate daughter standing by his grave alongside his wife and sons. That tableau has become famous internationally as proof that the French are uniquely tolerant of extramarital affairs.
In ... Views: 1533
My father’s death certificate is a fraud. The family doctor, family friend, long-dead, initiated the cover up. Dr. Blackmer, dressed as always in a dark suit with the sprinkling of dandruff on his bear-like shoulders, stood in that hospital corridor that last night mumbling about pernicious ... Views: 854
We are in the midst of selecting a candidate for president. Each candidate has articulated positions on important issues … economy, terrorism, war, immigration, healthcare, and so forth. While these specific issues matter, we know that we don’t know all the demands our next President will ... Views: 802
Romance. We are all suckers for it (yes, even you guys--you know what it leads to!) Images of romance surround us: the couple holding hands at Starbucks, the gazillions of bridal magazines you breeze past on the way to buy toilet paper, or the frolicking couples on billboard perfume ads. ... Views: 946
Hunch, gut feeling, impression, psychic hit -- these are all names for this power called intuition. Intuition is a tool for acquiring knowledge without the process of rational thought. It is the sixth sense; it is what informs you beyond the first five senses of taste, hearing, touch, smell, and ... Views: 1070
The majority of Web site owners have fewer than 10 incoming links to their sites. The search engines view incoming links as verification that your site has quality content. The more related links your site has from other sites (with the underlined clickable text that includes your targeted ... Views: 840
Orlando, Florida, January 28, 2006
There is a ride at Disney World called the Tower of Terror, and on the weekend of January 28, 2006, my four children, even the twin five- year-olds, begged me to go on that ride over and over again.
Housed in a re-created aging Hollywood hotel, the ride ... Views: 1029
If you are one of the many women in the U.S. thinking about returning to the workforce after taking time out to start a family, you might feel a bit lost.
Technology has changed, your field may have shifted, and your priorities may be different now that you have little ones at home. The ... Views: 619
Have you ever noticed things about your body that are annoying, weird, smelly, or downright embarrassing? If so, you’re not alone. We all experience the often unsightly and sometimes unseemly signs and signals our bodies send us about our state of health. Ugly growths may pop up on our eyelids, ... Views: 993
Are you ready to open?
If so, we've put together a strategic framework that capitalizes on both the social web's traits and technologies and the icitizenry's power to be both medium and message.
Two trends in particular anchor the open brand framework:
The first is the emergence of consumer ... Views: 802
Fast Profits in Hard Times will teach you everything you need to know and give you specific resources (websites, toll-free numbers, etc) to implement the following 10 strategies:
1. Invest in Tax Liens
Buy liens placed on properties by municipalities because owners have fallen behind in paying ... Views: 834
Of late I’ve turned to The Gospel of Thomas. It’s taken the privileged top position on my night-stand, on which rests a mini-library of spiritual books ranging from A Course in Miracles to Ram Dass’ wonderful Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita. I read these texts exhaustively because I’m on ... Views: 937
Tantra is an ancient Indian tradition that recognizes sexual energy as a source of personal and spiritual empowerment. Sexual energy does not necessarily mean sexual activity but rather, the life force that exists in everything. Indeed, Tantric practices can enrich your relationship and all ... Views: 855
Want to hire a top producing salesperson for your company? Sure, everyone does. In all my management and consulting years I’ve never been mandated to hire average salespeople.
But hiring top producing salespeople on a regular basis—those individuals who consistently sell at least four times ... Views: 1027