Almost everywhere we turn, trust is on the decline. Trust in our culture at large, in our institutions, and in our companies is significantly lower than a generation ago. Research shows that only 49% of employees trust senior management, and only 28% believe CEOs are a credible source of ... Views: 876
What about small businesses? Can they sit this one out? In a word, no. Here are six reasons why:
1. Laws that once applied only to big business are encroaching on smaller enterprises. Even bakeries and gas stations must now comply with clean air regulations.
2. Small companies often have an ... Views: 647
Cardiovascular care in America is spiraling out of control. We are now spending more than one hundred billion dollars a year for treatment and management of cardiovascular catastrophes (heart attack, stroke and diseases of the vascular system). This extraordinary amount of money is spent on ... Views: 1210
The speed of life is a global condition that presents a strategic challenge for everyone. The speed of life combines excessive amounts of unrefined information with a glut of choices and opportunities and presents itself in the form of confusion and distraction! How well we function within ... Views: 579
It never fails. On every author's book tour, every interviewer, every moderator, every talk show host always asks the same question, especially when the room goes silent and they need to rescue the interview -- "Why did you write your book?" This is a failsafe method to get the author chatting ... Views: 607
Build a better nest egg with 6 easy, sound strategies for 2009.
The stock market lost 38% in 2008, but if you lost more than 20%, your problem wasn't really the stock market, it was the design of your nest egg. Storms occur in markets, as they do in the real world, but your home shouldn't be ... Views: 682
Embody the habits of the rich to enrich your own wallet!
1. Tax-free: Contributing and trading within a tax-qualified brokerage account means that you could be earning up to 30% additional in returns (which you don't give to the IRS for capital gains taxes). Compound that year in and year out ... Views: 1084
You are a creator of our world. Your retirement dollars are invested in the corporations that define our existence. When you realize the power of your money and investments as tools to make you rich and to also enrich our world, you will start aligning yourself with other creative and motivated ... Views: 606
The most serious problem with the widespread use of CAT scans is the radiation these devices leave in our bodies. CAT scans are not simple chest X-rays, which deliver only a small amount of radiation. Instead, they expose the patient to a significant amount of radiation, and radiation in ... Views: 745
I was raised around a lot of guys. I was the only girl. My brothers and cousins even started a club called BAM -- Boys Against Marshawn! Most of my mentors have been males. This has made me an extreme alpha personality, and very competitive. Some women, and many men, view this competitive nature ... Views: 835
One day, back in the early 70s, my father suddenly discovered that he had the astonishing ability to talk to the dead and heal the sick (for real!).
By day, he was a successful interior decorator with clients ranging from the Presidents of Cuba and Haiti to assorted mobsters and the illicit ... Views: 760
Do you demand only the finest 1000 thread count Egyptian Cotton sheets or require that your bath be drawn only with bottled spring water? Do you insist that your coffee be stirred only counter‐clockwise? If so, then, like many celebrities, you're a diva. Are you surprised to learn that you ... Views: 702
It was late July.
The summer mangoes had dropped from the trees and were lying rotting on the ground, ripped open by feasting bugs and birds. Their intoxicating, sweet smell mixed with the heaviness of the nightblooming jasmine. This languid perfume created a thick, rarefied atmosphere that at ... Views: 670
November 30th, 2008 -- Today was our last day in Medina, the city of the Prophet, before we head to Mecca, the center of the Islamic world. My mother has adjusted well and is beginning to overcome her phobia of crowds. We have had the good fortune of meeting friendly Muslim women who have ... Views: 826
It was with a feeling of trepidation that I first sat down to write Hurry Down Sunshine. I don't think of myself as a memoirist in the usual sense of the word, and Hurry Down Sunshine is not about my childhood or my "awakening" or the "turning points" in my life. It's about a dramatic event that ... Views: 683
On July 5, 1996, my daughter was struck mad. She was fifteen and her crack-up marked a turning point in both our lives. "I feel like I'm traveling and traveling with nowhere to go back to," she said in a burst of lucidity while hurtling away toward some place I could not dream of or imagine. I ... Views: 684
Many people ask me, after reading Hurry Down Sunshine, how Sally is doing now. The book tells the story of Sally's first manic attack at the age of fifteen, during the summer of 1996 in New York City. My aim was to recreate the experience of Sally's astonishing leap into psychosis from both ... Views: 716
Where would we be without mnemonics? We use them all the time, probably without realizing. Doctors and dentists invent funny phrases for vital workings of the body. Taxi drivers have signposts all over town to remind them how to get from A to B. Actors learn their lines with the rhymes and ... Views: 3156
I am a self-made multi-millionairess. (I love that "ess" part.) I own three national companies, have over 100 employees . . . mostly women, and just finished my first suspense romance novel at the age of 59. I feel I am an intelligent, well educated, articulate woman with a good sense of self ... Views: 1563
1. Know how to shake hands. Your grip must be firm and you must make eye contract. Smile and squeeze. Human contact is the first step in initiating a relationship.
2. Determine what you and/or your services are worth right from the start. Don't sell yourself cheap at the beginning just to ... Views: 676
I think texting rocks! It means that no matter what you are doing you can be in touch with and connected to your loved ones. Texting has absolutely deepened our dating and love relationships. Now your "A" level friends and lovers can be in a constant secret dialogue with you. Of course ... Views: 2029
Thanksgiving is coming fast. Christmas. Hanukkah. Are you doomed to a miserable holiday if your relatives drive you crazy? What if you are just introducing your family to a serious date, someone who could be the One? Does Aunt Millie always cluck about what a shame it is that you are single ... Views: 662
The world of business and employment can be a cutthroat one, which is why it helps to be ahead of the game and gain an advantage over competitors whether individuals or entire companies.
Business Internet Domain Names
As with all aspects of selling yourself, choosing a name for your website is ... Views: 866
For 16 years I was the mistress of a married man. I was single, he was rich. I wanted to be someone. He was a doctor. I was a single mom. He had three kids and a Nanny. I wanted romance and passion. He was horny. His wife was the turkey. I was the gravy. I was, "The Other Woman."
Being a ... Views: 8874
The writing of a memoir is a tricky proposition, and not only because the form has been dragged through the mud by its own practitioners in recent years. Philip Roth has a passage in his novel The Counterlife about "the strange bind" in which the family members of a writer find themselves: ... Views: 605
The Greek Philosophers
The names of the three most important Greek philosophers, in order of their dates of birth and also their influence, are:
Socrates (469-399 BC)
Plato (c. 429-c. 347 BC)
Aristotle (384-322 BC)
Socrates taught Plato, and Plato taught Aristotle. Together they created the ... Views: 1187
After learning the alphabet, the next step is to devise coherent sentences. The rhyme below categorizes each of the parts of speech, giving a clear example of each grammatical term. The rhyme dates back to 1855 and was written by educators David B. Tower and Benjamin F. Tweed:
A NOUN'S the name ... Views: 1717
Brands can benefit from advertising in social-media space. The approaches offer a means to engage consumers, enhance brand reputation and image, build positive brand attitudes, improve organic search rankings, and drive traffic to brand locations, both on- and off-line. The steps in any ... Views: 859
Social media encompass communication possible throughout all of the forms of social communities online. Social-media communities include forums, virtual worlds, social news organizations, social opinion-sharing sites, and social networks. Social networks are built around site platforms that ... Views: 1242
In a Web 2.0 world, advertising exists in an interactive environment characterized by user control, freedom, and dialogue. In this context, advertising means inviting the consumption of branded experience, ideas, and knowledge, engaging consumers, and inspiring interaction. It is no longer ... Views: 567
In an economic downturn, employers need to be even more careful with their hiring decisions. And recent graduates from some of the best schools may not have the skills that matter most in the new global knowledge economy. In researching my new book, The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our ... Views: 602
We are not going to transform education by simply replacing one administration with another or even by passing new laws. Instituting better assessments is the one most important change we could make tomorrow that would have the greatest impact, but before we can consider a host of other policy ... Views: 799
Economic survival is not the only factor that we must consider as we rethink education goals for the twenty-first century. To better understand how all of our schools must adapt to new realities, we need to explore three fundamental transformations that have taken place in a very short period of ... Views: 737
When we talk about starvation, or eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, we’re normally referring to behavior relating to food. For example, when someone is said to have the condition called anorexia, we are typically describing a behavior pattern marked by an aversion to or pushing ... Views: 751
The Desire to multitask and be constantly Connected to the net and to friends as well as the hunger for immediate results influence how young people today interact with the world -- whether in school or at work or at home or while traveling -- and must be taken into account by both educators and ... Views: 1075
* The high school graduation rate in the United States -- which is about 70 percent of the age cohort -- is now well behind that of countries such as Denmark (96 percent), Japan (93 percent), and even Poland (92 percent) and Italy (79 percent).
* Only about a third of U.S. high school ... Views: 892
33 How do I know when I should see a registered dietitian?
See a registered dietitian (RD) when your diabetes is first diagnosed, when a new doctor changes your treatment plan, or twice a year for a routine review of your meal plan and goals. See the RD more often if:
• You want to ... Views: 861
Charles Saatchi, Donny Deutsch: name any flog-master you care to. In my opinion they're second best, though, compared to the holy ones, those who bedeck Williamsburg's streets with the word of G-d. Suddenly last summer, out for a bike jaunt, my mind did a double take as I stopped to answer a ... Views: 839
Virtual worlds give participants an opportunity to be whoever they want, wish or hope to be. With a custom designed "avatar," you can look, behave and speak any way you want. It's your "second life," after all.
Brands, however, don't have that luxury. They bring established reputations and ... Views: 881
The world is changing at an extraordinary pace. Twenty-five years ago, most young people who mastered the "3 r's" of reading, writing, and arithmetic and had a high school diploma were likely to be able to get and keep a decent job. Not so today. In research for my new book, I've come to ... Views: 773
Dear Mr. President:
Your education platform was filled with noble generalities. I suppose you thought you couldn't get more specific because the No Child Left Behind Law is increasingly unpopular and unworkable, and there is no agreement about how to fix it. It is an issue that doesn't lend ... Views: 1141
"Cemetery." Not a great way to start a conversation with a stranger, is it? Today all things deathly are impolite. But it wasn't that way in years gone by. Passing was something to be embraced. For two hundred years, urban American Christians were buried in churchyards. Then things got ... Views: 717
A great gulf exists between American military and civilian societies. But paradoxically, it can be hard to tell young veterans of our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from their peers who haven't served. As I wrote a book about West Point recently, I would visit with vets who had left the Army and ... Views: 659
Many years ago my great grandfather told me of the persecution he experienced in Russia which led him to come to this country. He said the Cossacks would pursue him at night, when he was out teaching, and slash him with their sabers. One night he was on the hill above his village with his rabbi, ... Views: 951
America, in a ritual that it undertakes every four years, is about to elect a president. Our choices for the highest office in the land are a man who has done absolutely nothing in two years in the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama, and a man that has done too much for too long in the U.S. Senate, John ... Views: 716
Dark Marketing is slowly making its way into the advertising lexicon, and for good reason. Rock bands like Nine Inch Nails and burger giant McDonalds have unleashed its brand engagement and reinforcement capabilities with results marketing chiefs can cheer.
But, for many in the industry, the ... Views: 874
Last week marked the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. I was particularly pleased that its end coincided with Rosh Hoshana. As a bonus, Eid, the festival following Ramadan, coincided with Gandhi’s birthday. It all seemed fitting, somehow, emphasizing our participation in an ... Views: 765
One night after the presidential election of 2000 in November and before the ultimate resolution of that election by the United Stages Supreme Court in mid-December, as I lay in bed listening to Nightline, I heard James A. Baker III explaining to Ted Koppel why it would be wrong to supercede the ... Views: 768
Three of our presidents have been particularly fascinated by rifles: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. But all for different reasons.
Washington was what we would call an "early adopter" of rifle technology. As early as the French and Indian War (1754-1763), when he ... Views: 659
Why is the National Rifle Association called the National Rifle Association? It seems an odd choice considering the organization's commitment to the Second Amendment, which refers broadly to "arms," not rifles, that require keeping and bearing. Wouldn't it make more sense for the NRA to call ... Views: 753