Sometimes the desire to lose weight is just not enough.
It's nice to think about having toned muscles and flat abs but when you get home from a long hard day's work, exercise and preparing a healthy meal may be the last thing on your mind. All you really want to do is rest. When this kind of ... Views: 613
If you have never used online dating services you may be overwhelmed at the choices available for you to choose from. There are so many it can be hard for a beginner to know where to start.
Because of their popularity, online dating services are now available for very specific groups of ... Views: 645
“I know I need to exercise, but I just don’t have the time.”
Sound familiar?
This is the number one reason given for not exercising: a lack of time. But like so many "reasons" for not doing the things you know you should be doing to better your life and your health, it's ... Views: 718
Depending on the way you handle your credit card spending, many banks will automatically give you a higher credit card limit after a specified period of time. Some review their credit card holders' accounts on an annual or semi-annual basis and, based on the criteria they specify, may increase ... Views: 1338
At your home, you may have stopped using incandescent bulbs, you may have a low flow showerhead, you may have added more organic foods to your diet, and recycling may have become an ingrained habit. You are doing your part at home to reduce your carbon footprint and keep our Earth green.
But ... Views: 684
Do you have an upcoming wedding or are you planning for an engagement? This is a time that calls for a very special ring and more and more people are now designing their own engagement rings. This adds an extra special touch to an already very important ring.
Several online jewelry stores now ... Views: 1083
Some people have absolutely no problem making a great first impression on a first date. It’s probably safe to say, however, that most of us have just enough social anxiety to make it easier to embarrass ourselves on a first date than it is to make a great impression.
Don’t feel ... Views: 928
As a parent of young children, it seems as though every time we turn on the news or pick up a paper, there's something new to worry about. Now it seems researchers are linking bisphenol A (BPA) to everything from ADHD to cancer. Meanwhile, more than 95 percent of the bottles currently on the ... Views: 560
It's often said that children learn languages better than adults, but that doesn't mean you're out of luck if you're over the age of five and want to learn a second language. These days, you'll find lots of tools that will help make the process relatively quick and easy. Here's a primer.
Before ... Views: 723
Walking contains all of the necessary qualities that you need to lose weight and become healthier. It exercises the major muscles and gets your heart rate up, which can, in turn, boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.
Starting a walking program is easy, no matter what your age or ... Views: 1746
Working at home is definitely an exercise in focus and discipline. After starting a work at home career, many WAHMs realize that self-control and scheduling need to become their best friends. But what happens during the summer months when the kids are out of school?
Since your business can't ... Views: 793
Most kids look forward to three months of nothing but fun and games, but, as a parent, you know that learning should take place year round.
And while it can be hard to get your child's attention among all the swimming pools, video games and television shows that they'd rather be spending their ... Views: 596
You've prepared yourself to lose weight by choosing the right diet and clearing your kitchen pantry of all of your forbidden foods. You've learned how to cook meals that will help you lose weight and you've stocked up on approved snacks. But then, you face the dieter's dreaded test: eating out ... Views: 595
So much care and attention goes into preparing for a new baby, and it's only natural that you would want to provide the very best.
One of the decisions that new parents are faced with is whether to choose a traditional or organic crib mattress. Organic crib mattresses work just as well as ... Views: 661
Babies come in small packages, but they sure do come with a lot of stuff! Every new parent realizes this fact as soon as they go to a store to register for their baby shower.
It can seem impossible to keep a nursery organized, but it's essential that you start out with a good plan. After the ... Views: 1491
A home workout system offers the ultimate in convenience, and it's a great way to excuse-proof your workout. You don't have to go to a gym or recreation center to get in your daily workout, and it doesn't matter what the weather decides to do any given day.
Whether you are looking to purchase ... Views: 629
As good as it feels to dust off the cobwebs and freshen up the house before the summer heat starts up, the process of getting everything in order can sometimes be a painful one. Instead of dreading this year's cleaning sessions, let the following seven tips help make the process easy and ... Views: 646
Summer is a great time to finally squeeze in all of those activities that you don't have a chance to do during the school year. Here are 25 fun, cheap, and easy ideas for keeping your kids busy until the school bell rings again in the fall.
1. Map out all of the different parks in your county ... Views: 1144
If you were to hire a life coach, you would have some help in clarifying your personal goals, as well as someone to hold you accountable in your efforts to attain them.
But hiring a personal coach can get expensive, and it can be a little awkward and embarrassing to ask someone to help you to ... Views: 669
A father's love is a powerful force. Here are ten meaningful family traditions to help you celebrate Dad this Father's Day.
1. Make sure Dad knows that this is his day and that you will be spending time as a family doing whatever he wishes. If you have younger kids in the house, ask them to ... Views: 629
The bond between a grandfather and his grandchildren is often unlike any other relationship. Here are ten ideas for helping your kids celebrate and honor Grandpa this Father's Day.
1. Ask each of the grandkids to draw a picture of themselves enjoying time with Grandpa and to include a note ... Views: 710
When you are a busy mom with young children, those daily cleaning tasks can get overwhelming. Here are a few tips that have helped me to keep our home tidy.
1. The big key in keeping your home tidy is to start off with an organized home. When everything you own has its own proper place (and ... Views: 642
Portion control is one important key to successful weight loss. When you are able to get a good sense of what constitutes a portion size (and you can stick to that portion size), you'll have an easier time shedding those unwanted pounds. Here are some helpful tips and visual cues to help you ... Views: 544
Orange County, California, was once a quiet community just south of Los Angeles. Thanks to Disneyland and other family destinations, Orange County is now a hotbed for vacationers. Like any tourist destination, the prices have risen along with the number of attractions, but it's definitely ... Views: 672
We Americans love our plastic. The average American has four credit cards, combined to provide access to about $19,000 in credit. We use them for everything from buying groceries to paying our utility bills to fulfilling our church pledges.
And all that credit can really cost us: Credit card ... Views: 684
Most picky eaters will, at some point, outgrow their finicky tastes. And while that's some consolation, a picky eater can sure make family meal times frustrating.
Here are nine tips that may help your picky eater broaden their culinary horizons:
1. Involve your child in the shopping and ... Views: 603
Some kids seem to naturally get lost in the wonder of their imaginations. Others need a little more prompting. In any case, there are many things that parents can do to encourage their children's creativity. Here are ten ideas you can use today:
1. Keep your toys simple. Though it's sometimes ... Views: 736
Staying home with your young children is ripe with daily, simple pleasures -- and profound challenges, as well. Here are six tips that helped me maintain my sanity (and be the best mom I could be) when I was home full time with my three kids:
1. Stay focused on the bigger picture. If you're ... Views: 657
You may think of tropical getaways as romantic interludes for couples only, but many all inclusive resorts actually cater to families, with special activities that allow children to have a memorable vacation – and that allow parents some special one on one time, as well. Here are some tips ... Views: 754
Starting an online business is a great way to increase your income. There are many different ways you can make money online through your own websites and your own digital products as well as by being an affiliate for other people's products.
Many things make starting an online business so ... Views: 708
Losing weight is one of the most difficult – and one of the most rewarding – adventures you can embark on. Here are some tips that have helped me.
1. Talk to a doctor. It seems every diet gives this advice at the beginning. This time, instead of thinking of this advice as a mere ... Views: 539
Staying consistently motivated and focused in a traditional office can be difficult enough, but when you are working from home, it's even tougher. There is always something that is nagging to be done. How does a work-at-home mom turn off the distractions and work productively? Here are nine ... Views: 747
This is the time of year when I am always looking for a little lift. This string of days before spring unfolds just seem to stretch on and on.
Each year, it seems, I try something new at these times. Here are 18 things that have worked for me to lift the winter doldrums. See if any of these ... Views: 671
Fast food is quick and easy and, with all the new dollar menus, it can be an affordable option, too. But eating too much of the wrong kind of fast food can be unhealthy, with loads of saturated fat and extra calories.
Use these simple guidelines to easily choose the healthiest choices from ... Views: 818
If you are looking for love online, you may well find it. Every day, more and more people are joining the search, and thousands can now testify to happy, lasting relationships that have formed as a result. Sadly, thousands more have fallen victim to online dating scams.
Here are secrets to ... Views: 713
Knowing ways to save money on gas can make a big difference in your monthly fuel bill, whether you are embarking on a long journey or just making a daily commute.
Top Tips for Gas Savings
Here are eight quick tips for saving money at the pump.
1. How fuel efficient is your car? Do some ... Views: 688
A bit of pampering every once in a while will help you feel more balanced in your life and ready to nurture those around you. And creating your own mini home spa is simple and affordable. Once you set it up, it will be a cinch to recreate as often as you like.
Whether it is a daily, weekly, or ... Views: 1086
Each day, your skin is pummeled by agents that can cause aging: Everything from overexposure to sun and wind to dehydration and air pollution.
Your skin may begin to appear dull and lifeless, and you may start seeing wrinkles around your mouth and eyes.
But you can fight against premature ... Views: 2237
1. Writing a good online dating profile utilizes many of the same skills as writing in general. To avoid becoming intimidated by the process, write like you speak. Pretend you are writing to your best friend. Then simply begin writing as quickly as you can, without taking the time to read ... Views: 857
Of all the exercise programs, walking is perhaps the simplest and cheapest. Walking can also be one of the most effective exercise programs because walking is an exercise that many of us enjoy and will actually take time out of our busy days to do.
Walking results in the same benefits of many ... Views: 790
Online dating has hit the mainstream. People of all ages and stages are taking advantage of interpersonal tests and technology to find a match that is just right.
But is online dating safe? Here's what you need to know before venturing into the online dating world.
Keep it Online For Awhile ... Views: 757
Shopping online allows us to research and find just the right product at the best price, anytime of the day or night. But how do you maintain your safety and privacy in the online environment?
Here's what you need to know to protect yourself when online shopping.
1. Purchase only from ... Views: 782
You can be romantic this Valentine's Day without spending too much. All it takes is a little creativity and forethought. The key lies in personalizing your celebration and letting your loved one know how special you feel each ordinary day that you are together.
Here are 25 ideas for ... Views: 2666
Added sugar is in everything these days, from ketchup to salsa to soup. It’s everywhere, I suppose, because we have come to expect it to be.
And it’s not just the white stuff we need to worry about. “Refined carbohydrates,” such as white bread and white flour products, produce the same ... Views: 2207
By the end of any given weekday, we have packed lunches, kissed foreheads, gone to work, driven carpool all over town, and now…now it is time to cook dinner.
Here are twenty quick and easy dinnertime tips that can also make for magical family memories.
1. Have lots of fresh vegetables on hand. ... Views: 935
Follow these twelve simple tips to kickstart (or reinvigorate) your weight loss program.
1. Write down your weight loss goals. Make sure each goal is realistic, and that you have included a time line. Break down larger long-term goals into monthly or weekly goals so you can stay on track ... Views: 894
I am a self-help junkie, admittedly, and there was a tip I read from Brian Tracy in a course that I’m taking online. He asked me to catalog my fears – and then to imagine that I didn’t have this fear. The moment you are feeling anxious or nervous about something, he said, you can simply stop and ... Views: 560