The holiday season is prime time for weight gain. Between Halloween candy, Thanksgiving feasts and all the food associated with Christmas and Hanukkah, it's no wonder that dieters dread this time of year.

Keep these tips in mind while celebrating to help you avoid holiday weight gain.

1. When you attend a holiday party or encounter rich holiday food around the office, make yourself a deal. Allow yourself a small amount of the item. A good rule of thumb: take the amount you'd get if you were taking a free sample at a store. This will be enough to temper your craving and prevent you from totally pigging out on the item.

2. Don't label a food as totally off limits. That's a recipe for failure. If there are several items that you'd like to try, take a sample of your favorite one.

3. Remind yourself that there will always be more holiday food to enjoy. You don't have to try this one item right now. You'll have another chance. You will probably have another opportunity to try the same food at the next holiday get together.

4. Plan ahead. Before you arrive at the party, fill up on low calorie foods such as salad, low fat crackers and cheese or fruit. This way, you won't be starving when you arrive and the high calorie, high fat foods won't be so alluring.

5. Drink a glass of water when you first arrive and fill your plate with the healthiest items available. Think of the high fat casseroles, side dishes and desserts as just a small part of your total meal.

6. Sip sparkling water instead of calorie-rich alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is not only high in calories, it can make you feel like you want to eat more and might lower your natural resistance to all of those high-fat foods.

7. Busy yourself with other things besides hovering around the food. Get involved in a conversation, join a game or help the hostess out with getting the party ready.

8. Eat healthfully at home throughout the month. Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables, including some of the more festive fare you might find in the store this time of year: pomegranates, an amazing variety of apples, pumpkins and squash.

9. Exercise at least 30 minutes most days. If you are going to a holiday party, exercise a bit more. Getting your body moving will help keep you motivated for avoiding holiday weight gain and it will do wonders to reduce your stress level, as well. If you are just starting an exercise program, talk to your doctor first.

10. If you overindulge one day, don't get too discouraged. When you wake up, eat a healthy breakfast, drink water, exercise, and plan to do better.

Author's Bio: 

Jamie Jefferson writes for, where you'll find reviews and coupons for popular online diet plans, including diet meal replacements . You can also see her choice for best online diet. And follow @momscape on Twitter.